Displaying 1 - 36 of 8870 results



The RA Summer Exhibition: "I could do that - but I've got talent"

You've got a little less than a week to get yourself down to the Royal Academy to marvel at the wonders of the Summer Exhibition. Or do I mean wonder at the marvels? Or neither? Do I mean marvel at the lack of talent - or the extraordinary choices of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


What makes a bad logo bad (and a good logo good)?

Unlike Naomi Klein, I like logos. In fact, I think everyone should have one. Not just every company every single person. We could do away with those boring, old fashioned signatures and photos and just stick our personalised logo on things like...

Posted by: Creativepool


Art Exchange unlocks the art world by uniting art, tech and business

Art Exchange, a new art event featuring a range of exhibitions and talks fusing the worlds of art, tech and business is launching in London this month. The aim of the event is to show how art can help companies and individuals adapt and prosper, in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


PR campaigns exposed - The good the bad and the ugly truth

The old adage goes that there’s no such thing as bad publicity - but this is a very old saying, and its originators failed to live to see the year 2023. That’s probably a good thing, as the last 12 short months could have spelt the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Bieber: only slightly more bad-ass than Barbie

So, Justin Bieber’s in the news. Yes, that craaaaazy 19-year-old superstar is at it again. The over-exposed victim of his own success was caught racing down a Miami street in his bright yellow Lamborghini at 4am. Apparently he’d had some...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Good Copy, Bad Copy

Website: www.goodcopybadcopy.co.uk Twitter: @goodcopybadcopy Facebook: facebook.com/dorisandbertie When did you start out blogging? According to my archive, October 2006. I can’t believe it’s been that long! How did you choose your blog...

Posted by: Creativepool


Bad accounting habits to give up for the new tax year

The end of the tax year is approaching, which means it’s time to think about making a few resolutions to make your business better over the next 12 months. So if you’re considering making a fresh start during the new tax year, are there...

Posted by: FreeAgent


Can a name change save a bad brand?

I have something of a conflicted personal history with Hermes. My long-suffering other half is a serial online shopper - one of many habits that blossomed over lockdown - so our local delivery driver has become a familiar face over the last two...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

How to spot a bad recruiter

Recruiters aren't all bad. There is an unfortunate stigma that has stuck the recruitment industry which have developed from agencies that are poorly run who bombard candidates and clients with irrelevant jobs and pointless calls. There are however...

Posted by:


Bad reception. Why the worst thing about DAB isn't the advertising.

'Share the love!' says a one and half foot, massive headed, dead-eyed creature in a white jump-suit. Ordinarily the shock of this vision would wake you from your nightmare. You'd slope off for a wee and crawl back into bed. But this isn't a bad...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Opinions - Carr trouble. Why bad news needn't be taxing.

by Magnus Shaw Jimmy Carr is recording an episode of the sweary panel show 'Eight Out Of Ten Cats' tonight. A week ago, that news would be no more intriguing than discovering your train has a filthy lavatory. But a week is a long time in a troubled...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ridding the world of bad design with Dawn Creative #CompanySpotlight

This week, we speak to David O’Hearns, Managing Director at Dawn Creative, about how a nightmare at an old agency turned into a beautiful dream of a fresh start. A new dawn, if you will… How was your company born and where are you...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much time are you wasting on bad briefs?

Sometimes, the most constructive thing you can do is wipe the slate clean, salt the earth and start again. Yes, it can be painful to walk away from hours, days or even weeks worth of work but, as the old saying goes, you can’t polish a turd no...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


7 ads that prove Carlsberg wasn't all bad as new pilsner launches

Danish beer brand Carlsberg recently took the brave decision to launch a new campaign criticising the taste of its own product to promote the launch of a new pilsner. The work has seen social videos emerge featuring employees reading out negative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Loughborough University takes a stand against bad design!

Loughborough University announced this week that it will be temporarily halting the rollout of its new visual identity as a result of a petition set up to revoke the revised logo, which was supposedly developed with the aim of bringing the branding...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What the UX? If 'user experience' is so important, why is it so bad?

Remember what a pain using a website used to be? Leaving aside the time it took for a page to load, which was often sufficiently long to allow a quick city break, it wasn't unusual to find the navigation wrongly linked, or the image files so large...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Bad advice. Is Trip Advisor an effective marketing tool?

I'm in Egypt, as I write this. I've returned to Dahab on the Sinai Peninsula to see how two revolutions have changed things since I was last here. As it turns out, the Egyptians are still as warm, hospitable and helpful as ever. The Red Sea remains...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The terminology trap. Is jargon bad for us?

Other than persuading an audience to act, a copywriter's mission is to deliver clear and concise communication. Writers claim this is an underappreciated art, so it's always useful to examine the ways in which language can be used for the opposite...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Christmas 2022: The best of a bad bunch | #HolidayMonth

As we leave November behind at fully embrace the Christmas season, Josh Pearce, Creative Director at Dark Horses, talks us through the festive ads that stood out among the glut of so-so offerings this year. Like looking in the fridge on December...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A Critique of Criticism (for anyone who’s ever had a bad review)

On January 29th 1968. the New York Times carried a review of an album by an up and coming musician. Unfortunately for the aspiring artist it was not a positive one. ‘Alienated Young Man Creates Some Sad Music’ ran the headline, and the...

Posted by: Richard Holman


The industry’s mental health is in bad shape, but there's hope

With the COVID-19 outbreak showing no signs of giving up, more and more professionals in the creative industry have been struggling with mental health, with 67% of people feeling now more anxious than ever, according to Anxiety UK. The mental health...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


A disloyal customer, a chatbot, and a really bad movie.

AI and Customer Retention Practices. A semi-fictional case study. It’s a dark and stormy night. About 10 pm. Maria walks into a store. She goes straight to the pharmacy aisle. She is looking for Melatonin, a popular herbal supplement to aid...

Posted by: Andrea


Google Ad Blocker: Don't get too excited, it might be a bad thing

Google recently announced that it will launch a version of the Chrome web browser that will automatically block intrusive ads in early 2018, following an earlier announcement from Apple that it too would be introducing an ad blocker to its Safari web...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Sainsbury's Christmas ad: the bad taste of festive chocolate?

Ah, advent! The gateway to Christmas! Today is the day when millions of children all over the country are opening the first window on their advent calendars and devouring that first overpriced and possibly over-wrapped square of chocolate - assuming...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Teenagers are bored with Facebook. But why is that such bad news?

MySpace is an astonishing use of new technology, which links people to one another, and allows them to share news, views, photos and comments. It is extraordinarily popular, particularly with younger people, and is growing every day. This makes it...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Why the news is always bad.

Earlier this year, Jeremy Paxman suggested some editions of Newsnight should simply inform the viewing audience there was nothing much to talk about, before rolling the closing credits. Knowing Paxo, he was probably just being provocative, or even...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Is the 'New Age' just marketing gone bad?

Spaghetti hoops, luxury cars, whisky, compact discs, bleach - if you can think of it, somebody has advertised it. And that's fair enough. As long as it's legal, any producer of a service or product has the right to attempt to persuade us to buy it;...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


When adjectives go bad. Who's ruining straplines?

Something has gone terribly wrong with the strapline. Not just a particular strapline, but straplines in general. And I don't mean they're just not much cop these days (although as American 'Realise The Potential' Express will tell you, they're not)....

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

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