Displaying 217 - 252 of 4180 results



Top 10 Ads of the Week

Publicis - Fairy Fairy has brought to life the power of a single drop of its famous washing up liquid with a playful art installation of bubbles. Fairy wanted to come up with an engaging way to showcase its unique mileage messaging: “one drop...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Beagle Street release the Pounds

In a stunt not a million miles away from the KLF's infamous million pound burn-off (though far less aggressive), the online life insurance provider Beagle Street let loose 500 paper dogs in London yesterday (March 25), each made with £10 notes....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creative Resolutions for 2024 #YearInReview

As the year starts to wind down and we take stock of what we achieved (or didn’t achieve) over the last 12 months, it’s only natural to start asking what we’d have done differently if we could do it all over again. Well, thankfully...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#GettingToKnow Sweathead CEO, Mark Pollard

Mark runs Sweathead, a strategy training company with a community of 18,000 strategists and a podcast with over 1.3 million listens. In recent years, he's consulted and trained companies like Wall Street Journal, Twitter, Complex Media, EA Games,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Tangents & Trajectories with the Founder & CEO of Brash | #GettingToKnow

Working at the intersection of different timezones, John Brash is a brilliant entrepreneur and the Founder & CEO of Brash agency. But few will know and realise how important his early steps were in the overall development of his career. According to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Ads of the Week: Christmas comes early (again) and other stories

Adam&Eve/DDB - John Lewis It's that time of year again. John Lewis has unveiled its hotly anticipated Christmas spot with new star Moz the Monster, who lives under a boy's bed. The ad tells the story of a boy called Joe who is kept awake by the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 Ads of the Week

CHI & Partners - British Gas On Saturday, British Gas unveiled its new brand initiative, “Smarter Homes For All,” a multi-discipline communications campaign designed to show how smart home technology can offer real benefits to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 Ads of the Week

Selmore - ASN Bank Did you ever give any thought to the fact you've never switched banks in your life? I know I haven't. In fact, I've been with the Halifax for almost 20 years and I'm not even sure why. It turns out that I'm not alone according to...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Halloween 2016: The Best of the 'Beast'

Never ones to miss a trick (or treat) when it comes to mining popular culture for opportunities when it comes to riding the cultural zeitgeist, agencies across the globe have spent the best parts of the last week creating 'spooktastic' campaigns,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Shining the #MemberSpotlight on "that motion guy” George Hurrell

While he is more often than not simply referred to as "That motion guy", George Hurrell is actually a motion and animation specialist with a background in visual communication and design. With over 15 years of studio experience working...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Every tear tells a different story - #BehindTheIdea

Back in 2015, Maurice Mikkers made an interesting discovery: different emotions lead to different kinds of tears. A tear of pride has a different composition compared to one of heartbreak, love, sadness and so on. So at some point last year, as the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Patola Figueroa on being a woman in the creative industry

There are plenty of words we could write about Isobar Mexico VP, Patola Figueroa. There is plenty of time we could spend trying to capture her essence, her strength, her attitude to leadership and all of her personal backstory. But in truth, there...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Learning the Unexpected with Philip Giancola

You never know when the muse of creativity is going to engulf you in one of its legendary and life-changing moments of epiphany. Filmmaker Philip Giancola has dropped out of high school in his teenage years, only to then fall in love with movies...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How Desperados became the most inclusive brand overnight

At London’s newest event space, Magazine, there’s a giant octopus serving drinks, a Human Mirrorball in the middle of the dancefloor and custom-built ‘see the stage boots’ to allow for good views of the DJ. These are just some...

Posted by: Ryan Watson


Rebrand Roundup: Cannabis-infused caramel and other stories

Noise13 - Dovana All woman-led San Francisco agency Noise13 has unveiled a cute, playful identity for Dovana, a “sophisticated” range of cannabis-infused caramel. The agency was approached by the “mom and pop duo,” who...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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