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Displaying 5761 - 5796 of 5851 results



Can creativity be taught or is it something we are born with?

Creativity has got to be one of the most important skills in the world today. Take a look at any recruitment ad in the corporate world and you’ll see how much the skill is in demand. Right now all kinds of companies are looking for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Snap decision - why Facebook bought Instagram

Last Sunday Facebook surprised the world. Without waiting for their market flotation later this week - and like a big shot investment banker casually ordering the 1900 Cristal Brut - the social network laid down $1b in cash and stock to acquire...

Posted by: Creativepool


Is Groupon's copywriter on acid?

Like many other people, the first email to pop into my inbox each morning is from Groupon, offering me a wealth of hot stone massages, teeth whitening, stately home breaks and exotic cuisines for a fraction of their normal prices. I often sleepily...

Posted by: Creativepool


Quietly Redundant - the future for the QR code?

I'm not a classic early adopter. I don't queue outside Apple stores every time a plastic cover for the iPad is released, but I latch onto technology fairly quickly. I was online in the late nineties, had one of the first phase of free Spotify...

Posted by: Creativepool


Digital Design and Development - The amalgamation of skills sets

In this month's article we will be looking at the grey area these days between front end design and development. Most of Source's clients have restructured their creative and tech departments forcing people to be able to design and build projects and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Great British Design

As the Olympics and the Jubilee draw closer there is an ever increasing sense of patriotism and British pride emulating from all around. The V&A are marking the event in their own intriguing way by staging a major exhibition entitled 'British Design...

Posted by: Creativepool


Don't be worthy. Don't be dull. Your folio is you.

Tony Cullingham is principal of the famous Watford Creative Advertising course at West Herts College. The course at Watford is legendary and considered to be one of the very best in the UK. If you're trying to break into the business it is said that...

Posted by: Creativepool


Lessons from a freelancer

I was a human rights worker, specialising in gender and conflict in West Africa, when my first book was published. The freelance life appealed to my sense of adventure, so I tendered in my resignation. Here, in no particular order, are the lessons...

Posted by: Creativepool


When busking meets big business

In the eighties and nineties I lived in London and throughout that time, London Underground put buskers on a par with the small, grey, dusty mice running between the rails. That is, vermin ripe for extermination. Okay, maybe not extermination, but...

Posted by: Creativepool


Agency v freelance. Better pay, better work or better life?

Years back it was said that creative people that chose to go freelance were either too old to be considered for full-time employment or simply not good enough to cut it in a top agency. In those days, I’m going back to the 80’s here, the...

Posted by: Creativepool



Jon Baker Photographer, Picture Researcher, Retoucher " Provide a high level photographic retouching service. My work has included Hair and beauty campaign's for Loreal and Wella Portraits of The Prince of Wales to accompany the Alan Titchmarsh...

Posted by: Creativepool


What's the problem with the Big Fat Gypsy Weddings campaign?

This week Channel 4 has attracted considerable attention. Its high-profile, much discussed ‘documentary’ strand Big Fat Gypsy Weddings has returned to a big fat viewing audience and water-cooler debate over the style merits of pineapple...

Posted by: Creativepool


Know your value and prepare to negotiate!

by Richard Bloom, Purple Consultancy. The past 18 months or so have seen the creative industries recover from the recent recession at an astonishingly fast pace, at least from our point of view as recruiters it has. It is still very much a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Where's the love? Have we had enough of sex in advertising?

For decades brand marketeers have worked hard to draw a direct link between a product and the possibility of success with the opposite sex (they’ve rarely been brave enough to suggest a connection with same sex relationships outside specialist...

Posted by: Creativepool


50 Years of Sunday Times Magazine Covers

My God, this is going to be a disaster, said Roy Thomson, the owner of The Sunday Times back in 1962. He was talking about the launch of the very first colour magazine to be included with a newspaper a maverick step forward and gamble when newspapers...

Posted by: Creativepool

Meet Nick Asbury. Award winning copywriter.

Nick is a writer for branding and design. His work has won two Yellow Pencils in D&AD Writing for Design and appeared in the annual four more times. Personal projects include Corpoetics, a collection of poems made by rearranging corporate copy, and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Room 101 - ten things to hate about TV advertising

If you look to the left, you'll notice this is the one hundred and first column I've written for Creativepool. I must admit I let my century pass by unnoticed, which is rather typical of my lack of attention. But it does allow me the opportunity to...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to sell football boots. Nike's top four telly ads.

The year is 1988. Dan Weiden, creative director of ad agency Wieden and Kennedy is attending a meeting at his client Nike’s offices. He and a group of employees are seated around a table and the employees are explaining the Nike approach to...

Posted by: Creativepool


We're all writers now. How recession damages copywriting.

There are many signs that something is going wrong. The scarcity of invitations to join the staff of a particular agency; the lack of requests to pencil out dates in your diary and the distant memory of those top-dollar, overnight emergency...

Posted by: Creativepool


Take your pick. Why consumer choice is not always a good thing.

Social media is currently the marketing Holy Grail. Formerly sceptical clients are now convinced that, properly leveraged, Facebook and twitter will open up a treasure trove of commerce. Against this backdrop, Dutch airline KLM is offering its...

Posted by: Creativepool


Keep Calm, it's another Keep Calm novelty item.

'Keep Calm and Carry On' was the third in a series of Government-approved World War II posters to keep up morale amongst the people. The message was said to be directly from King George VI, the posters were white text on a red background with the...

Posted by: Creativepool


10 of the best packaging designs

From cool and tasteful to wacky and downright weird, effective product packaging can enable a product to be seen in an entirely new light. Here are ten of my absolute favourites. From spaghetti to headphones, this list covers all and any types of...

Posted by: Creativepool


Less than meets the eye

We've been spoilt. The delights of the modern media have ruined us. Our predecessors would have little or no idea what a polar bear was, let alone be presented with the vision of one giving birth to unbelievably sweet baby polar bears. But now, we...

Posted by: Creativepool


Get it on for the end of the world.

'The Lynx Effect' has always been a brilliant advertising slogan. Its simplicity has stuck with the brand for years and has helped the deodorants to become the highest selling male grooming product in the world. But the latest ploy by Lynx owners...

Posted by: Creativepool

Strife is tweet - a top ten of Twitter scandals

1. Social sausage Anthony Weiner (oh the irony!) denied everything and blamed hackers (they always do), when a photo of his genitals was tweeted from his account and sent to a woman in Seattle. The problem was that Weiner, at the time, was one of...

Posted by: Creativepool


What does 2012 have in store for us?

In truth no one knows. Conversations we’ve had with many of our clients show that 2012 holds a certain unpredictability, which is making many a little nervous. There seem to be a lot of pitches around and enough work for everyone but with the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Free pitching is a bit like going to the dentist

Recently I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. The experience was not dissimilar to the free pitches I've taken part in; horribly painful but unavoidable. And afterwards you feel you've left a little piece of yourself behind... Free pitching,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Who's killing copywriting?

Recent months have seen a swathe of articles predicting the end of the traditional, journalistic newspaper. Indeed, I have commented on the topic on Creativepool. But, as far as I'm aware, there has been no suggestion that the art of copywriting may...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Write a winning CV.

There are hundreds of techniques and ideas that people have about how to write the perfect CV. Writing a winning CV for work in the creative industries is different from most industries. If you are a creative then quite often a great portfolio will...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman

Turner Prize-winning artist and craftsman Grayson Perry is one of the most recognisable figures on today's art scene. Perhaps due to gaps in my knowledge and certain preconceptions (or misconceptions), I had never really taken to him before dressing...

Posted by: Creativepool


Hard pressed.

How much do you imagine a quarter page, black and white advertisement in the London edition of Metro (the free commuter newspaper) costs? A few hundred quid? A bit more? The answer is £6,636. Perhaps I'm terribly naive or getting a bit old, but...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ten of the best image editors

The range of image manipulation software available has grown significantly. Whether you're looking to create a digital art masterpiece or just want to quickly take the red reflections out your friend's eyes or crop them out the shot entirely, there...

Posted by: Creativepool


How ethical is your wardrobe?

You can hardly move in an inch in a shop these days without being confronted with fair trade this and that and an ending array of ethical options for your every consumer need. Once an option for dreadlocked hippies and mother earth types, ethical...

Posted by: Creativepool

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