Displaying 6049 - 6084 of 6094 results



Phil Dowgierd joins Tribal Worldwide Sydney as MD

DDB Group Sydney announced today that Phil Dowgierd has been appointed as managing director for Tribal Worldwide Sydney. Dowgierd moves to the DDB Group from AKQA, where he led a group of 60 individuals focusing on the global platform development,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


WorldPay appoints DigitasLBi as lead global digital agency

WorldPay, the established global leader in payment processing, has appointed global marketing and technology agency DigitasLBi as its lead global strategic digital agency. The appointment follows a five-way competitive pitch. DigitasLBi will now...

Posted by: Digitas


Content isn’t king – timing is everything

This weekend, I learned a valuable lesson. Content isn’t king. Or at least, to be more accurate, content isn’t always king. Copy does have to be top-notch to have an impact and to inspire people to buy, sell, share, offer, sign up,...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Peter Pilotto - winner of the BFC Vogue/ Designer Fashion Fund

British fashion designer Peter Pilotto has just been announced as being the next big thing in fashion by the prestigious BFC/Vogue Designer Fashion Fund. Already adored by celebrities such as Cara Delevingne, Miranda Kerr and Beyonce and well-known...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


'Ello, 'ello, 'ello. What’s all this 'ere, then? #CuriousCop

Happy new year to all you Creativepoolers. Hope you had a blast - and not necessarily of reality. Lord knows we have enough of that for the rest of the year, so I hope you had a day off from the doom. I wonder how many of you went down to the Thames...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Meet the Executive Creative Director, Wesley Hogg of Reading Room

Tell us a bit about you Wesley... I began working in the creative industry in 1998 after studying at Central Saint Martins and Goldsmiths. Early on I specialised in digital and was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to ride the...

Posted by: Reading Room


Space for silicon

Anyone who works around the Silicon Roundabout is familiar with the noise of building work. It’s happening all around and the amount of old buildings coming down and new ones rising up is accelerating fast. One of the reasons for the surge in...

Posted by: Every Interaction


Adobe Illustrator Freebie - Vector Cupcakes

Every month Layerform.com tries its best to give back to the design community, whether that be through a .PSD, .PDF Tutorial or in this case, a set of FREE Vector Cupcakes made in Adobe Illustrator. With plenty of detail these illustrations would...

Posted by: Layerform Design Magazine


Dear Photograph. Pictures From The Past Into The Present

The concept is simple: take a picture of a picture, from the past, in the present. Over the past year, the website received thousands of submissions. In fact, enough for a book, also called Dear Photograph, which was released last year. Taylor...

Posted by: Creativepool


Endless Stair

London Design Festival is fully underway this week, with hundreds of events happening around the capital across nine days of aural excellence and networking a go-go. With more events happening than is humanly able to see, it's hard to know where to...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


A Doctor Who movie? Don't hold your breath.

Peter Capaldi is to be the new Doctor and I couldn't be more delighted. Apart from the fact I consider 'The Thick Of It' to be a television comedy so accomplished is resembles high art, Capaldi just has the face and demeanour of a Time Lord. Yes, I...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


High anxiety on the high street. What is the future of retail?

References to the 'high-street' in political and sociological debate have been frequent for well over a decade now. Sadly, mentioning a problem frequently doesn't bring solutions. Many towns are plagued by empty retail units on their central...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Welcome to the future. 3D printing comes to the high street.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C Clarke When I was a nipper, I'd watch Star Trek and pretty much take it for granted that I was seeing an accurate portrayal of the future. I'm quite an old bloke now,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Ogilvy & Mather Retains Network of the Year Title at Cannes Lions 2013

Cannes, France - 22 June 2013 - In a year of firsts at the 60th Anniversary Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity 2013, Ogilvy & Mather has become the first agency to be awarded over 100 Lions in one year, while also winning its first ever Creative...

Posted by: Ogilvy UK


5 (Evil) Minutes with... Fede Alvarez

You can’t find an industry more creative than the movie industry; from the hundreds of people on set and the thousands involved in post-production, to the scores responsible for the amazing marketing and immersive digital and online experiences...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight: Oliver Wetter, Illustration

Oliver Wetter, Illustrator & Art Director creativepool.com/fantasio twitter.com/fantasiox facebook.com/FantasioFineArts Company Fantasio fine Arts / Fantabulous Visions* About you: Fantasio Fine Arts emerged to turn ideas into working...

Posted by: Creativepool


The hardest word. Has 'sorry' lost all meaning?

by Magnus Shaw. Last weekend the BBC screened an episode of 'Tweenies' on their CBeebies channel and a minor fuss broke out. I should point out I don't watch CBeebies habitually and have never watched a complete 'Tweenies' show in my life - but I...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves...Nemesis Pictures

by Jessica Hazel. Singapore is home to Nemesis Pictures, a commercial photography studio founded by established photographer Jeremy Wong. He is the brains behind the pug loaf, an amazingly strong and memorable image which has found it's way onto...

Posted by: Creativepool


Simon Pendry - Blue Marlin

"Blue Marlin is the home of landing big ideas, which are at the heart of everything we do. We pride ourselves on delivering relevant, unique and consistent experiences across brand touch points worldwide. Blue Marlin is an independent integrated...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Alexis Pratsides - Managing Director at MintTwist

"MintTwist is a London based, full service Digital Agency. Working with SMEs and Corporates in the UK, Europe and the Middle East, we help design and implement digital strategies that deliver a measurable ROI." What do you actually do? I oversee...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Will Pyne - Executive Creative Director at Holler

Tell us what you do for a living and who you work for? Joint founder and Executive Creative Director of Holler. What does that involve? Leading and mentoring the creative team (50%) and running the business (50%) How did you get started in the...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Mick Mahoney - Havas Worldwide

Tell us what you do for a living and who you work for? I'm the ECD for Havas Worldwide London (formerly EuroRSCG). What does that involve? Building an agency that people feel great about working for and with. How did you get started in the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - Hamish Jordan - Photographer

"Photography allows me to show things from my point of view - I love that." Creativepool manages to grab a cuppa with Hamish Jordan, Photographer, to chat about taking risks, networking and the irresistible power of The Force... Describe your work...

Posted by: Creativepool


Taxing. What we can learn from the Starbucks fiasco.

by Magnus Shaw. There's only one thing that surprises me about the Starbucks saga, and it isn't their reluctance to pay tax. As large corporations are only really answerable to shareholders, that is to be expected. No, it's the fact they thought...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with... Sarah McCartney - Copywriter and Perfumer

by John Fountain. Head writer at Lush from 1996 to 2010, Sarah is now Head of Ideas at the writing agency Afia. As an author she has penned 'The Fake Factor', 'Online Marketing in 7 Days (for people who can't avoid it any longer)', and '100 Great...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Pregnant, sleeping, Russian couples (by Jana Romanova)

by Jessica Hazel. The time in your life when all your friends start having babies can be a disconcerting one and people react to it in different ways. You can panic and marry the next person to smile at you on the tube, panic and run away to Goa,...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Thomas Heatherwick

by Jessica Hazel. Chances are, anyone reading this was one of the worldwide audience of 4 billion, glued to the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony on Friday night. It was described by TV commentator Hazel Irving as "breathtaking in its beauty and...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. The latest phenomenon at Apple stores.

by John Fountain More people visited Apple's 326 stores than Walt Disney's four biggest theme parks last year. And many visitors don't go to shop. They go to play. They go to have fun. It might be a shop but you know, it's a cool place to hang...

Posted by: Creativepool


Do you network?

Up until a month ago I'd never attended a networking group. In truth I didn't know much about them. I assumed that they were for geeks and braggers, for the totally incompetent and the mildly desperate, for people either short of friends or folk who...

Posted by: Creativepool


Agency v freelance. Better pay, better work or better life?

Years back it was said that creative people that chose to go freelance were either too old to be considered for full-time employment or simply not good enough to cut it in a top agency. In those days, I’m going back to the 80’s here, the...

Posted by: Creativepool


10 of the best packaging designs

From cool and tasteful to wacky and downright weird, effective product packaging can enable a product to be seen in an entirely new light. Here are ten of my absolute favourites. From spaghetti to headphones, this list covers all and any types of...

Posted by: Creativepool

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