Displaying 4357 - 4369 of 4369 results



Best of TED

Back in 1984, TED was a conference that aimed to bring three worlds together: Technology, Entertainment and Design. Since then the scope has broadened and now it offers creative thinkers the ultimate 15 minute soapbox. So how about today we indulge...

Posted by: Creativepool


Going underground

400 miles of track (only 150 of which are actually underground), 180 million passengers a year and one 300 foot moving walkway in engineering terms alone, the London Underground system is a staggering achievement. However, the role the network has...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet David MacGregor

David MacGregor is an internationally-awarded creative director and brand consultant with extensive experience in advertising, design, IT and publishing. He is co-founder and creative director of Idealog - the award winning magazine for New Zealand's...

Posted by: Creativepool


Japan: Censoring The Arts.

Creatives in Japan are currently up in arms about a new form of censorship legislation which is in the process of being approved by the authorities. The Federal Province of Tokyo has made it illegal for creative companies to portray any female...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Rishi Dastidar

Rishi Dastidar is a copywriter for ad agency archibald ingall stretton. When he's not doing that, he pretends he's a digital native at his blog Being Beta. When hes not doing that, he pretends he's a poet. And when he's not doing that, he sits on the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Banned Adverts they've got it all wrong.

Today it has been announced that a Paddy Power advert depicting a team of blind footballers who mistake a cat for a ball during a match, has been banned. This can't come as any surprise to the bookmaking giants who are no strangers to controversy as...

Posted by: Creativepool

Ikea vs. Idea

A friend of mine is trying to buy his first flat, finally getting on to the property ladder in his mid-thirties. Not his fault, of course - he works like a B-word - but such is the cost of living in London. So anyway, last weekend, I accompanied this...

Posted by: Creativepool


Going up? They are at the House of Commons...

Like a lot of people in the creative industries, I feel underpaid. Unless you are fairly senior or have built an impressive range of clients for your freelance portfolio, I would almost bet that most of you think you're worth more than you currently...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Nick Warren

Nick Warren is an adventurous sort of chap. Not only is he a sailor who's taken the Atlantic Ocean, a shipwreck and a hurricane in his stride, today he is Managing Director of the digital agency Semantic , the UK's most relaxed web studio. Hi Nick....

Posted by: Creativepool


Graffiti wars

There is a grand tradition of animosity and grudge amongst any era's foremost artists. Just think of the squabbles between Picasso and Matisse or even Michelangelo and Leonardo. But these cultural showdowns rarely take place on the towpath of the...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to start your own fashion label: by the founder of Oops!

Over the coming weeks I am going to sniff out some exciting creative entrepreneurs who will hopefully give you a little hope and encouragement if you are in the process of setting up your own business. I used to go to University down in Brighton and...

Posted by: Creativepool


From the people that brought us Kinetic Cats

Upon deciding that Brooklyn creative agency Labour were to be the first topic of my first Creativepool blog, you cannot begin to imagine how long I toyed with the idea of a political pun for the blog title. So long, in fact, that I was beginning to...

Posted by: Creativepool

Predictions for 2009 from Workstation

Making predictions in the current market is verging on the impossible. Commentators across the board have varying views on how it is going to pan out and how long the recovery is going to take. One thing that everyone agrees on is that 2009 is going...

Posted by: Creativepool

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