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Displaying 37 - 72 of 5471 results



The best free apps to boost your creative productivity

I know, I know - it's February already. Where did the first month of the year go? Most likely, in loads of planning for the year to come, and a healthy amount of procrastination too. As usual, the New Year came with its usual amount of hopeful...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


A guide to reviewing your brand: 13 key questions

We understand that a full-rebrand is a big deal and requires quite a level of commitment and valuable resources. The strength of your brand gives you an advantage over your competitors, so we recommend re-assessing your branding every so often. This...

Posted by: Progression Design


Three reasons to reconsider your rebrand | #PurposeMonth

Your brand is your business. It’s not a logo or a colour palette. Which means the rebrand, as we’ve come to understand it, might not be the answer to the question you’re asking. Manfred Abraham, co-CEO at Yonder, discusses why...

Posted by: Yonder Consulting


6 ways to tackle your remote team's mental health challenges

Can you smell the flowers blooming, the trees turning green? Can you feel the gentle touch of a summery breeze grazing your cheeks from a window draught? See the sun, calling you from the green park just around the corner? I’m not doing this...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


When the sky’s the limit, how do you find your creative niche? 

Whether you’re opening your creative business in a unique industry, or a saturated market, it’s important to recognise what makes you different from your competition. But in a world where anything seems possible, how do you focus on the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Maturation of the Startup - A guide to starting your own agency

So you want to start your own creative agency? Well, good luck! If building a business is like raising a child, then nurturing a team of passionate, sensitive creatives is like being a first-time father or mother and caring for a sick infant....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to avoid being bullied by your client

You can hear horror stories from all over the industry, and unfortunately any agency leader can tell you that they are far too common. Clients leveraging their influence and the power of their wallets to have agencies submit to abusive behaviour,...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Should you quit your job and go freelance?

“The freelance revolution”, they’re calling it. People all over the western world (especially in Europe and US) are quitting their longstanding, once granted jobs to pursue new opportunities in the freelance scene. It certainly has...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to Retain Your Audience in 2020

Do you actively think about how your visitors come to you? If you’re still relying on erratic websites and referral traffic, the mercy of social media algorithms, and Google - where over 50% of today’s searches result in zero clicks - you...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What to do when your client does not agree with you?

We’ve all had to deal with difficult clients or customers in our lifetime. If you’ve ever been through retail or hospitality (and I think most of us will have, to be fair) you know how difficult people can be. Surely not all of us will...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why now is the time to ensure your local label is online

Few are struggling right now like freelancers and independent businesses all around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought small local brands to their knees, even forcing some of them to consider how to temporarily cease operations. The folks...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to think like a startup - whatever your size

Growth hacking is having a mainstream moment. It’s a phrase, and an activity, that started in the startup world. But what is it, and why are people outside of the startup world starting to pay attention? What is growth hacking? Put simply,...

Posted by: Despark


5 Ways to Diversify Your Freelancer Income as a Creative #PurposeMonth

Being a freelancer in the creative industries can be equal parts exhilarating and terrifying, particularly with AI now potentially changing the playing field for so many of us. For me, freelancing offers the freedom to only accept the work I...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to Protect Your New Website From Cyber Attacks

Websites power the world. With over 1.8 billion sites (or even much more now) on the web, you can find sites that do just about everything. Whether you’ve designed a new blog, an eCommerce platform that will someday rival Amazon, or anything...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Marketing your way through the COVID crisis

It's easy to imagine how hard small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are struggling during this global pandemic situation. Government programmes may have neglected you or you may have fallen through the cracks of a flawed emergency initiative. Either...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to get your work noticed by a Creative Director

So it’s 2014 and you’re on a quest to land a new job at a brilliant agency. But how do you make sure you stand out from the hundreds of people doing exactly the same? Our Creative Director, Martin Homent, shares his tips and insight into...

Posted by: Tribe Marketing


The Ad Council gets under our skin

A surprisingly moving new campaign from the non-profit Ad Council group has been making some big waves this week. A film shot on Valentine's Day called “Diversity & Inclusion” made its online début on Tuesday and sent the internet into floods of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why your "confident and charismatic" CEO still needs media training

You wouldn’t let an employee loose on your core IT systems without training, so should your media outreach be any different? Amy Stone, Senior Communications Consultant at Hard Numbers discusses her surprise and frustration at how many times...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 reasons to update your website

If you're responsible for the website of your business or organisation, it can sometimes be a case of out of sight, out of mind once it's up and running… you may only look at or amend one or two pages from time to time until someone points...

Posted by: Progression Design


Turn up the volume on your brand identity

It’s obvious when you think about it. Your brand speaks to your audience. It occupies ‘mental space’ in the minds of your most loyal consumers. You NEED to know how it sounds to your customers. But you probably won’t find...

Posted by: ifour


How Much Creativity You Should Put Into Your Writing Job

Not everyone is born with a natural knack for writing and those who know they have what it takes often find themselves at odds with what they are able to produce, versus what their employer wants. In many cases, the writer’s creative mind...

Posted by:


12 Key Terms To Look For In Your Music License

Let’s face it. Music licensing can be pretty tedious from time to time. Okay… most of the time. But you don’t need to understand every term or nuance to purchase a music license. If you’re an advertiser looking to license...

Posted by: Bopper


Small or large business? Where to start your creative career

Starting your career can be one of the most exciting times of your life. Many graduates have their hearts set on making their name in a global company, with Google, Facebook and Apple all ranking in the top companies that young professionals want to...

Posted by: Forward Role Recruitment


How to... Perfect your interview technique.

So, at last you've got through to the interview stage and you need some advice. Your CV has been scrutinised, your portfolio pawned over and the last thing you need is the perfect interview technique. Below are some vital tips that we have collected...

Posted by: Creativepool


Using AI to support your marketing

Sarah Evans, Head of Digital at PR agency, Energy PR, offers her advice on using AI to assist with your marketing work, freeing your team up to focus on the areas where you can add the most value. AI is not new. However, the launch of platforms like...

Posted by: Energy PR


5 smart ways to use social media to grow your business in 2022

The role of social media in marketing is usually underestimated only by those who have never dealt regularly with blogs or business pages. Simply put, if you are the owner of any new commercial organisation or you do anything that can generate...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


Finding your way into the design industry during the COVID crisis

Finding a job - particularly your first, permanent one in your desired field - is an intimidating task at the best of times, especially for aspiring design graduates in an already competitive job market. And now, the economic effect of the pandemic...

Posted by: Jess Patel

Harness the Power of "Why" In Your Brand Story

We all remember great stories. It’s what helps us make connections, strengthens our memories and inspires action. So it is no surprise that brands who use storytelling are the ones that get noticed. Storytelling in marketing is not a new...

Posted by: Emma McCarthy

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