Displaying 145 - 180 of 482 results



A quick history of TikTok and how we can use it to our advantage

I used to think I would never understand TikTok. It was clearly not for me, made for natural performers and younger people who loved to mess around with silly challenges. But then I saw some friends following influencers who did educational content,...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


We should start rewarding failure

Henry Ford believed that “failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Yes, that Henry Ford. The man we all know from history for being incredibly successful in the car business had actually failed...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to reach a more inclusive online customer experience

Good user experience isn't measured by how attractive a website or application can be. There are a number of elements at play when designing effective online UX, but most of them run through clarity of communication and accessibility. Following the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The 15 workplace innovations that will change your work life forever

The future of work is hybrid - if you’ve been around the Creativepool Magazine for long enough, you’ve read this many times from me now. While remote work is definitely here to stay, there is still a significant percentage of the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The adaptability, style and confidence of Emily Woods | #MemberSpotlight

Next time we need inspiration for a story about following one's heart, we know that we can rely on Emily Woods for a good tale. Emily was studying psychology at university when she decided to do an art subject one semester. Since then, her love for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What we can learn from the success of the shorter work week in Iceland

We heard a great deal of talks about mental health, work-life balance and authenticity during the past year, and the push to remote work is certain to leave a long-lasting mark in the workforce - creative industry or otherwise. What was once...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to avoid being bullied by your client

You can hear horror stories from all over the industry, and unfortunately any agency leader can tell you that they are far too common. Clients leveraging their influence and the power of their wallets to have agencies submit to abusive behaviour,...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to hire a great Illustrator - 5 top tips

While many of the creative arts have been shaped and moulded by the passage of time and the gentle thrum of technology, illustration is, at its core, still the same art form that it was hundreds of years ago. It’s also an incredibly...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What hides within an electriclime? | #CompanySpotlight

As a relatively young boutique film studio, electriclimefilms was founded in 2010 and has since expanded globally, with offices in Singapore, Dubai and Sydney. 11 years later (no, we're not old - you are), they are still working with brands and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Travel and sustainability: Transforming for the future

The year 2021 represents an interesting juncture for the travel and tourism industry and one that is full of tension. After the upheaval of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, people are desperate to travel again - to explore beyond their domestic...

Posted by: Imagination


Do You Really Know Where Your Audiences Are?

Is effective TV advertising a thing of the past? Audiences are fragmenting, viewers are spending time across a range of linear and digital devices, and brands are struggling to follow their consumers across the ever-growing multitude of...

Posted by: TVSquared


Looking into the Creator Economy and its Communities

From Twitch to Snapchat, Patreon and OnlyFans, the creator economy has boomed in recent years and especially as the pandemic hit some content creators quite hard. For those less familiar with the term, the creator economy is that sector of the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How can we *truly* make a difference for the industry?

A chat with the authors of Sustainable Marketing, published by Bloomsbury Business Some time ago, we worked on a piece about greenwashing and the harm it can do to the industry on the short and longer term. Too many organisations are still making...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The magic of award-winning animation with Ambassadors - #AnnualSpotlight

Ambassadors is a creative production studio driven by the belief that craft makes all the difference. It is a testimony to Ambassadors's love for the industry and craft of animation that they were able to become our very first Creative Services...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Beauty beware - the B-Corps are coming

The global vegan market is predicted to reach $31.4 billion by 2026. The rise of the plant-based diet has recently generated a whole new wave of consumer awareness in certain sectors, with environmentally conscious consumers looking for greener...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Job Description: Retoucher

The job of a retoucher is far more complicated and exciting than just making exceptionally pretty people even prettier. Editing images and videos, or photographic retouching, helps the creative present his or her project in the best light...

Posted by: Creativepool


Social Commerce: the new retail avenue for brands

Following the rise of social media during the pandemic, one may be left to wonder about the destiny of retail and how retail sales will be shaped by such surge in social media user bases. It is true that there is an opportunity for brands to take on...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Best Unbox Ever - #BehindTheIdea

Ready for the Best Unbox Ever with little Cayden? Then you should sit tight, for the video campaign from Chelsea Pictures for States United to Prevent Gun Violence is unlike anything you've seen before. Using the trend of online unboxings as...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


From Bogotá to London with creativity and resilience - #MemberSpotlight

Karen Burbano tries to find inspiration everywhere around her, especially in the stories of other successful graphic designers and artists from all around the world. A talented art director and designer, Karen has been living in London since 2015,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a Photographer?

A guide to photography rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry Telling entire stories with the power of one frame. Capturing emotions in a shot. This is the matter of which photographers are made; masters of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Creating the unexpected with the Media Director of Golley Slater

Reading a lot, setting up career goals, chasing the unexpected - this and more does Amelia Stevens to keep herself motivated on a daily basis. By her own admittance, Amelia believes she never really had a calling for what she wanted to do. All she...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The value of individualisation in the new world of retail

When you think of retail and Covid-19, you can't help but feel a sense of discomfort pretty much off the bat. Retail has been heavily hit in the middle of this pandemic, with high street stores and firms closing up, tourism going down and an overall...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Electrifying story and faith of Rhapsody - #CompanySpotlight

Many would lose hope in the event of a global pandemic hitting the industry. Matter of fact, many did - at least for a bit. That was not the case of Rhapsody. Starting out as an East End print production company, Rhapsody operates in the retail and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How can brands be more honest in the year ahead?

In the aftermath of Covid-19, we already know that only the strongest and most loyal brands will stand. After a year like 2020, it is no wonder that consumers are looking to connect with brands and their ideals, prompting the dawn of a new era for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Graphic Design and Synaesthesia – #MemberSpotlight

In the overload of information and noise that is the digital age, there has never been a stronger push to be yourself and promote your own uniqueness to the world. This is especially true of artists and creatives - everyone has their own style,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Destiny of a Motion Graphics Designer - #MemberSpotlight

Some things in life, you just know. You know if you want to be a chef or an astronaut. You know if you want to be creative or do anything else. It may sound cheesy, but once creative, always creative is quite a good mantra - if you start creating for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Should we even go back to normal?

There’s this golden rule in journalism saying that any question-based headline can inevitably be answered with a ‘No,’ and thus instantly become uninteresting. I’m going to save you from all the mental stress: no, maybe we...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Should you leave your job during the pandemic?

You keep looking at the clock waiting for your day to end. The thought of Monday mornings just won’t let you enjoy your weekends. You can’t wait for the next day off - even if you just spent an entire week on leave. We’ve all been...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

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