Displaying 2989 - 3024 of 3098 results



How to... find a job in Web Design

We get emails almost everyday from people wanting web design jobs. However web design and web development jobs have become more and more sophisticated. If you are keen on landing employment in web design then read the notes below. You might also want...

Posted by: Creativepool


Job Description: Textile Designer.

Textile designers create designs for knitted, printed and woven textiles. These designs often feature repeating patterns. Job Description, salaries and benefits Textile designers create designs for knitted, printed and woven textiles. These designs...

Posted by: Creativepool


Job Description: Photographer

Professional photographers take pictures of people, events, places and objects. Their work can appear anywhere from newspapers and magazines to wedding albums and textbooks. View photography jobs View photography profiles View photography...

Posted by: Creativepool


The one thing you must do right to have any chance of landing a job.

by Michael Tomes. Or the alternative heading "Read this and you might just get the job you want". It has been a while since I have written to the candidates on Creativepool other than when I produce the Hot Jobs bulletin each week, and include a...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Find a job in design

Finding a job in design is not particularly easy as it's one of the most competitive industries out there. Most design companies (when they advertise jobs) seem to always ask for at least 3 years experience, so the chicken and egg scenario starts....

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Prepare for interview questions.

by Creativepool. Getting yourself prepared for these following interview questions is a vital part of landing a great job. Most of these will come up in one shape or another during the interview - unless of course you get one of those great...

Posted by: Creativepool


Content for your Design, Digital, Media, Games and Web CV

by Creativepool. Below lists the basic outline for what you should have in place on your Creative CV for the Design, Digital, Media, Games and Web CV. You can follow this in the basic order that it is outlined below and this should give your CV an...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Create a portfolio that best suits you.

Your portfolio is one of the most important things that need to be considered when thinking about applying for a new job. Us "old schoolers" have all spent countless hours trudging around Soho with our A2 portoflio in tow, ending the day with a...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with...David Dalley, Creative Director and Fine Artist

by John Fountain. Following a successful career as an award winning creative director, David is now a successful fine artist. Here he talks about his career, his travels and how things have changed over the years. So how would you describe your day...

Posted by: Creativepool


Is necessity really the mother of invention?

by Ashley Morrison. I wouldn't say I'm a gadget freak by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like some techie stuff that usefully enhances my life while being fun to play with. I spent an inordinate amount of time choosing my latest mobile - a...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Odd things you find on the internet.

by John Fountain. Here's some articles, videos and websites worthy of further exploration... Kirby Ferguson. Embracing the remix. Kirby Ferguson is a film-maker from New York. He has a point of view that I guess many of us believe there is some...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 mins with... Fiona Proudler of Realise

I head up Realise, one of the top 20 independent digital agencies in the UK with offices in Farringdon and Leith, Edinburgh. Realise is an agency going through amazing transformation and growth. When I joined there were less than 10 in the agency...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with... Marc Bessant, Real World Records

by John Fountain. Marc is the in-house designer and creative director at Real World Records, the label founded by WOMAD and Peter Gabriel. Over the past 12 years he has been responsible for over a hundred CDs, vinyl sleeves, T-shirts, flyers,...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 'Welcome To Las Vegas' sign, appreciated.

by Magnus Shaw. If you've always been keen to see the very cornerstone of capitalism; a seething hub of avarice and a perfect mechanism for prising people's hard earned cash from their pockets, Las Vegas is for you. I've just returned from a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Can copy-writing be taught?

by Magnus Shaw. In the distant past, I trained to be a croupier. A roulette dealer, to be accurate. Roulette is fairly complicated and the dealer must be aware of every aspect of the game in progress - monitoring when the bets go down, who has won,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ten reasons to quit your job.

by Ashley Morrison. There are many reasons why, according to a recent poll by Forbes, 74% of people would consider changing jobs. One would like to think that this is just because they want to move onwards and upwards in pursuit of an ever-more...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why creative jobs aren't always a bowl of cherries.

by Magnus Shaw. I work as a copywriter and blogger. I also do something I call consultancy - advising people on their writing, marketing or branding, really. Sometimes, I produce or present radio programmes too. These are all very enjoyable and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Is it possible to be too creative?

by Magnus Shaw. Do you remember Kiss? Of course you do. Ludicrous American band - wore loads of black and white make-up. Well, they're back. Sort of. The new campaign for Costa Coffee features their track 'I Was Made For Loving You. The song...

Posted by: Creativepool


Road to ruin. The resignation letter that should worry us all.

by Magnus Shaw. This week, the Chancellor of the Exchequer proposed a scheme whereby employees will be invited to give up some of their employment rights in exchange for company shares. You may think this is a tremendous idea or the most cynical...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Tweeting for crisps.

by Magnus Shaw Special K eternally pitched as a "healthy" food, it's now at the centre of an "eat this and wear smaller jeans" campaign. It must be going well, because a line of Special K snacks has been launched named "Cracker Crisps." It's no...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Help yourself. Is it ever okay to nick an idea?

by Magnus Shaw An enormous advertising company (Leo Burnett) and a small creative film company (Asylum) have had a difficult couple of weeks. It's a tangled tale but essentially Asylum produced a film for the McDonald's charitable foundation for Leo...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions- Are client amends a daily kick in the teeth?

by John Fountain If there's one thing that creative people and account handlers have in common it is that neither are telepathic, telekinetic or have the power to read minds. Yet it seems many clients think otherwise. Work that has been carefully...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - What does the future hold for an old creative?

by John Fountain Like it or not, the industry we work in is youth biased. They don't tell you this when you first start out on your career, but the fact is, when you reach about 40 years of age the trajectory of your career will change. Unless you...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Genius of the mainstream. Tony Scott remembered.

by Magnus Shaw A little over a day ago, Tony Scott - the renowned film and advertisement director - jumped to his death from a bridge in Los Angeles. The details remain unclear but he may have been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. Scott...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - The sensory overload inside American ad agencies

by John Fountain During my career I've had to come up with ideas in all sorts of shabby environments. For a year I worked out of a garage in Paddington. While in Singapore my office was on the second floor of a very dodgy shopping precinct. And...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions- Your move. Losing your job before it has even begun.

by Magnus Shaw Writing in The Drum this week, Phil Haselhurst describes how his determination to climb the career ladder brought him to grief. He had a decent job with an agency he liked - good team, lots of experience, satisfying work. But, not...

Posted by: Creativepool


Online resources for better freelancing

Is it a good time to be a freelancer working at creative agencies at the moment? It's a question that seems to get very varied responses as everyone's situation is different, and the availability of work is spread unevenly across the disciplines this...

Posted by: Creativepool

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