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Displaying 1441 - 1475 of 1475 results



The best opening titles to movies

Opening titles to a movie should tell us more than simply the name of the flick. At best they should draw us in, set the scene, tantalize, wake us up, introduce us to a weird new world, make us laugh or failing all that - just simply entertain. What...

Posted by: Creativepool


Go big. 10 awesomely epic ads.

From the moment the brief lands on the table and the creative team cast their eyes over the words 'TV Script' the salivating begins. Will this be the one? The one with the inexhaustible budget. The one that shouts 'GO BIG'. The one that doesn't...

Posted by: Creativepool


Don't be worthy. Don't be dull. Your folio is you.

Tony Cullingham is principal of the famous Watford Creative Advertising course at West Herts College. The course at Watford is legendary and considered to be one of the very best in the UK. If you're trying to break into the business it is said that...

Posted by: Creativepool


A postcard from the desert

Last year I wrote a piece and published it from Egypt while the population was engaged in an, ultimately successful, push to overthrow its president. Now I am back and writing this from Dahab, a town on the eastern coast of the Sinai peninsula where...

Posted by: Creativepool


Lessons from a freelancer

I was a human rights worker, specialising in gender and conflict in West Africa, when my first book was published. The freelance life appealed to my sense of adventure, so I tendered in my resignation. Here, in no particular order, are the lessons...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ursa majors - the ten best known bears in advertising.

Jeremy You know the Honey Monster? Big, funny, cuddly, kooky old rug? Cold-blooded, careerist vampire more like. Because those of us in our forties know he usurped Jeremy Bear, casting him out of his proud role as the face of Sugar Puffs; condemning...

Posted by: Creativepool


10 Golden Rules for Freelancers

Mark interviewed leading freelancers from the fields of 3D illustration, animation, visual effects, games and architectural visualisation to uncover their strategies for success. These were his key findings... 1. Test the market first Make sure...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 15 best animated music videos

Animated music videos only crop up once in a blue moon but when they do they can really bring a song to life. As the number of animation techniques and styles has increased over time, the videos on offer have become increasingly diverse. Spanning...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why has British TV advertising lost its sense of humour?

Last year, Nick Gill, executive creative director at BBH, was writing about the 2011 Arrows Awards. He made some interesting points about TV and how we seem to be watching more of it these days, rather than less. He said that we Brits are now...

Posted by: Creativepool

The 10 coolest art toy designers

From minimalist character designs loosely resembling people to bizarre futuristic characters, the world of art toys is a platform through which designers are really showing their creativity. Often abstract, surreal, futuristic, cartoon-inspired and...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 40 best sites, tools & apps of 2011

During 2011 we discovered some unbelievably cool and useful sites and apps and shared the best we found in our fortnightly newsletters. Here we have condensed these into an even more exclusive list of the forty coolest sites, tools and apps of the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight: Sunell Lombard

Sunell's story begins in Uniondale, South Africa, where after studying Fine Art for 4 years later, it suddenly dawned on her that by doing so she'd probably doomed herself to life of poverty and rejection. In her panic she decided not to change...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ronnie Wood: I Can Get Art Satisfaction

You can't get much more rock 'n' roll than the Rolling Stones...and you can't be more rock 'n' roll than Ronnie Wood, with his former lifestyle of drink, drugs, sex and out-and-out hedonism. But I recently stumbled across a gallery just off London's...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 10 Coolest Google Doodles

Since their arrival many blue moons ago, the customised Google logos (or 'Google Doodles' to give them their correct adopted name) have become a staple part of using the search engine. From retro arcade games to famous figureheads in science and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ten of the best font sites

The number of fonts available for easy download has reached an enormous quantity. Similarly, the number of font 'search and download' sites has also taken off massively. With each font site incorporating its own unique features and novelties there is...

Posted by: Creativepool


What a [lovely] load of rubbish

Question: if a piece of art can literally be mistaken for rubbish, does that make it rubbish? No, not necessarily '“ but it does raise an interesting and valid question about whether art can ever be called 'bad' (or 'good') and whether it...

Posted by: Creativepool


The top ten evolutions of the Rubik's Cube

The humble Rubik's Cube has come a long way since it's inception in 1974. The original version of the cube still remains cool in its simplicity but in the last 37 years we have seen its reincarnation and influence in everything from awesome...

Posted by: Creativepool


Paperback for good.

I've always been a huge admirer of The Big Issue. Not only is it a thumping good read, its purpose is both uplifting and completely unique. It strikes me that handouts, while obviously helpful in the very short term, rarely address the problems which...

Posted by: Creativepool


The top ten USB gadgets

The USB ports in our computers have facilitated a wide range of different product and marketing opportunities. From guitars that can be plugged straight into our computers to nifty branded storage freebies that get handed out like sweets at IT...

Posted by: Creativepool


Pretty vacancies. Are recruitment consultants letting us down?

Redundancies, renegotiations, restructuring and rotten revenues. Tough times in the creative industry. Tough times everywhere. Sorry folks, but there's no longer any room for passengers in this business. So here's a thought: why don't we take a very...

Posted by: Creativepool

Annie Leibowitz and the ultimate Rolling Stone magazine cover

It is December 8, 1980. Photographer Annie Leibowitz is greeted by John Lennon at the door of his New York apartment at The Dakota. She is here to take a shot of Lennon for Rolling Stone. 'It'll be great,' she promises the former Beatle 'I'll put...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 25 best horror movie posters

You probably see it hundreds of time each and every day. Whether it's on the side of a bus or on the underground, the poster for 'Final Destination 5' seems to be absolutely everywhere at the moment. Maybe part of the reason they felt comfortable...

Posted by: Creativepool


The real 'buzz' marketing

If you're like me then the caffeine hit of a humble cup of tea or coffee just doesn't quite cut the mustard any more. Millions of us now seem to have left behind these disappointingly weak and antiquated beverages in favour of the ultra high caffeine...

Posted by: Creativepool


Working overseas

It's hard to believe I know, but the UK is not the be all and end all of creativity. If you're up for trying pastures new there are a few places worth heading for. Sure there's Australia, the US, New Zealand and Canada but frankly everyone goes...

Posted by: Creativepool


Professional development courses: a load of old tosh?

If, like me, you are registered with a number of job sites, you will probably get a weekly or even daily glut of emails telling you that you really ought to think about taking some sort of training course. Be it a course in Dreamweaver, Flash or...

Posted by: Creativepool


Rob Lowe just looked right at me!

For me, going to the cinema is often a slightly nervy business. When I go, I go because I like to see films on big screens with big sound how they're meant to be seen. I certainly don't go for a meal of slimy hot dog, popcorn, Revels and Coke, for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet James Watt

BrewDog, a brewery with a difference, is the brainchild of 25-year old James Watt and his business partner and best mate Martin Dickie. Today it is Scotland's largest independently owned brewery producing about 120,000 bottles per month. But that...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Richard Selbourne

Richard has won awards at D&AD, Creative Circle, British Television, Campaign Press, the Clios, Australian Award, the Aerials, UK Radio and Cannes. Today he is Head of Creative at HPS Group in Marlow, Bucks. Hi Richard, for an out of town agency...

Posted by: Creativepool


Shouldn't banks just stop advertising?

When you're as reviled as the Black Death, figuring out a productive advertising strategy is quite a challenge. Indeed, some might suggest shutting your fat gob and staying well off the radar might be a good call. But when you're a megalomaniacal...

Posted by: Creativepool


Who designed punk rock?

For those of you too fresh of face and short of tooth to remember, the punk movement spewed into the mainstream from the basements of Soho and shops of the Kings Road during the feverish summer of 1976. For many, it was the most radical and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Andy Hayes (Part 1)

Andy has over 18 years' agency experience, mostly in project management and co-leads one of the design teams at The Partners. Or rather, he did, because in a few days he'll be saying a tearful goodbye to everyone, including his wife and family, and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Japan: Censoring The Arts.

Creatives in Japan are currently up in arms about a new form of censorship legislation which is in the process of being approved by the authorities. The Federal Province of Tokyo has made it illegal for creative companies to portray any female...

Posted by: Creativepool

Ikea vs. Idea

A friend of mine is trying to buy his first flat, finally getting on to the property ladder in his mid-thirties. Not his fault, of course - he works like a B-word - but such is the cost of living in London. So anyway, last weekend, I accompanied this...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Theo Delaney

Theo Delaney is a multi award-winning director of advertising commercials. His work is predominantly comedy based and his love of football is a major influence on his work. He is a lifelong supporter of Tottenham Hotspur and regularly appears on The...

Posted by: Creativepool

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