Displaying 181 - 216 of 928 results



#GettingToKnow Emma Shuldham, Managing Director @ Attachment

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? Nope, there is no “typical” day! And that’s what I love. I’m still learning the team, clients, ways of working at the moment which is great fun. My role...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Will AI take my job as a designer? #ManVsMachine #PurposeMonth

In the second of an ongoing series, I’ll be examining the impact generative artificial intelligence is having on our creative jobs. Here, I’m focusing on design and exploring whether the designers of the future will be able to compete...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to hire a great photographer

Hiring a photographer can be a daunting task, especially if you don't know where to start. Whether you need a photographer for a wedding, a corporate event, or a personal photo shoot, there are a few things you should consider before making your...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great filmmaker

Hiring a filmmaker can be a daunting task, especially for businesses or brands that are not familiar with the film industry. With the rise of video marketing, it is becoming increasingly important to create high-quality video content to promote...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on Freelance Director & Cinematographer Louis English

How did you get into the industry? Movies played a big part in my childhood. I would have Disney marathons with my sister and watch the classics on TCM with my dad. As a kid it was a big deal to go to the cinema, so I never took the experience for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great 3D visualiser

Regardless of what type of business you run, there has never been a greater need for top 3D artists. 3D models and renders are vital to an incredibly wide range of different business areas and without a 3D visualiser to lay the foundations for the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a freelance fashion designer?

In fashion, money talks. Indeed, there is literally millions to be made if you know the right people or are somebody’s son or daughter. But for the rest of us starting out in a fashion career from the very bottom with no real guidelines to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great UX designer

Making our products and services as easy and natural to use as possible is often easier said than done. In many cases there are hundreds of moving parts and wheels within wheels to negotiate and condense into a cohesive and organic user experience....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great web designer

Creating a website is a big deal - it’s putting a piece of yourself or your business online, in the hope of growing your audience. We all want to be sure that our sites create the best first impression possible - especially since data has shown...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great packaging designer

When browsing the shelves at a local supermarket, what’s the first thing you generally notice about a product? Maybe the colourful box it comes in or the informative plastic wrapping? The right packaging can boost any product’s appeal and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to hire a great motion graphics designer

The profession of motion graphics design is relatively new on the design front. Technology-enabled design professions are growing. And there are so many different types of designers out there, it’s tricky to keep them all straight! There are...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great content manager

Content is king. This is an adage we’re probably all sick of by now, but it still rings true in many ways. What is the internet without content, after all? This is why content managers remain one of the most important individuals for many...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 most exciting branding designers on Creativepool

What is a brand? It’s far more than just a colour scheme and a few catchy phrases. Indeed, it’s more suitable to think of a brand as an identity - it’s what the company stands for, what it hopes to achieve and how it wants to be...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great art director – 5 top tips

Creativity is a wonderful and very personal thing, but it can also cultivate chaos if it’s not properly guided by the right pair of hands. Those hands often belong to the art director. This is the part of the team that guides the creatives and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Six serious celebrity side hustles

Budding entrepreneurs come from all walks of life and that includes famous actors, with many movie stars moving beyond their ‘day jobs’ and investing in their own side hustles. Just like anybody else, some brands and businesses thrive,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The best places to work in the UK as a creative

The creative industry continues to retain its reputation as a vibrant sector that has demonstrated immense fortitude against the ever-evolving challenges of the pandemic. But there is a reason why so many creatives continue to flock to the big cities...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Jobfishing - The fake design agency that catfished 52 creatives

Everyone loves a good con story. You only have to see the success of the recent Anna Sorokin drama and Tinder Swindler documentary on Netflix to see how infatuated we all are with the seedy inner-workings of a good long con. But the latest big con...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The great COVID comeback - Creative salaries in 2022

“Am I being paid enough?” This is a question I ask myself daily. Of course, as a freelancer, I technically control my own salary but it’s still a nagging itch that tends to kick in at the most inopportune moments. Generally, just...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Facing up to the future of talent 

Dealing with "The Great Resignation" is one thing - but now talent seems to be holding all the aces when it comes to the recruitment process. As agencies recover from the pandemic and work starts to roll in, teams must grow, but hiring has never been...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great 3D artist - 5 top tips

3D artists are in high demand these days. We live in a three-dimensional world that demands accurate representation and that’s true whatever corner of the creative industries you find yourself in right now. The need to hire skilled and...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description: Typographer

Typography is the art of arranging text in a way that makes it not only legible but aesthetically pleasing. It involves font, structure and overall appearance, and works to catalyse a specific emotion in the reader. It brings the text to life and the...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Eighties vibe in Michael Tonn's illustrations | #MemberSpotlight

Based in Burlington, Vermont (USA), Michael Tonn is the living proof that sometimes, talent is all you need for sheer luck to set things in motion. By his own admission, it was the industry who found him, not the opposite - as a number of small local...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What we can learn from the success of the shorter work week in Iceland

We heard a great deal of talks about mental health, work-life balance and authenticity during the past year, and the push to remote work is certain to leave a long-lasting mark in the workforce - creative industry or otherwise. What was once...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

Job Description: Executive Creative Director

The executive creative director (or ECD) is the head honcho as far as the creative team is concerned. The person behind the curtain engineering the creative identity of a company and facilitating the adoption of that identity throughout all media...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to hire a great Illustrator - 5 top tips

While many of the creative arts have been shaped and moulded by the passage of time and the gentle thrum of technology, illustration is, at its core, still the same art form that it was hundreds of years ago. It’s also an incredibly...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

Job Description: Events Designer

Events always have been and always will be an incredibly important part of the creative industries and Events Designers are the ones working behind the scenes to bring events to life. If you’ve ever found yourself at an event where you were...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to hire a great creative director - 5 top tips

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” That’s the well-worn cliche that continues to hold billions back from greatness every single day but for some, the crown seems to fit pretty naturally. Such is the case with all the best...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

Job Description: Design Manager

A design manager is employed to lead numerous design-related tasks. These may include web design, product development, advertising or general creative roles. These individuals can be employed in construction, in graphic design firms, in the...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description: Design Director

A Design director bridges the link between creative employees and management. A senior role for leaders with a proven track record of effective communication, innovation, and high-level design problem-solving, design directors ensure that all...

Posted by: Creativepool


Running a small animation studio through a pandemic - #CompanySpotlight

Young, cosy, born and developed through hardship and great creative passion - animation studio Kino Bino has just the perfect story of what is hopefully set to be a successful animation studio in the United Kingdom. Kino Bino was founded in 2019...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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