Displaying 397 - 404 of 404 results



The internet - the staggering truth revealed.

The World Wide Web, it's a wonderful thing to be sure. You've got your social media for endless moaning and pictures of your holidays. You've got your YouTube for Little Mix videos and footage of other people's pets. And you've got your online...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Job Description - Writer

What is the work like? Writers produce works of fiction and non-fiction. They may work on: novels short stories poetry scripts for radio, TV, film or theatre non-fiction books newspaper and magazine articles, from news and features to opinion...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Why do creative agencies all talk the same?

by John Fountain I'll wager that if you visit any creative agency's website and go to the "About" page you'll find that, though the pictures and design might be poles apart, the words themselves will all be pretty much the same. Which is weird when...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ursa majors - the ten best known bears in advertising.

Jeremy You know the Honey Monster? Big, funny, cuddly, kooky old rug? Cold-blooded, careerist vampire more like. Because those of us in our forties know he usurped Jeremy Bear, casting him out of his proud role as the face of Sugar Puffs; condemning...

Posted by: Creativepool


Vivienne Westwood at London Fashion Week September 2011

Last Saturday night I lost my catwalk show virginity to the most eligible designer out there, our very own national yellow-haired treasure, Vivienne Westwood. We hot-footed it down to the most unlikely of venues, Smithfields meat market, to cast our...

Posted by: Creativepool

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