Displaying 325 - 327 of 327 results



Spotlight - Henry Stuart - Photographer

I have never received even one hour of training in photography, web design or programming and I make my living out of putting the three together. Creativepool caught up with Henry at Tower Bridge to talk about a lack of training, dodgy ankles and,...

Posted by: Creativepool



I have big hands. Lumberjack hands. Hands so large they drag along the ground behind me. There are advantages to this. For example, big hands are good if you want to be a goalkeeper or play the piano. They're great for banging the table and waving...

Posted by: Creativepool


Plumen light bulb Wins Brit Insurance Design of the Year 2011

Last night it was announced that the British Designer Samuel Wilkinson and the supporting product design company Hulger have scooped the Brit Insurance Design of the Year award with their innovative redesign of the low-energy light bulb. The award...

Posted by: Creativepool

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