Displaying 2449 - 2475 of 2475 results



The internet - the staggering truth revealed.

The World Wide Web, it's a wonderful thing to be sure. You've got your social media for endless moaning and pictures of your holidays. You've got your YouTube for Little Mix videos and footage of other people's pets. And you've got your online...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Why social media is making us lonely.

In 2010, at a cost of $300 million, 800 miles of fibre-optic cable was laid between the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange to shave three milliseconds off trading times. Yet within this world of instant and absolute...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Welcome to the future. 3D printing comes to the high street.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C Clarke When I was a nipper, I'd watch Star Trek and pretty much take it for granted that I was seeing an accurate portrayal of the future. I'm quite an old bloke now,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


In defense of advertising.

When it comes to voicing an opinion, I don't tend towards coyness (regular readers may not be surprised to learn this). For instance, I more than happy to reveal that my political views broadly fall into the left-of-centre, liberal camp . Although,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The launch of #CreateBritain

28 March 2013 was a big day for the British creative industries. It was the day that saw the birth of an important new national initiative - Create Britain - to promote and celebrate homegrown creative talent in all its original and talented...

Posted by: Creativepool


If You Want Creative Job Applicants, Make a Creative Application.

Our guest post from Erin Osterhaus, Managing Editor of The New Talent Times, explains why she believes you need a creative application to attract creative applicants. In creative industries, standard job applications don’t attract the right...

Posted by: Source


Michael C Place - Build

Founded in 2001, we are a London-based graphic design agency. Our strength is in producing bold, memorable and effective graphic design and communications- including for print, packaging, digital and moving image. We work for clients big & small,...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Jon Stutfield - Creative MD at BLISS

"We're a digital agency whose founding mantra was to be a pleasure to work with. In reality that means being honest, producing great work and achieving our clients' objectives. And being nice, but that just comes naturally to us." What do you...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Odd things you find on the internet.

by John Fountain. Here's some articles, videos and websites worthy of further exploration... Kirby Ferguson. Embracing the remix. Kirby Ferguson is a film-maker from New York. He has a point of view that I guess many of us believe there is some...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... "Scrapheap Symphony" by Chris Cairns

by Jessica Hazel. You might think that glitchy dial-up modems and clunky printers are a thing of the past and that their rightful place is rotting away in a landfill somewhere. However the thing is that modern, quieter technology just doesn't cut...

Posted by: Creativepool


Clay Marzo. Creativity in a 6ft wall of water.

When it comes to surfing, Clay Marzo is unique. He has revolutionised the sport and taken it to a whole new level. In fact, he has pioneered moves so original and complex, that other surfers simply look on in wonder. The "Marzo Reverse" is one such...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight: Alex Donne-Johnson

Alex Donne-Johnson is a multidisciplinary creative living and working in London. His work has been featured in numerous magazines and books. Computer Arts magazine named him a 'Leading creative' and he's been hired directly by clients such as adidas,...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Philip Treacy and his miscellaneous millinery.

by Jessica Hazel. As London Fashion Week SS2013 reaches its climax, the last few glasses of free champagne will be downed and fashion's most committed followers will have to pack away their outrageous outfits for another six months. Fashion Week is...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. The latest phenomenon at Apple stores.

by John Fountain More people visited Apple's 326 stores than Walt Disney's four biggest theme parks last year. And many visitors don't go to shop. They go to play. They go to have fun. It might be a shop but you know, it's a cool place to hang...

Posted by: Creativepool


Quietly Redundant - the future for the QR code?

I'm not a classic early adopter. I don't queue outside Apple stores every time a plastic cover for the iPad is released, but I latch onto technology fairly quickly. I was online in the late nineties, had one of the first phase of free Spotify...

Posted by: Creativepool


10 Golden Rules for Freelancers

Mark interviewed leading freelancers from the fields of 3D illustration, animation, visual effects, games and architectural visualisation to uncover their strategies for success. These were his key findings... 1. Test the market first Make sure...

Posted by: Creativepool

SheSays the world's only creative platform for women.

I don't have to tell you that it's tough out there at the moment. It's there each time you turn on the news. Inflation this, growth index blah. But it would seem that us ladies are getting a tougher ride than the gents. A recent unemployment report...

Posted by: Creativepool


Postmodernism at the V&A

Hello dear blog readers. Apologies for posting this so late in the day but I have been out at the V&A Museum all afternoon trying to get my head around just what exactly Postmodernism is. Stupid though this may sound I managed to complete my art...

Posted by: Creativepool


26 Seconds

London Design Festival 2010 has been something of a triumph for writers collective 26. Not content with dreaming up one of the more unusual LDF events in 26 Treasures, they've also teamed up with IVCA film makers to create a series of 26 second...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Andrew Finan

Andrew Finan is a UK entrepreneur who has worked with games most of his life. In the nineties he ran a series of international chess events in the USA, Russia, Germany, France, the UK and Spain. They culminated in the World Chess Championship Final...

Posted by: Creativepool


Rob Lowe just looked right at me!

For me, going to the cinema is often a slightly nervy business. When I go, I go because I like to see films on big screens with big sound how they're meant to be seen. I certainly don't go for a meal of slimy hot dog, popcorn, Revels and Coke, for...

Posted by: Creativepool


iPhone, iPad, therefore iAm.

A In two days time our lives, as we know them, are about to change forever. Why, you ask? Because the iPad is here of course. Do try to keep up, people. Apple are going to be opening their stores at 8am to accommodate the vast quantity of eager...

Posted by: Creativepool


Bored of Ford? American Idol isn't.

I love my Ford Focus. I've had it for ten years almost to the day and only now is it starting to grumble for the first time with 90,000 miles on the clock. It's reliable, solid, still looks lovely (in my eyes) and takes corners like it's on rails....

Posted by: Creativepool


How to start your own fashion label: by the founder of Oops!

Over the coming weeks I am going to sniff out some exciting creative entrepreneurs who will hopefully give you a little hope and encouragement if you are in the process of setting up your own business. I used to go to University down in Brighton and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Theo Delaney

Theo Delaney is a multi award-winning director of advertising commercials. His work is predominantly comedy based and his love of football is a major influence on his work. He is a lifelong supporter of Tottenham Hotspur and regularly appears on The...

Posted by: Creativepool

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