Displaying 217 - 221 of 221 results



The 'write' idea.

by Ashley Morrison. A few weeks ago, I was approached by a prospective client, who asked whether I'd be interested in doing some work for them. Specifically (or not, as it turned out) they needed me to write a brochure. I assumed they wanted a quote...

Posted by: Creativepool


Taxing. What we can learn from the Starbucks fiasco.

by Magnus Shaw. There's only one thing that surprises me about the Starbucks saga, and it isn't their reluctance to pay tax. As large corporations are only really answerable to shareholders, that is to be expected. No, it's the fact they thought...

Posted by: Creativepool


Off and On; The twisting tale of the ITV logo.

by Magnus Shaw. Perhaps surprisingly, there's only been an official ITV logo since 1989. Until then, the network was divided into autonomous regions, each with their own brand. If you're in your thirties or forties you'll remember your own - Thames...

Posted by: Creativepool


Lights, Camera, Pitch: What Hollywood Teaches Us About Advertising

The advertising industry, as portrayed by the world of film and television, is a fascinating, deeply weird place, and likely a rather unrealistic one, given the things that happen in fictional boardroom meetings and as a consequence of imaginary...

Posted by: Creativepool

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