Displaying 73 - 108 of 1169 results



Top 10 most exciting creative directors on Creativepool

Design guru. Master mediator. Highly skilled multitasker and delegator. A good Creative Director is all these things and more. They are the calm head on top of the creative shoulders that bring focus and identity to a company. They are, in essence,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Opening a gateway to the future | #BehindTheIdea

Global technology brand HONOR recently announced “Gateway to the Future,” an initiative designed to enrich cultural heritage through the power of technology. Launched during its IFA 2022 keynote, the brand challenged two popular artists...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Hospitality and the Metaverse | #PurposeMonth

For the last twelve years, Matter Of Form have had the privilege to deliver exceptional brand and digital experiences to some of the very best luxury brands in the global travel and hospitality sector. And we have got to know the dedicated tribe who...

Posted by: Matter Of Form


Which 5 design trends are most useful for marketing in summer 2022?

It is never too late to include design into your marketing plan, especially in the context of a new season. Here are five of the most promising design ideas for summer 2022 (with examples) to assist your organisation in meeting and crushing its...

Posted by: Chris Bicourt


How to achieve performance objectives with connected experiences

Performance metrics for digital advertising have transformed our industry. Transparent, targeted, and accountable campaigns are more impactful than ever. The challenge to brands is wading through the variety of digital advertising options. Choose...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The big advertising shift towards purpose 

In 2015, audiences on social media platforms hit a critical mass. Brands suddenly needed to find a new way to speak to consumers. It seems unthinkable now that we all create thousands of video formats for single ad campaigns but it was a much simpler...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Going with the virtual flow - Top marketing trends of 2022

The marketing industry is always evolving and, as a result, the average consumer expects more and more each year. Every day, a new idea is put through its paces to entice customers and encourage them to make a purchase. The brands that refuse to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Bringing your creative kicking and screaming into the digital world 

The way people consume information and entertainment has changed a great deal over the past decade or so. Traditional channels like print, which fell in circulation by 55% between 2010 and 2020, are no longer the places where consumers look to keep...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great 3D artist - 5 top tips

3D artists are in high demand these days. We live in a three-dimensional world that demands accurate representation and that’s true whatever corner of the creative industries you find yourself in right now. The need to hire skilled and...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description: 3D Visualiser

3D visualisation is a synonym for computer-generated imagery, 3D rendering, 3D graphics, etc. All of these terms refer to the digital process of creating some graphical content by using 3D technology - that is the task of a 3D visualiser. This...

Posted by: Creativepool


Stop saying TV and print are dead

For some curious reason, we humans tend to get excited with novelty pretty quickly. We struggle to see past the innovation, and the most progressive of us (a lot of creative people are, to be fair) get carried away with some doomsday comments aimed...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


What is the metaverse and why should brands take it seriously?

For many, the term ‘metaverse’ probably conjures up images of Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One, Tron, or Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner-but there is much more to dissect here. The future of experience - 'The Metaverse' As we...

Posted by: Imagination


The future of Product Design is ethical

One day, robots will inherit the earth. As machine learning and artificial intelligence make bigger leaps forward year on year, product design, UI and UX do so as well, by leveraging the power of machine intelligence to solve the world’s most...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How brands can engage consumers online

It was clear quite early on that 2020 would become the year when socials took the centre stage. With most of the world in lockdowns or respecting social distancing rules, there were few outlets for entertainment and creativity outside of our beloved...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Passing on the craft and passion through generations - #MemberSpotlight

It doesn't come off as a surprise to us that Rupert Allcock draws his personal inspiration from ordinary people doing unordinary things. Breaking expectations is pretty much what creativity is all about - it is where the award-winning works...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Screens aren’t going anywhere - Hero or Villain?

The explosion of screens into our daily lives, as companions, assistants, and entertainment hubs has been phenomenal. Most estimates even suggest that screens now outnumber humans on planet Earth. The growing societal concern of the dangers of...

Posted by: Rob Bennett


A view on the next ten years in Experience Marketing

You could say that after this year, only a fool would attempt to predict anything about the future. But, foolhardy or not, we can look at the direction of travel of the biggest drivers of change and make some inferences from that. After all, as Bill...

Posted by: Imagination


Hybrid experiences will come of age in 2021

2020 was the year that brands were compelled to engage with the world of blended physical and virtual experiences, also known as hybrid experiences. The learning curve was steep for many, with a huge variation in quality and creativity. However, the...

Posted by: Imagination


The heroes of a Production Designer - #MemberSpotlight

Ever wondered who makes all those beautiful buildings and sets you see in films, TV shows and on stage? That would be the careful, precise and beautifully creative job of a Production Designer. Hakan Yoruk has been designing sets for six years, and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What is a Digital Experience?

The expectations of the average consumer from companies concerning marketing and communication have grown rapidly over the last two decades and a lot of this has to do with the growth in digital technology. We live in times where many retailers only...

Posted by: SMACK Agency


Through the 3D Lenses of Manuel Ruberto

There is always something to learn from a 3D artist. Manuel Ruberto completed his MA in sculpture in Milan, only to then realise he didn't exactly want to spend the rest of his life making tombstones. The glorious days of marble Michelangelos may be...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Creative Energy, Teamwork and Motivation of SMACK Agency

It is unusual to hear someone say that they always start working near the end of a deadline, because they are far more productive under pressure. Though one may think that this is the easiest way to mess up, SMACK agency and its co-founder Lubna...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Overwhelming Team Motivation of Yolo Films

Sven Lehmann first approached the wonders technology with a PC with a 45-megabytes hard drive. He used to play DuckTales on it. Now Sven and his company, yolo films, are shooting films from remote, without the need for the crew to be physically...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Will the pandemic mark the end of retail?

I'm yet to find someone who hasn't worked in retail at least once. Which means we all know the issues and problems of retail experiences, especially in the most recent of times. Retail is an old industry. We can arguably all agree with that. Stuck...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Experience Will Drive the New Normal Post-COVID-19

With all the stress over COVID-19, my daughter and I had a conversation last night regarding what the world will look like when things go “back to normal.” The bigger question being what the "new normal” will look like. What...

Posted by: David Shulman


Behind the Idea: The secret AR cocktail menu 

Augmented reality is still something of an outlier when it comes to the marketing space. There have been many brands that have dipped their toes into the technology, of course, but to the layman, it’s still perceived as a gimmick that’s...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Animation meets live action in McDonald’s Christmas spot

Fast food chain McDonald’s has unveiled its Christmas campaign for 2019, which is based on a young girl with a big imagination and tells the story of Archie the Reindeer. Created by Leo Burnett London, Passion Animation and Outsider, the film...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The future with 5G

As we hurtle towards the end of 2019, and constantly find ourselves asking where the year has gone, we need to start considering what the world will look like as we head into the next decade. The ways in which consumers and brands interact are...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


McDonald’s taps into hype culture for spicy McNuggets drop

We’ve all seen the cringey ads for millennial fashion brands like boohoo and Jameson Carter, but there's a hot new name in town. McDonald’s has ‘launched’ a fake fashion brand to promote its limited edition Spicy Chicken...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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