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Global creative calendar: April 2021

Among this month's slate of alluring virtual events, everyone who's open to new experiences has much to gain. Future and current leaders from vital industry sectors are going all in, curtains are set to draw back, and stages will illuminate. As...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


There’s never been a better time to be brave

Founder insights for developing brands in uncertain times. The last few months have forced businesses to re-focus, often as a matter of survival. For many brands it has undoubtedly been a difficult time, but it has also helped bring perspective and...

Posted by: B&B Studio


How brands can engage consumers online

It was clear quite early on that 2020 would become the year when socials took the centre stage. With most of the world in lockdowns or respecting social distancing rules, there were few outlets for entertainment and creativity outside of our beloved...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


400 BBC jobs to leave London; are big city centres dead post Covid?

How long has it been since the last Industrial Revolution? I can’t remember the exact dates, but around a century for sure. It’s been even longer since the first Industrial Revolution, moving people around the world from the countryside...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The value of individualisation in the new world of retail

When you think of retail and Covid-19, you can't help but feel a sense of discomfort pretty much off the bat. Retail has been heavily hit in the middle of this pandemic, with high street stores and firms closing up, tourism going down and an overall...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Can I use George Orwell's legacy in my works?

Every time politics gets into the frame, it is tempting to resort to one of the first world-recognised writers of dystopian fiction, George Orwell, to pay a much heartfelt tribute to such a great master of English literature. Well, as of January...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Listening, Pivoting and Adapting with the Ogilvy Sydney CSO

When Ogilvy Australia CEO David Fox approached Toby Harrison, Toby was probably not expecting that he would soon become the one driving a substantial change in Ogilvy Australia's structure. Moving the company from compartments and silos to working...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Learning start-up culture with the Global CCO of BrandOpus

Unconventional, yet remarkably intuitive. This is the philosophy guiding each and every creative strategy, thought and move for BrandOpus, born as a start-up and now boasting offices in London, Melbourne, Chicago and New York. Like many great...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What's next for social media marketing?

It's no wonder brands have invested big in the power of social media this year. With the vast majority of consumers stuck at home for long periods of time, online ads and social media were the only touchpoints between them and their target users. We...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Here's all the best 2020 Christmas ads!

All the 2020 Christmas campaigns in one place Every year the same story: agencies and brands coming together to release a stream of beautiful Christmas ads for the joy of us all. It has almost become tradition. There’s no Christmas without a...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why collaboration is the key to effectiveness

Some agencies help brands succeed with cutting-edge, disruptive campaigns that will leave a mark in the industry forever. But no matter what kind of brand it is, they all have to start somewhere. It is the task of agencies like B&B Studio to help...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Loving shots and stories with filmmaker Darren Statman

We love a good story. And film director Darren Statman has plenty to tell. It isn't every day that we get the chance to open a window into a creative professional's life, but with our Member Spotlights it does happen fairly often. What we love about...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How AR can save the travel industry post-COVID

It is no surprise that the pandemic has had drastic effects on travel across the globe, with thousands having holidays cancelled. While many still have the travel bug and would love to rebook, they remain anxious to leave the country. Travel...

Posted by: Poplar


Recruiting After the Pandemic In the Design Industry

The pandemic has changed the way we live and work. For the past few months, employees around the world have been working remotely, getting their projects done with video conferences and online project management. It also has definitely changed the...

Posted by: Angelina Harper


Rishi Sunak Strikes Again

If there is one MP that has arguably benefitted from the COVID-19 pandemic (at least as far as political capital is concerned), it’s Rishi Sunak. This is a man who, at the start of the year, was only really known to those of us that watch...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The creative industries need #MoreThanWords to ensure real change

We've heard the promises of a hypocritical industry working relentlessly to patch up the holes in representation and diversity. We've seen our own industry fall short of those promises when the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Bold Creativity of Anthony Birland

You know you've really found your place when you can't imagine doing anything else in life. It is the case of freelance multimedia artist Anthony Birland, who was bold enough to step into a design agency whilst still studying and ask what kind of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Helen Brain on setting your own challenges

Fiction or reality, the best leaders are the ones who always pursue knowledge. Ambition is but a piece of the puzzle - without passion and determination, you are unlikely to get anywhere without having a really hard time. And having passion and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Phillip Powdrill's Love for Learning

Luck is an important factor at any given time in life. There is always a certain degree of planning ahead, but you would be surprised by the amount of sheer luck that is needed to actually break through. Now, you could argue that opportunities don't...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Announced the Winners of the Creative Circle 2020 Awards

Here at Creativepool we're always proud to support creative awards that strive to make a difference. While we all eagerly wait for the deadline of our prestigious Annual 2020 awards, our partners at Creative Circle have forged ahead with their own...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Life post-COVID might be worse than we expect

Well that was quick, wasn’t it? A few months stuck at home, non-stop doomscast for a couple of weeks, then at some point the industry got used to it (or got bored enough) and started to cope, one way or another. We’ve heard of both...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


What does the pandemic mean for the production sector?

Some will remember a very specific time in the history of cinema, a time when certain crews were reduced to a bare minimum and all that mattered was the artistic expression, the idea behind film itself. I am certainly too young to remember a time...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

Member Spotlight: The Indisputable Rules of Art with Laszlo Ary

Laszlo Ary believes that rules are there for a reason, and all of his art exists to show as much. Careful composition, attention to the principles of art and crazy regard for details are all features of Laszlo's work, who moved from a simple passion...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Member Spotlight: The Humble Resilience of Martin Reznik

It takes a moment to realise you've been faring on the wrong path for a while. When life gets in the way and everything you do becomes a necessity to forge ahead, it is way too easy to lose focus on the things you love. Today, Polish-born illustrator...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Advertising & Creativity in a Time of a Crisis

Pandemic. Lockdown. Quarantine. All concepts which most of us could have reasonably hoped we would never experience. And yet here we are entering another week of Zoom calls, home schooling, and … is it too early to have a glass of wine...

Posted by: Richard Holman


Asterix and Obelix: the magic potion behind Albert Uderzo's success

Creative success is often about chasing dreams, determination, and just the right amount of luck. It is also about teaming up with people in line with your creative vibe; and sometimes, in the case of Asterix and Obelix co-creators Albert Uderzo and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why the future of content production is in cloud storage

The streaming services market is flourishing, with many established entertainment brands now rushing to create their own platforms, such as HBO Max and NBC’s Peacock. Having failed to capitalise on a sector that’s been dominated by...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How can brands adapt to change in the luxury sector?

As luxury consumers' behaviour changes from 'having' to 'being', experiences are being increasingly valued as much as products. Brands can capitalise on this by creating experiences that are the sweet spot between brand aspiration and brand vision....

Posted by: Imagination


Behind the Idea: Spamming your boss for equality

9 out of 10 men believe that men and women should take time out to care for their family, whereas only 2% of parents take this up. The Shared Parental Leave policy introduced by the Government is complicated and often only offers men statutory pay,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Burnout: It's not just for millennials!

While agencies are understandably focusing on the wellbeing of their younger workers, stress affects all of us. When asked to give an insight into how we approach mental health at Southpaw, our CEO Tom Poynter argued that senior industry staff are at...

Posted by: Southpaw


15 things millennials want from the workplace

Millennials seem like a complicated generation through and through. They keep rewriting the way our society works and that can be confusing and tough for the people trying to retain Millenials in the office and give them work. Suddenly, cubicles...

Posted by: Liam Smith


Lost in Translation: how to run a successful multi-region campaign 

When your brand trades across multiple countries, reproducing a successful marketing campaign from one region in the rest of your markets can appear easy. It seems all you need to do is pay some translators and watch the savings roll in. However, a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


5 marketing trends for 2020: Yuval Ben-Itzhak

2019 was the year TikTok exploded and influencer marketing gained traction, especially with marketers in beauty, fashion, e-commerce and auto. In 2020, we predict that influencer marketing will continue to grow and that social commerce will achieve...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


So, you've won an award...

Do industry awards just prey on pride? You don’t remember entering. You barely even remember the piece of work that’s been nominated. And you’ve certainly never heard of the Copywriting Republic Annual Presentation who are behind...

Posted by: Ant O'Neill


How celebrating Christmas can boost your productivity

Christmas is less than two months away and research has shown that not enough companies are getting in the spirit, missing the chance to boost productivity. A study carried out by UK retailer Christmas Tree World has found that 74% of employees are...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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