Displaying 145 - 180 of 998 results



Global creative calendar: June 2022

According to BCG Senior Partner and Managing Director Martin Reeves and Rhodes Scholar Jack Fuller, imagination is crucial for “seizing and creating new opportunities and finding new paths to growth.” Their Harvard Business Review book...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Blockbuster video - Shining the #CompanySpotlight on Swhype

Swhype is a UK-based company that declares itself an “end-to-end” video agency - a video production company, animation studio and creative agency rolled into one. That’s a lot of hats to manage and we want know how they balance...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


7 books every creative professional should have on their shelf

There’s nothing like a good book to freshen up on your skills and learn something new to improve your career. Fortunately, there are thousands of interesting books, tomes and volumes out there that can be of inspiration to any creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How Engine boosted recruitment for the Royal Air Force | #BehindTheIdea

The Air and Space Operations division of the Royal Air Force doesn't get much drama on a day-to-day basis; but when they do, it's as high-stakes as you could ever imagine. The Royal Air Force needed to recruit the right people to help protect the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Big Issue lets people know sellers are still here | #BehindTheIdea

Forever Beta launched a campaign this month to support Big Issue vendors after the difficulties they have faced over the last two years. Created in partnership with Ocean Outdoor, the “I’m here” campaign draws attention to Big...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why bold design is good business

Design is a great differentiator. It can stop people in their tracks. Make them laugh. Bring them to tears. And even set your brand apart from the competition - if you dare to be bold. It’s important to understand what we mean by design. Too...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A saucy campaign 150 years in the making for Heinz | #BehindTheIdea

The latest saucy campaign for Heinz pokes fun at the brand for launching a new range of pasta sauces in the UK, 150 years after they first entered the market. The campaign, devised by Wunderman Thompson Spain, launched with a full-page ad in The...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


International collaboration in the modern workplace

Creating, cultivating, and maintaining a collaborative culture across global teams is vital for international businesses who want to succeed. In doing this well, businesses gain new perspectives to better be able to innovate and grow. With the new...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The campaign that encourages women to touch themselves up | #BehindTheIdea

Nearly two thirds (64%) of women aged 18-35 years old are not checking their chests regularly every month but 1 in 7 women are affected by breast cancer in their lifetime. Superdrug has taken matters into its own hands and launched a new unique...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Opening the gate and walking through walls | #CompanySpotlight

“Even the smallest of gates is more powerful than the tallest of walls” This is how The Gate introduces themselves and it’s quite the introduction. While they’re technically only 5 years young, they fancy themselves as an...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why you *should* be spending more time on Instagram | #MemberSpotlight

Matt Rota has been an illustrator for over 15 years now, and his crude (in the most positive sense possible), visionary imagery is something you will not forget in a hurry. Matt admits to spending "lots of time" on Instagram to get inspired, which...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A conversation about IceCream, Hobbies & WH Smith...

Where do you get inspiration from? The typical answer here is to say ‘from everywhere’ but that’s really flipping unhelpful to those reading thinking, I really need some inspiration, where do I look. I was once in a meeting with...

Posted by: Simon Manchipp

Job Description: Digital Designer

In their primary role, digital designers combine their creativity and technical skills to produce digital graphics for computer and electronic games, websites, movie special effects, and more. Some digital designers might create graphics for...

Posted by: Creativepool

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