Displaying 2557 - 2570 of 2570 results



Vinnie Chieco. The freelance copywriter who named the iPod.

The year is 2001. Vinnie Chieco, a freelance copywriter from San Francisco is sitting in the offices of Apple Inc. He and a small group of other freelance writers are here to name a rather interesting new product Apple is launching. Before the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Postmodernism at the V&A

Hello dear blog readers. Apologies for posting this so late in the day but I have been out at the V&A Museum all afternoon trying to get my head around just what exactly Postmodernism is. Stupid though this may sound I managed to complete my art...

Posted by: Creativepool


The top ten USB gadgets

The USB ports in our computers have facilitated a wide range of different product and marketing opportunities. From guitars that can be plugged straight into our computers to nifty branded storage freebies that get handed out like sweets at IT...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 25 best horror movie posters

You probably see it hundreds of time each and every day. Whether it's on the side of a bus or on the underground, the poster for 'Final Destination 5' seems to be absolutely everywhere at the moment. Maybe part of the reason they felt comfortable...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ryanair - the floating marketplace

Last week a couple of friends and I went to Berlin for a short break on the cheap. Unfortunately for us our tight budgets and last minute booking meant we had to fly with Ryanair, in the past this hasn't been much of a problem but we were unprepared...

Posted by: Creativepool


Souled. How religion uses advertising.

On 21st October 2008 a completely original advertising campaign was launched. Positioned on the sides of buses it carried the simple headline: 'There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life. This was the first time a marketing...

Posted by: Creativepool


Professional development courses: a load of old tosh?

If, like me, you are registered with a number of job sites, you will probably get a weekly or even daily glut of emails telling you that you really ought to think about taking some sort of training course. Be it a course in Dreamweaver, Flash or...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet James Watt

BrewDog, a brewery with a difference, is the brainchild of 25-year old James Watt and his business partner and best mate Martin Dickie. Today it is Scotland's largest independently owned brewery producing about 120,000 bottles per month. But that...

Posted by: Creativepool


Dr Who theme standing the test of time(lords)...

I can name three things which sent me running for cover behind the sofa when I was a child. The film Jaws especially with the entry of John Williams' iconic two-note blood-chilling theme; another Jaws, but this time from James Bond, bearing his...

Posted by: Creativepool


Going underground

400 miles of track (only 150 of which are actually underground), 180 million passengers a year and one 300 foot moving walkway in engineering terms alone, the London Underground system is a staggering achievement. However, the role the network has...

Posted by: Creativepool


Dyson's Air Multiplier: it does what it says on the box.

This week, the soothsayers at BBC's weather centre promised me the dizzying heights of 22 degrees Celsius. Frankly, that would make a nice change because spring so far this year has been rubbish. If I didn't know better, I'd say that there was some...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Rishi Dastidar

Rishi Dastidar is a copywriter for ad agency archibald ingall stretton. When he's not doing that, he pretends he's a digital native at his blog Being Beta. When hes not doing that, he pretends he's a poet. And when he's not doing that, he sits on the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Graffiti wars

There is a grand tradition of animosity and grudge amongst any era's foremost artists. Just think of the squabbles between Picasso and Matisse or even Michelangelo and Leonardo. But these cultural showdowns rarely take place on the towpath of the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Not so simples

As with so many wonderful things, the Meerkat was first introduced to us by Sir David Attenborough. In the 1980s documentary Meerkats United' we discovered they are not cats, they reach sexual maturity aged one and they speak' to each other. It...

Posted by: Creativepool

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