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Displaying 73 - 108 of 783 results


Job Description: Furniture Designer

Furniture designers are proficient in designing and creating furnishings, taking into consideration both functionality and fashion. They design both exterior and interior furnishings, often keeping in mind things like customer preferences,...

Posted by: Creativepool



This article is 2238 words. If you don't expect to zone out for at least 40% of them, I want you to stop reading now because you are probably not in a creative field, so this is not meant for you. Ironically, this article is for the few who have...

Posted by: Matt Batten

Job Description: Typographer

Typography is the art of arranging text in a way that makes it not only legible but aesthetically pleasing. It involves font, structure and overall appearance, and works to catalyse a specific emotion in the reader. It brings the text to life and the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Talking minimalism and typography with Ted Vesania | #MemberSpotlight

As the Head of Design at Whitespace Creative, Ted Vesania identifies having reached an international client base as one of his greatest achievements, but we know that in truth there is much more he should be proud of. A simple look at his works...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


From Magic Lanterns to ToonBoom: The Outstanding History of Animation

When I was a kid, I used to consume a whole lot of animation. Disney was my favoured choice to fill a boring evening, but I would not disdain Looney Tunes, Pingu (big one for me) or the occasional Matt Groening stuff. To me, animation was a given....

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Ads that made history: 1984

Such is the power of Apple’s 1984. You see as little as a string of 4 numbers (or more precisely, a date), you see a still frame from the original ad, and you instantly know we are talking about a game-changer in the history of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Behind the veil of a visionary artist - #MemberSpotlight

Anyone could lose themselves looking at the incredibly visionary and hypnotic work of Silas Toball. What you can see below is but a small fragment of Silas's production, an impressive body of work with explosions of colours, incredible details, and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Blending photography and graphic design - #MemberSpotlight

Freelance photographer Dean Dorat has a particularly distinctive style. As a creative who was used to playing around with all sorts of portraits, words, signs, shots from the street and other types of creations, her work has always been incredibly...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Spark of Creativity in Easy Animal Studio

It took us long enough to finally get through to Easy Animal Studio for our Company Spotlights, but we've been eager to talk about this lovely and crazy bunch for every second of that long wait. The best thing about creativity is that you often...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Commodore C64 set for Christmas comeback

Retro Games has finally released details of its long-awaited reimagining of the best-selling home computer of all time, the Commodore C64, with a December release date slated. The full-sized version of the 80s classic will launch in time for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 innovations from Dutch Design Week 2018

Dutch Design Week is renowned for future thinking and concept-driven projects, making it one of the top design events of the year. This year’s exhibit revolved around something that’s top of the agenda for everyone from governments to...

Posted by: Pearlfisher


The information age is dead

The information age is dead In the later part of 1971 Ray Tomlinson sent the first email, since then telecommunications and computer networks have become increasingly complex and powerful. Today every aspect of our lives relies on fibre optics and...

Posted by: Blutui


Will Designers Dream of Electric Sheep?

I’m baking bread. You should too. It’s fun. Creative. Somehow messy. I personally don’t follow a recipe; it’s a pretty straight-forward process. Below is a standard recipe:(1) Dissolve yeast in warm water in a large bowl. Add the sugar, 1...

Posted by: Andrea


Creative Opinions: VR (The Emotional Connection)

Dan Phillips, Head of Digital and Interactive at MPC Advertising Cutting to the core of who we are and evoking primitive human emotion forms the basis of experiences that are talked about, shared and remembered. In advertising, therefore, it is no...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Top Tech Trends of 2017 from the Industry

AI, VR, AR. 2016 was very much the year of the double letter acronym, and, if our panel of industry experts is to be believed, then 2017 looks set to take the developments of 2016 and push them into overdrive. We asked a number of industry experts...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Latest Highlights & Trends in Tech

B29 and the Royal James Bond garage Ever wanted to be James Bond, only without the espionage, fist fights and gun play? Well then you better either be a very handsome, established british actor (or actress?) in their late 30's, or be a member of the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

Job Description: Exhibition Designer

Exhibition designers are responsible for the design and layout of shows and exhibitions. Find Exhibition Designers Find Exhibition Design Companies Find Exhibition Design Jobs Job Description, Salaries and Benefits Exhibition designers are...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Latest Highlights in Tech

Apple file a patent for the Smart Ring In a week that saw the iPhone 6S sell 13 million units in just three days during its launch weekend (compared to 10 million for the iPhone 6 last year), Apple has also filed a patent for a “Smart...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

Job Description: Fashion Designer

Fashion/clothing designers design clothes, accessories and shoes. Some design expensive one-off pieces. Others work in a team creating a whole range of mass-produced fashions, or specialise in particular areas such as sportswear. View People View...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Week in Tech

Apple make a Swift reappraisal of their Music service Social media appeared to almost collapse in on itself last week when Taylor Swift decided to bite one of the many hands that fed her and take on Apple. If you've been living under a digital rock...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Raspberry Pi gets first official accessory

As technology advances, it's also getting smaller, to the extent that most of us now harbour in our front pockets, computers (lets call a spade a spade right?) significantly more powerful than those first sent us to the moon. This need to shrink our...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Week in Tech

Nintendo shoot down Android rumours Whilst all of gadget land might well be salivating at the prospect of today's impending WWDC Apple keynote speech (check back tomorrow for my thoughts on that), it is the Californian tech giants primary rival in...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Would you wear your Levi smartphone?

What with the vast new technological frontiers opening up to us seemingly on a daily basis, it should come as no surprise that some of the industry's biggest players have been looking into ideas that, until recently, would have been seen as frankly...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Step inside the Jelly Kitchen

Ever wondered what inspires the jelly talent? What drives them? What a typical day is like? jelly London's Head of Creative Comms Rachael Guiver, went behind the scenes with jelly Kitchen's A team to find out how it all started, what they love most...

Posted by:


Tips for Designers

Here's some industry advice from top designers on how to get the best out of your creative process as a designer. Whether you're working for a design agency or as a freelance designer, here are our top ten design tips to help you boost your creative...

Posted by: Creativepool


Job Description: Textile Designer.

Textile designers create designs for knitted, printed and woven textiles. These designs often feature repeating patterns. Job Description, salaries and benefits Textile designers create designs for knitted, printed and woven textiles. These designs...

Posted by: Creativepool


Job Description: Photographer

Professional photographers take pictures of people, events, places and objects. Their work can appear anywhere from newspapers and magazines to wedding albums and textbooks. View photography jobs View photography profiles View photography...

Posted by: Creativepool

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