Displaying 253 - 288 of 9428 results



We are the only ones to blame for the advertising/audience divide

Ever heard of the Pretentious-O-Meter? Neither did I, until earlier today. There is a known reality in the film industry that sees film critics as being constantly disconnected from the end audience. Ratings from critics are often unforgiving and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Commercial radio enjoys biggest advertising revenue figures in 2016

Commercial radio is celebrating a record-breaking year for advertising revenue, boosted by increased investment in the medium by online retailers. Figures from Radiocentre, the industry body for UK commercial radio, reveal that commercial radio took...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Everyone hates advertising, until they lose their Dog

Then they want to figure out the best way of stopping people in their tracks, taking notice, and finding Fido. The same is happening with brands with a focus, or increased interest in digital. Every brief asks creatives to think...

Posted by: Simon Manchipp


Heidi and Hallbery: A unique blend of advertising and print design

We all know the agency Mother. Great client list, lots of awards, reputation for ace campaigns; but nobody really associates them with scarves. Until now, that is. Introducing Heidi Pridham and Nick Hallbery. Nick's a leading creative at Mother and...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

M and M Direct - Start Saving Quite how a catalogue clothes company manages to use that name, without falling foul of the chocolate people (whose ad we reviewed last week), I'm not sure. Perhaps it's because their ad is so anodyne and dull, the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

Barclays - Code Playground There can be few things more important to a kid's education right now, than teaching them code. Whilst nothing is guaranteed, it's surely their best bet for a productive career in later life. So Barclays have launched an...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

The Week In Advertising

Persil - Dual Action Mums Agency: TMW | Executive Producer: Kate Myles Who does the washing? Women do! Of course they do! This is the 1950s after all. No, hang on, it's 2015 - and women still do the washing, but they're cool women now. Not only are...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

The Week In Advertising

Compare The Market: Meerkats On Safari Try as I might, I still can't bring myself to dislike the meerkats. The campaign has been running so long, it should have run out of steam, but when Alexander tells Oleg (you see, I even know their names) he's...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Meet us at Advertising Week Europe!

We are very pleased to announce that we will be presenting the benefits of sourcing creative from professional communities at AdWeek Europe next week. Heather Deacon, Creative Solutions Director, will discuss how effectively sourcing from a...

Posted by: Heather Deacon


UK Election 2015 in advertising

Today (7 May 2015) marks the commencement of the first UK general election in five years, and by necessity, it looks to be perhaps the most closely fought election battle in recent history. With 7 leaders fighting for your vote this time around, it's...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Advertising Week Europe. Live Streaming from ITV Stage

Live from the Advertising Week Europe ITV Stage at Princess Anne Advertising Week Europe has 200+ events including more than 180 seminars and workshops. World-class industry thought leaders take the Advertising Week stage to tackle the industry's...

Posted by: Advertising Week


Weighty issues. Did advertising make us fat?

One in three Britons is now overweight. One in five is obese. As far as one can trust statistics, that's the picture giving rise to some hefty soul searching this week. How did this happen? What is to be done about it? And who's to blame? That's the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


AOL makes bold strides in advertising revenue with programmatic trading

Though it might have been overtaken by Google as the most visible name in online industry many years ago, AOL (America Online) is still going strong and has recently posted 4th quarter figures for 2013 that point to its most successful year in over a...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Video advertising thriving as Blinkx sees eightfold increase in profits

Blinkx has announced that its revenue has increased by 73% to $198m. Share price has been on a roller coaster following the company's failure to match analysts' early hope, however it has since more than doubled in the last year. The Blinkx report...

Posted by: Creativepool


Understanding propaganda in advertising

I’ve always been fascinated with the power of propaganda. Last week marked the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War and, of the many impacts it had on the world, it’s effect on advertising is the one I encounter every...

Posted by: Rob Pratt


Are white male creative directors ruining advertising?

The reason 89% of advertising is forgotten is because white men in London are the ones making the ads, according to Paul Mellor, owner and design director at Mellor&Smith. It’s all well and good for business leaders like Cindy Gallop and Sir...

Posted by: Ryan Watson


Why the advertising industry needs to be more Punk

The upcoming Production Social (30th November) is themed around Punk, Dani Michelon, Head of AMV XLAB, the innovation lab at AMVBBDO & Founder of Production Social discusses why she chose this left field theme and the need for originality, rebellion,...

Posted by: Creative Social


Free The Bid aims to break gender bias in advertising once and for all

Gender bias has, until now, been one of those issues a lot of us like to sweep under the rug, even though we all understand it's a major problem. For many, it's a lingering reminder of a bygone age of rampant misogyny and prejudice that we'd rather...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Social Media Advertising: Show Them The Money

Don’t you just hate it when they take something pure, and put sponsored ads all over it? Not that Instagram is the purest social media platform; it has been co-opted readily by A-List celebrities who just want to rebel against Anna...

Posted by: Jade French


The Week In Advertising.

Warner Brothers - 'American Sniper' All too often, ads for movies contain too much information and far too much of the movie itself. In short, they're a bit desperate. But this is much more like it. Lean, intriguing but giving little of the story...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Create Buzz Advertising and Appeale to a Younger Audience

Buzz advertising, or the ability for your advertisement to create conversation, is an art, slowly being perfected through past decades of advertising history. Many advertisements achieve good buzz marketing naturally, through internet and televised...

Posted by: Creativepool


Sir John Hegarty says modern advertising is 'sh*t'. Is he right?

“If you look at the UK, we are suffering because we are not putting the time into the idea and there’s empirical evidence to say that the quality of our output has gone down. It’s not my opinion. Empirical evidence from the audience...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Is 'AdBlock' software unfair to the advertising industry?

You know 'Mozilla', don't you? The people who make the Firefox web browser? Well, it turns out they also make a thing called 'AdBlock Plus'. And, if you're using it, you're getting right up the noses of some advertising big-wigs. For the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Breaking into advertising with The Copy Samurai

In today's advertising car interview, we learn about how to break into the advertising industry from Braylond Howard aka The Copy Samurai. He talks through his journey with the Marcus Graham Project to emerging into the agency world. Come along for...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


Is advertising art?

Over twenty years ago, I originated (I think) what has become a cliché. I put together a Better Briefing workshop for some of the suits and the planners in the agency. I thought they should know what does and does not help creative people do...

Posted by: Patrick Collister


How do you advertise an advertising competition ?

A weekly roundup of the most important news from the advertising awards world FWA After awarding amazing websites and digital experiences all year long, FWA now offers the public to select its favorite. You can vote for the FWA People Choice...

Posted by: TheNextGag


When Advertising Gets Weird!

Adland in the tenties (do you have a better name for it?) is playing it safe for the most part. Whilst the 90s revelled in anarchism and the dawn of the 21st century brought with it some pretty progressive ideas, the last 5 years have been largely...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The cupcake gambit. Annoying people as an advertising strategy.

Back in the eighties, I worked for a radio station which ran a campaign for a double glazing firm. This campaign never actually ended. Like those sofa sales, it just continued year in, year out. The ads were very straightforward, consisting of little...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Back to advertising.

I'm always impressed by people who plan their career. Or rather people who plan their career and realise those plans. Planning stuff is easy, making it happen is something else - particularly in this business. Let's say, on your first day in the ad...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Sick? Why pharmaceutical advertising dominates American TV.

If you read my column earlier this week, you'll know I'm in America. If you didn't, I'm in America. In fact, I'm now in America's oldest town, St. Augustine - on Florida's Atlantic coast. And despite the temperature being in the low eighties (which...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


CP Loves... Heads up. The best advertising headlines in the world?

by Magnus Shaw For a jet propulsion lab brochure: "What we do isn't rocket science. Oh, hang on ...". For Sainsbury's: "We say 'hello' to good buyers". A recruitment ad for security guards: "Who says you can't have a successful career after the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ursa majors - the ten best known bears in advertising.

Jeremy You know the Honey Monster? Big, funny, cuddly, kooky old rug? Cold-blooded, careerist vampire more like. Because those of us in our forties know he usurped Jeremy Bear, casting him out of his proud role as the face of Sugar Puffs; condemning...

Posted by: Creativepool

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