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Displaying 181 - 216 of 2724 results



What it's really like to teach adland about sexual harassment

Bryony Beynon is a senior trainer at timeTo, an initiative set up by NABS, The AA and WACL to tackle sexual harassment in advertising that offers ground breaking interactive training for companies and individuals on how to recognise and tackle sexual...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Design maturity: How to overcome those growing pains

When design operates in the right conditions, it unlocks measurable growth and drives customer satisfaction. But, often, design and design teams are isolated from the core of the business. When this happens, objectives become siloed and businesses...

Posted by: ELSE London


STB Client Perspective: Finding the Right Agency Partner.

Drew McMillan, Director of Internal Comms & Engagement for Deloitte UK, gives us his ‘top five’ ways to ensure copacetic success with your creative agencies. As a Comms professional of 25+ years, almost always working in-house and...

Posted by: Stocks Taylor Benson


Riding the new wave of inclusion with Wunderman Thompson 

We all like to feel like we belong. It’s a pretty fundamental human trait and it’s one that the world of advertising has known all too well for a very long time. But making someone feel like they belong to something isn’t the same...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Luxury that lasts: Six tenets for timelessness

From business models to branding, ideas of luxury are shifting rapidly. Keeping up with tech, anticipating sector developments and being part of cultural conversations are only a handful of essentials for luxury brands who wish to sustain the...

Posted by: Matter Of Form


Influencer marketing and protecting brand values | #PurposeMonth

Influencer marketing has become a commonly used alternative to traditional advertising and a great way to increase brand awareness and consumer reach in an authentic way. Although this can be extremely useful and cost effective in building your brand...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The big advertising shift towards purpose 

In 2015, audiences on social media platforms hit a critical mass. Brands suddenly needed to find a new way to speak to consumers. It seems unthinkable now that we all create thousands of video formats for single ad campaigns but it was a much simpler...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How less data can mean more success in B2B marketing

For years, the marketing industry has relied on an abundance of data insights to drive marketing strategy and campaigns. As marketers, there was a time when we were spoilt for choice with data opt-in as standard, third party cookies and even...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Did COVID-19 press reset on innovation?

Following the turbulence and uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s no secret that businesses throughout the UK have been forced to adapt to the evolving demands of the new normal. Although strategies have differed depending on sector and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why we should be doing more listening in 2022

Content Strategist Don Hoyt Gorman reveals some insights from the research and strategy desk at The Frameworks In order to get to meaningful, impactful content, you need to start by listening. We do this all the time on behalf of our clients. We...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Here's all the best 2021 Christmas ads in one place!

All the 2021 Christmas campaigns in one place As we all know, there’s no Christmas without a heartwarming, tear-duct-shattering series of lovely Christmas campaigns. Brands and agencies line up every year to release a stream of Christmas ads...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to Choose an Experiential Agency

As a concept, experiential marketing is all about taking risks and doing whatever it takes to create a bond between the consumer and the brand. An experience, after all, can be a thousand different things to a million different people but it’s...

Posted by: Creativepool


It’s okay if you don’t want that six-figure freelance life

‘How I became a six-figure freelancer’. ‘The reality of being a six-figure freelancer’. And perhaps the worst of all: ‘Here’s exactly what I do every day to earn six figures as a freelancer’. You’ve...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Countdown to a Killer Animation: An Animation from Script to Screen

Your client just dropped a bomb - they want a medical animation or MOA for a conference in four months. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, you have to produce an animation for the 2021 ASH Conference at the end of November. ASH is still four...

Posted by: MadMicrobe Studios


Social commerce: why we must not ignore this new ROI goldmine

As we ease back into a new normal and things start opening up again, there are new avenues of profits for brands and advertisers worldwide that simply can't be ignored. Our favourred social media platforms have turned into proper digital...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Job Description: Design Manager

A design manager is employed to lead numerous design-related tasks. These may include web design, product development, advertising or general creative roles. These individuals can be employed in construction, in graphic design firms, in the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Are you pricing your agency services the right way?

As businesses, agencies have the grave burden to make profit with which they can generate growth and help the team thrive. With that in mind, pricing your agency services is arguably the most difficult part of founding and running a successful...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Word to the Winners of Annual 2020 - #AnnualSpotlight

To say 2020 was an eventful start to the decade would be a tremendous understatement. We've seen the industry come together even while apart, as a pandemic brought about one of the biggest social crises in the history of humanity and protests for...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


What is digital sustainability, and why should you care?

It's easy to conceive sustainability in its most tangible form - innovative packaging solutions, plastic waste, plant-based products and so on. But what about that email you just sent? What kind of impact does our digital footprint leave on the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: Switching Off with a Creature and a test card

As a successful UK-based mattress brand, Eve Sleep certainly cares a lot about our sleeping habits and it's probably among the most indicated brands that can actually teach us something about how we sleep. To expose the dangers of bad sleeping...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Making music in the streaming age – #CompanySpotlight

When the advent of streaming unleashed pretty much what looked like a catastrophe on the music industry, many were forced to adapt or die. Founder of Syncsmith Gavin Mee was placed in an uncomfortable position - but he managed to make that harshness...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Being a creative woman in Covid times

To us men, sitting at a desk and sipping hot drinks from our favourite mug, this pandemic sure felt a bit strange. No more taking the Tube to go to work, no more spending huge chunks of our day to commute and so on. So much time saved. Most...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why collaboration is the key to effectiveness

Some agencies help brands succeed with cutting-edge, disruptive campaigns that will leave a mark in the industry forever. But no matter what kind of brand it is, they all have to start somewhere. It is the task of agencies like B&B Studio to help...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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