Displaying 8389 - 8424 of 8698 results



AKQA call for entries in this year's Future Lions competition

AKQA is hosting the Future Lions competition for the ninth year in a row, in partnership with the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. The competition (which counts Google amongst its partners) challenges young minds in the creative...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A Great British Design Classic: the telephone box

Yet another reality show came to an end last week, with Jermain Jackman being crowned king on The Voice. But these public competitions - from singing to cooking to interior designing to baking to skating - are nothing new. Did you know, for instance,...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Martin, Paltrow and ‘Conscious Uncoupling’. Another easy target?

Naming their children Apple and Moses would be reason enough for a lot of people to mock Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin: a slightly bizarre melange of Hollywood new age tree hugger and artiste-who-takes-himself-a-bit-too-seriously. As if those same...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Foster + Partners to design First and Mission Towers in San Francisco

In a joint venture, TMG Partners, one of the San Francisco Bay Area’s largest mixed-use property developers, and Northwood Investors LLC, a leading privately-held global real estate investment firm, announced today the selection of Foster +...

Posted by: Foster + Partners


The rise and rise of the no-makeup selfie

For the past week, Facebook has been awash with no make-up selfies. You will now be looking at your colleagues, friends, bosses maybe even girlfriends, with new eyes, knowing now exactly how everyone looks first thing in the morning, albeit via the...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Im a expret and a gruu. It says so on my websight.

If you’re anything like me, you’ll belong to quite a lot of LinkedIn groups that are relevant to your area of work. For me, a lot of these are copywriting-specific groups, but I also belong to others to do with subjects like SEO, social...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Foster + Partners exhibition to open in Bangkok

‘Foster + Partners: The Art of Architecture’ will be staged at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC) from 4 April to 29 June 2014. The touring exhibition is the first survey of the practice’s work in Thailand and follows...

Posted by: Foster + Partners


Prince Harry's Invictus Games branded by Lambie-Nairn

A sporting event for sick, injured and wounded servicemen and women was recently announced by HRH Prince Harry, himself a serviceman who took the title of the 'Invictus Games' from the famous William Ernest Henley poem of the same name, which...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Up front. What does 'Page Three' have to do with cancer?

On the whole, we don't tend to turn to The Sun for medical advice. Insensitive headlines about torpedoed foreign ships and prurient trivia about the borderline famous - yes, absolutely. But practical guidance on cancer prevention? Not quite so...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


WCRS Creative Director. Get to know Billy Faithfull.

What's the story behind you joining WCRS? Ross Neil and I got our break at HHCL in the last days of a truly great and innovative agency. A collection of original people who didn't quite fit in elsewhere in the industry. We’ve always been...

Posted by: House 337


I’m LMAO. Y? Just cuz it’s gr8 2 C U! Lol!

I remember when all this were fields. And young people had respect for their elders. And dash it all, people spoke English PROPERLY in my day! Yes, I’m sure we’ve all heard the same old rant - if not from grandparents then from the old...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Speak when you're spoken to, dear. Or put the kettle on.

Call me naïve, but I think we in the UK are pretty inclusive; more so than other nations. Granted, discrimination in the workplace does still exist on various levels - and much more in some industries than others. Banking, I hear, is one of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Weight Watchers launches Love Fibre, design by bluemarlin

Global brand consultancy bluemarlin has continued its partnership with Weight Watchers to design packaging for Love Fibre, the weight loss organisation’s new venture into the cereal category. The range, created in alliance with Weetabix, the...

Posted by: bluemarlin


ITV air the first ad break constructed entirely out of Lego bricks!

Last night during the broadcast of ITV's 'Dancing On Ice', viewers might have been more than a little surprised to see a brace of their favourite adverts reimagined as stop-motion Lego animations. This marks the first time in history that an entire...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Bailey's Stardust

David Bailey was appointed as fashion photographer for British Vogue in 1960 where he shot over 800 pages of fashion editorial in just one year and along with Terence Donovan and Brain Duffy, captured the essence of the 'Swinging London' of the 60's....

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Content isn’t king – timing is everything

This weekend, I learned a valuable lesson. Content isn’t king. Or at least, to be more accurate, content isn’t always king. Copy does have to be top-notch to have an impact and to inspire people to buy, sell, share, offer, sign up,...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Peter Pilotto - winner of the BFC Vogue/ Designer Fashion Fund

British fashion designer Peter Pilotto has just been announced as being the next big thing in fashion by the prestigious BFC/Vogue Designer Fashion Fund. Already adored by celebrities such as Cara Delevingne, Miranda Kerr and Beyonce and well-known...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Touchdown Duracell: Battery brand tells a poignant brand story

Duracell takes its brand beyond the bunny with a new internet ad featuring the NFL's first legally deaf offensive player Derek Coleman as a brand ambassador. Coleman has defied many critics and former coaches to make it to the NFL in what is an...

Posted by: bluemarlin


CreativeXPO – FREE advice for all creative types

27th and 28th January 2014 @Rich Mix (35 - 47 Bethnal Green Road, Shoreditch, London, E1 6LA) In need of direction, inspiration, and a kick-start this New Year? Looking to start or further a creative business but need advice? A budding artist? Or...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Teenage Cancer Trust: Say hello to our new interns

In 2013 we did some work with the Teenage Cancer Trust, running marathons, wearing silly outfits and raising funds where we could; but this year we’re taking on two new remote interns, Matt and Pete. Matt and Pete are currently undergoing...

Posted by: Bray Leino


2014 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship call for entries

The 2014 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship has launched and is inviting applications from schools of architecture around the world. A £6,000 grant will be awarded to one student by a panel of judges which includes Lord Foster and the...

Posted by: Foster + Partners


Home is where the heart is. And the work. And everything else.

If I started a blog by telling you that I was thinking about buying a treadmill, you may well click away in anticipated boredom. But the fact remains, I’m seriously considering buying a treadmill. There, I said it. So what? Well, quite. Of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The Nike+ FuelBand and your guilt ridden-January self.

Today we are half way through the worst month of the year - hooray! And how are we doing, people? How's your Dry January going? And your new fitness routine? How about those New Year Resolutions? If the doom and gloom, incessant rain and the next...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


London Collections: Men

You may have noticed an increase in the number of sharply-dressed gentlemen wandering the gloomy streets of London this week, the reason for this is not a showcase of an expertly chosen Christmas gifts but the 4th season of London Collections: Men...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel

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