Displaying 7597 - 7632 of 9348 results



Tech Hacks: Ink mapping technology brings tattoos to life

Tattooing is a varied art form, the oldest tattoos ever discovered were found on the body of Ötzi the Iceman who lived sometime around the late 4th millennium BC. And over the centuries tattooing has been used by clans, oriental cultures,...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Aesthetic Alerts: Brutalist design takes over the web

I always hated Craigslist. I found the website ugly, difficult to use and generally just an assault on my senses so I always avoided it. But it turns out I was behind with the times, Craigslist was way ahead of the pack with its terrible user...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


The refugee crisis story on NBC news

The Londoner was working in central Afghanistan when he stepped on a landmine and lost both legs and an arm five years ago. He has endured more than 30 operations since then. "I understand what it is to suffer from war," the 44-year-old said as he...

Posted by: Giles Duley


Six stellar brands at #djKX

Take a look at some of the leading international design brands on show at Cubitt House - the ultimate trade destination during #LDF16. Featuring more than 70 exhibitors, Cubitt House will showcase cutting-edge furniture and accessories, as well as...

Posted by: designjunction


MEC Manchester's Wavemaker start-up hub claims two more winners

MEC Manchester announced this week that Never No and Flow XO have won the opportunity to work within its new MEC Wavemaker start-up hub, following a competition held at the search, analytics and social conference SASCON last week. The two start-ups...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#TechTuesday: From subtle sex toys to philosophical search engines

Wisp is the wearable sex toy alternative Wan Tseng, a graduate of the Royal College of Art graduate, has designed a series of erotic devices that provide a subtle, sensation-focused alternative to traditional, more 'full-on' sex toys. The Wisp...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Cannes Lions 2016: Finding the secrets with Nick Turner

Out on the sunny deck of Hotel Le Canberra, Michael Tomes finally met Nick Turner, CCO of Razorfish & Sapient, who has been on our radar for quite awhile. He’s very seriously in Cannes this year to hunt for amazing new talent and use the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Cannes Lions 2016: Tuesday's Instagram Highlights

On the second day of Cannes Lions, it is all about catching up with friends in the industry with much fun and laughter, lovely sea view that makes you wish that you did not miss the Festival, and inspirational talks from thought leaders. And of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Cannes Lions 2016: Talking sex with Cindy Gallop

When Cindy Gallop said she had time to sit down with us after her panel "Sex: The Final Frontier” we were thrilled. She may have left advertising for the time being but this Ex-Chairman of BBH has been busy! "Change happens from the bottom up...

Posted by: Creativepool


Y&R prove that Britons trust the EU more than UK Government

According to new research conducted by the Brand Asset Valuator BAVlab consultancy from Y&R, Britons trust the EU more, and believe it is significantly more relevant, than their own Government. Y&R used their bespoke model to conduct a BAV Best...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brand Case Study: Branding marijuana in the 21st century

In 2012 Colorado became the first state to pass laws governing the legalisation, tax and regulation of marijuana. Washington, Alaska and Oregon followed soon after, and overnight the magical herb’s image and perception in American culture was...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


#fansofcannes: The Dishoom Story Plates

It’s probably the Goldsmiths in me that means I have a special appreciation of emotional design. The kind that goes beyond beauty of just form and function to resonate at a deeper level, evoke memories, provoke feelings, or transport you to...

Posted by: Jones Knowles Ritchie


DMY International Design Festival Berlin

For those of you not familiar with DMY Berlin, the annual contemporary design festival is hosted in the German capital, and each year it invites aspiring and established designers to present new products, prototypes and design concepts to an...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


AllofUs create new digital platform for the Serpentine Galleries

AllofUs has created a new web-based app for the Serpentine Galleries in order to engage visitors with a unique interactive experience. The Serpentine Galleries rank amongst the most popular art venues in London, and have been hosting all manner of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#fansofcannes: This Girl Can

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Easier said than done for more than 2000 years in all aspects of life, not least communications. Perhaps quoting scripture is heavy however for me, the most noteworthy work from the...

Posted by: Jones Knowles Ritchie


#TechTuesday: Sony @ E3 2016

Every June, the gaming industry converges on the Los Angeles Convention Centre for the Electronic Entertainment Expo, affectionately known to gamers worldwide as E3. The expo has, in parallel to the industry itself, grown from rather humble...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


GREY invents content-based subliminal language learning for Langenscheidt

Langenscheidt is the biggest publishing house for foreign languages in Europe. However, printed dictionaries are increasingly being substituted with digital alternatives. The brand is facing this challenge head-on in a partnership with GREY Germany,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Despark presents: A smart talking interview with Hive by British Gas

Tom Guy is Commercial & Product Director at Hive, a British Gas innovation. Despark, an International digital specialist, spoke to him to find out what it takes to create a cutting-edge, offshoot as part of a 200-year-old legacy company and to hear...

Posted by: Despark


NBBJ build one of the largest offices in North America for Samsung

Whilst Samsung will probably never overtake Apple in terms of global recognition at this point, one area they can at least take them on, is in sheer scale. Enter US architectural firm NBBJ, who have designed and built, for Samsung, one of the largest...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The&Partnership shines a light on Parental Illiteracy

Literacy Partners, a nonprofit organisation providing free literacy classes to low-income parents, has teamed up with New York-based communications agency, The&Partnership, to create the “What Kids Read” campaign, which brings attention to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 5 Ads of the Week

Taylor Herring - Pimms Jelly Good Show Whilst not technically an ad, I couldn't possibly help but kick things off this week with this wonderful activation by Taylor Herring for Pimms. It would be unpatriotic of me to do otherwise! What the summery...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Jelly London and RKCR/Y&R go 'Shwopping' with M&S

Commissioned by RKCR/Y&R, Jelly London’s in-house animation team; The Kitchen, has produced a series of quirky animations to promote Marks & Spencer's latest Shwopping campaign to raise money for Oxfam. Featuring Absolutely Fabulous star, Oxfam...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#TechTuesday: Perfecting the IoT, 3D Printed Motorbikes & VR Porn at E3

Carlo Ratti's very personal IOT office The internet of things is one of those terms that gets bandied around a lot, but few people actually understand. Italian architect Carlo Ratti, is the exception to that rule. Ratti has designed a system for an...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


RSA Student Design Awards: The Winners

This year’s winners of the world’s longest-running global student competition, the RSA Student Design Awards, were announced last week, and include a kettle that collects grip data to measure frailty, a new insulation material made from...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Rebrand Roundup: From the Ministry of Sound to the Peace Corps

Spin - Ministry of Sound Spin has created a surprisingly sparse new identity for the Ministry of Sound nightclub brand, which aims to highlight the spiky, irreverent qualities of the brand, while respecting its heritage and embracing its future....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#fansofcannes: The Airbnb Rebrand

A lot has been said about the Airbnb redesign. I’ve read numerous articles, blogs and pithy tweets on the subject. I’ve also seen plenty of iterations of the logo in the digital sphere. The mark itself is designed so that everyone can...

Posted by: Jones Knowles Ritchie


Emoji Equality: Google pushes Unicode to reconsider emoji gender roles

Google’s recent proposal, put forward to Silicon Valley's Unicode Consortium (the body that controls and approves universal software standards for letters and other characters), wants to increase the representation of women in emoji and calls...

Posted by: Kate Lewin

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