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Displaying 8389 - 8424 of 8458 results



Richard Avedon fashion's greatest photographer

If there is one iconic image which sums up all that is glamour and stardom within the realms of fashion and Hollywood then it has to be that over-exposed, stark image of Audrey Hepburn’s eyes, eyebrows and lips from the 1957 musical Funny...

Posted by: Creativepool


CV Tips For Graphic Designers

1. Keep to an A4 size This is pretty obvious. Who is going to print out an A3 CV for their records anyway? Provide your potential employers the convenience as they are really busy people. It's politeness. They will need to print out your CV for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Damien Hirst and plagiarism

Today we live in a copy and paste world where it's acceptable to take someone else's idea and use it for our own benefit. Some say it's not plagiarism, it's a homage, a way of paying respect to the greats who came before. Others say it's just lazy....

Posted by: Creativepool


Hard pressed.

How much do you imagine a quarter page, black and white advertisement in the London edition of Metro (the free commuter newspaper) costs? A few hundred quid? A bit more? The answer is £6,636. Perhaps I'm terribly naive or getting a bit old, but...

Posted by: Creativepool


Li Wei

Li Wei is a Beijing-based performance artist who has been wowing viewers with his gravity-defying images for the past 11 years. His latest series 'The Lightness of Being' is currently being displayed at the Lucca Photo Fest in Italy, a festival he is...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ten of the best image editors

The range of image manipulation software available has grown significantly. Whether you're looking to create a digital art masterpiece or just want to quickly take the red reflections out your friend's eyes or crop them out the shot entirely, there...

Posted by: Creativepool


Illustration and Digital Illustration

From our 25th October Newsletter comes a grest selection of Creativepool freelancers. Krishna Malla Illustrator, Animation Artist, Creative Artworker "I am a strong, motivated, creative director and illustrator who currently lives in...

Posted by: Creativepool


How ethical is your wardrobe?

You can hardly move in an inch in a shop these days without being confronted with fair trade this and that and an ending array of ethical options for your every consumer need. Once an option for dreadlocked hippies and mother earth types, ethical...

Posted by: Creativepool


4D Cinema

So you've seen Avatar in 3D and marvelled at the special effects. Let's leave aside that the story itself was banal nonsense for the moment and just agree that, visually, it was pretty impressive. But while anyone over the age of 30 is still...

Posted by: Creativepool


The art of the slogan. Dave Trott, Lipsmakin Pepsi and Emperor Rosko.

A few weeks back, Creative Review invited people to put forward their favourite slogan. The visual communications magazine said, Slogans are the epitome of the copywriters' art: the hopes, aims and very essence of a campaign or an organisation...

Posted by: Creativepool


Versace for H&M

As you might have already heard repeatedly from every eager fashionista out there, there are just five weeks left until H&M reveals it's latest in a long line of designer collaborations Versace for H&M on November 19th for the forthcoming winter...

Posted by: Creativepool


Where's The Talent?

by Simon Harle, Dynamaic New Alliances. No matter where you look at the moment in the industry, there is a severe shortage of true talent! For the last 18/24 months the lack of digital PM's, AM's, SAM's and AD's has been discussed, questioned and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Postmodernism at the V&A

Hello dear blog readers. Apologies for posting this so late in the day but I have been out at the V&A Museum all afternoon trying to get my head around just what exactly Postmodernism is. Stupid though this may sound I managed to complete my art...

Posted by: Creativepool


V&A Illustration Awards

I stumbled upon the V&A Illustration Awards quite by accident. Although I've lived in London for a number of years, I'd never been to that museum, so I decided to pop along to get some inspiration for this week's blog. It's a deceptively large maze...

Posted by: Creativepool


Once Upon A Dream

I don't know about you, but I'm obsessed with sleep largely because I don't get enough. But if you're a regular traveller, and especially if you can't afford a business-class flat bed, then you may well suffer more than most with a wrecked internal...

Posted by: Creativepool


Social Media and Recruitment

Social Media Week took place in London during February. For those who don’t know, Social Media Week is an annual event which is run all over the world. There are live streams to view and hashtags to follow, so you can keep up with the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Has The Museum of Everything sold out?

The Museum of Everything is perhaps one of my best finds since moving to London two years ago. Its former incarnation was tucked away down a side road in the quite unlikely and rather flash setting of Primrose Hill. They are a corporation who...

Posted by: Creativepool


Blade Runner, Syd Mead and visual futurism.

London, June 1982. The film director Ridley Scott has hired the Empire Leicester Square and invited hundreds of London's creative people to attend a special lunchtime viewing on his new movie Blade Runner. It's an occasion that has London's ad world...

Posted by: Creativepool

5 Minutes with... Rosie Arnold - BBH

Tell us what you do for a living and who you work for? I work for Bartle Bogle Hegarty as the deputy executive Creative Director and I am also deputy president of D&AD. I am creative director for the global and European OMO business, and I am...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why everyone should have a muse.

I have always been fascinated with the concept of being/having a muse, even if it seems like a bit of a classical notion in today's society. A muse is someone who inspires a creative person, there are many muses alive and well today who are going...

Posted by: Creativepool


Improving market will improve recruitment standards

Source This month’s CP Career comes from Source - a specialist recruitment business, dedicated to the digital, integrated and traditional creative communications industry. They work to support the needs of advertising, marketing and design...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Graham Fink - Creative Director at M&C Saatchi

What does being a CD at M&C Saatchi really mean? I think they refer to it as spinning plates these days. But pretty much everything involving helping write strategies to pushing the creative teams to get the best out of them and then in some cases...

Posted by: Creativepool


Fulfilment failure - the best way to waste a budget.

What's the best way to waste an advertising budget? Perhaps hiring Wayne Rooney would do the trick. Maybe booking loads of space in the breaks in '72 Degrees North' would squander that cash pretty effectively. How about a 48 sheet poster campaign at...

Posted by: Creativepool


Where now for the idea?

Most professionals provide an easily identifiable service. The lawyer offers his advice and representation, the dentist his drill and pink water. But the stock in trade of the professional creative is a little harder to pin down. Is the designer...

Posted by: Creativepool


Lights, Camera, Pitch: What Hollywood Teaches Us About Advertising

The advertising industry, as portrayed by the world of film and television, is a fascinating, deeply weird place, and likely a rather unrealistic one, given the things that happen in fictional boardroom meetings and as a consequence of imaginary...

Posted by: Creativepool

Meet Alex Bamford. Art director and photographer.

Alex has been working in advertising for over 25 years. Today he works on the Land Rover, Lloyds and Dell accounts for RKCR/Y&R. Not content with working in one of the best agencies around, he also spends much of his spare time stuck behind a tripod,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Working overseas

It's hard to believe I know, but the UK is not the be all and end all of creativity. If you're up for trying pastures new there are a few places worth heading for. Sure there's Australia, the US, New Zealand and Canada but frankly everyone goes...

Posted by: Creativepool


Failure to launch: why some brands don't make it.

Perhaps it's the money. Large budgets are often greeted by marketing teams in the same way Keith Richards welcomes a stiff drink. But the fact remains that endless resources are not always guaranteed to produce branding success. Far from it. The...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ryanair - the floating marketplace

Last week a couple of friends and I went to Berlin for a short break on the cheap. Unfortunately for us our tight budgets and last minute booking meant we had to fly with Ryanair, in the past this hasn't been much of a problem but we were unprepared...

Posted by: Creativepool


Celebrity endorsements: can they really be that desperate?

There's nothing new about celebrities lending their name to a product in exchange for a fat wad of cash. Or, less frequently, because it's just out-and-out cool. James Bond will forever by synonymous with Aston Martin and Omega watches. There's even...

Posted by: Creativepool


26 Treasures

Great ideas come from anywhere. This is the story of how one great idea was born, how it was cared for and nurtured and how it has grown into one of the highlights of the 2010 London Design Festival. The idea came to Rob Self-Pierson. Rob is a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Matt Phillips

Matt is taking the plunge. He's a digital designer who is turning his back on the security of full time employment and going freelance. He knows this is a high-risk strategy. He knows it could all go pear shaped. But a few weeks in and he's finding...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Andrew Finan

Andrew Finan is a UK entrepreneur who has worked with games most of his life. In the nineties he ran a series of international chess events in the USA, Russia, Germany, France, the UK and Spain. They culminated in the World Chess Championship Final...

Posted by: Creativepool


A lot of Cillit Bang for your buck

Wandering around a supermarket when it's not busy like at 8am on a Saturday morning makes one of life's necessary evils ever so slightly more pleasurable. Not much more, admittedly I'd rather be asleep, for one thing but ever so slightly. One thing...

Posted by: Creativepool


Are you special?

I was very pleased to receive a big response to my recent piece on becoming a copywriter but one question really caught my attention. The correspondent asked me to suggest a 'type' of copywriting in which to specialise. This rather threw me, but it...

Posted by: Creativepool

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