Displaying 2341 - 2351 of 2351 results



Job Description - Writer

What is the work like? Writers produce works of fiction and non-fiction. They may work on: novels short stories poetry scripts for radio, TV, film or theatre non-fiction books newspaper and magazine articles, from news and features to opinion...

Posted by: Creativepool


Out of sight. What became of the virtual office?

by Magnus Shaw. Working in an ad agency in Fleet Street in 1995, I was called into a first-floor office to be shown something very impressive - an email account. Visually it was quite modest, just some browser windows with names and messages in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery or is it?

by Jessica Hazel When I am not blogging for Creative Pool I am running my vintage clothing market at Brick Lane and Spitalfields. All of the traders there follow the trends and stock their stalls accordingly, working hard to hunt down vintage...

Posted by: Creativepool


Land of the free. Has charging for things become taboo?

HM Government and Tesco must have thought they'd found the Holy Grail. In an era of high unemployment and a conspicuous absence of career opportunities, the idea that the jobless could somehow be coerced into working for the ubiquitous supermarket...

Posted by: Creativepool



Jon Baker Photographer, Picture Researcher, Retoucher " Provide a high level photographic retouching service. My work has included Hair and beauty campaign's for Loreal and Wella Portraits of The Prince of Wales to accompany the Alan Titchmarsh...

Posted by: Creativepool


How ethical is your wardrobe?

You can hardly move in an inch in a shop these days without being confronted with fair trade this and that and an ending array of ethical options for your every consumer need. Once an option for dreadlocked hippies and mother earth types, ethical...

Posted by: Creativepool


Stay healthy. Get a tattoo.

If I started talking about epidermal electronics, you might well click away from this post because you think I'm going to blind you with science. But if I referred instead to electronic tattoos, you might be able to have a reasonable guess at what...

Posted by: Creativepool


Best of TED

Back in 1984, TED was a conference that aimed to bring three worlds together: Technology, Entertainment and Design. Since then the scope has broadened and now it offers creative thinkers the ultimate 15 minute soapbox. So how about today we indulge...

Posted by: Creativepool


Feathering the nest

Would you like to own Twitter? I'm not selling it or anything, so don't reach for your cheque book just yet. But if you were richer than golden syrup, I'm guessing you might be tempted. Only, here's a note of caution Twitter has yet to make a penny...

Posted by: Creativepool

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