Displaying 1 - 36 of 4663 results



Lovie Awards 2013 - Meet Hailo and Last.fm

The Lovie Awards took place in London's Old Street for it's third year, celebrating incredible tech pioneers from across Europe. Creativepool was there to celebrate with the winners, thoroughly enjoying acceptance speeches from the likes of...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to make the tech industry more inclusive | #TechMonth

The tech world has made some major strides towards gender inclusivity over the last decade. But the industry still has a long way to go if it’s to become truly reflective of the world in which we live. In order to do this, it’s important...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What role will the tech sector play in the economic recovery?

It's been over a year since the first lockdown came into place. People are eager to leave their homes to socialise again, shop and find new experiences - which doesn't necessarily mean we should do it before it's common sense to do so, but it does...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Year in Tech 2017

Amazon's Giant Flying Drone Warehouses (January) In a story that gained a fair amount of traction on social media over the 2016 festive period for obvious reasons, Amazon filed a patent for gigantic flying warehouses back in January that could house...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


CES 2017: Setting the Tech Trends for 2017

Automated and Electric Cars takeover the show floor The trend I noticed from this year's CES above all others was the prevalence of automobiles on the show floor. Whilst we are probably a good few years away from the technology becoming commonplace,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Top Tech Trends of 2017 from the Industry

AI, VR, AR. 2016 was very much the year of the double letter acronym, and, if our panel of industry experts is to be believed, then 2017 looks set to take the developments of 2016 and push them into overdrive. We asked a number of industry experts...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Latest Highlights and Trends in Tech

Whilst the eyes and ears of the tech world are all set on Las Vegas for CES 2016 this week, there are plenty of other stories left to tell. If you want to check out my CES 2016 highlights, you can do so HERE, but in this supplemental article, I'll...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Global tech game changers confirmed to headline @ Business Rocks 2016!

The hub for tech innovators to congregate and shakeup the European Startup scene… Business Rocks, taking place 21 – 22 April 2016, Manchester Central, UK, today announced its inspiring, thought provoking keynote speaker line up at the UK’s...

Posted by: Business Rocks


London's first Food Tech Hackathon with Jamie Oliver

Hackathons traditionally conjure up images of (male) tech brains surrounded by empty pizza boxes, beer cans, caffeine and questionable personal hygiene choices. But last weekend, London’s first ever Food Tech Hackathon blew the cobwebs out of this...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Tech Tats: Meet the new biowearables

Body art for aesthetic appeal is a thing of the past. Say hello to the new Tech Tats; temporary tattoos that tell you your temperature, gives you statistics related to your health and prevent you from getting sick by warning you about serious health...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


The Week in Tech

Apple make a Swift reappraisal of their Music service Social media appeared to almost collapse in on itself last week when Taylor Swift decided to bite one of the many hands that fed her and take on Apple. If you've been living under a digital rock...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why cloud-based tech will help SMEs prepare for a recession

As the United Kingdom enters a recession, SMEs need to look into putting systems into place that get them through the recession. Damian Hanson, Co-Founder & Director of CircleLoop, a business focused on communication systems, explores why cloud-based...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Tech Tats: Biowearables v2

It’s only eight months since our original Tech Tats article, which introduced you to the new wave of biowearables taking the tech world by storm. But the fast-paced environment surrounding the biowearable tech strain is such that it already...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


The Latest Highlights & Trends in Tech

Microsoft use the Super Bowl to show off their Hololens Imagining the future for NFL fans Whilst it seems we can't go a week without hearing about similar projects from Sony and Valve, there’s still very little solid information available to the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Tech, mindfulness and creativity

In a culture which increasingly focuses on pushing forwards and always being connected; mindfulness is big news. Unless you’ve been living in cave for the last couple of years (and not because you were on a zen retreat), it’s been...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


CES 2020: Our Top Tech Picks

Let’s talk tech. From parallel reality to living laboratories, we saw some mind-blowing innovation at CES 2020. Scroll down to see what piqued our interest. Quibi present Turnstyle: Vertical Streaming We aren’t the first to admit that...

Posted by: The Flash Pack


Tech Meets Creativity: Best of 2016 & Trends for 2017

Towards the tail end of 2015, everyone was declaring 2016 as the dawning “Year of VR,” and whilst there have been a number of major developments in the field this year, including the commercial launches of all three major platforms, it's...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why The Art World Is Ready For Tech Adoption

Museums around the world welcome millions of visitors each year, accounting for a $192 billion dollar industry in the U.S. alone. But with the Millennial generation already surpassing Baby Boomers by the millions, and Gen-Z projected to make up 25%...

Posted by: Adam Jenkins


Two hot companies transforming Educational Tech

Two new products have been announced recently which could really help bring young people into the world of technology at a younger age and in a more substantial and meaningful way. For the very young (toddlers and younger) there's the Ily, a voice,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Week in Tech

Twitter Twitter officially announced this week that it acquired the live-streaming app Periscope back in January, and several sources have hinted that it will shortly be launched as a separate app with the ability to watch both live and previously...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Power of Content Marketing for Success of Tech Startups

In the dynamic landscape of tech startups, content marketing emerges as a powerful tool for establishing brand presence, attracting customers, and driving growth. This article explores how startups can leverage content marketing strategies...

Posted by: Taker | Maker

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