Displaying 145 - 180 of 553 results



Blockchain: Solving the media and advertising sector's challenges

There are over 6,500 different cryptocurrencies, all varying in size of market capitalisation, which have different followings and trading volumes. Some of these are meme coins that have a supporting business model flimsier than a house of cards....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Quality over quantity - The making of a modern Chief Data Officer

It’s a tough gig for Chief Data Officers (CDOs). With the volume and sources of data increasing, CDOs are increasingly tasked with centralising complex data sets and gleaning insights to support all areas of the business, from product...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


When not choosing us is the biggest risk you can take...

I came across a post from Richard Shotton (it's here) discussing Rory Sutherland's recent piece on how perhaps agencies are missing a trick in the pitch process by selling only the positive and not the negative (and I noted the often fierce reaction...

Posted by: Whistlejacket


3 ways to give your video ads more sparkle this season

High shopper demand has made for an especially competitive Christmas this year, with brands using video as the glitter gun in their festive campaigns to capture optimum audience attention. Despite the rising price of video ads, smart video creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Blockchain: Solving the media and advertising sector’s challenges

There are over 6,500 different cryptocurrencies, all varying in size of market capitalisation, which have different followings and trading volumes. Some of these are meme coins which have a supporting business model flimsier than a house of cards....

Posted by: The PR Boutique


The role of creative in engaging new staff

The silver bullet for successful hiring lies in the quality of the induction. As a new employees’ first real taste of the business they’ve decided to join, inductions are the single most important piece of direct employer/employee...

Posted by: FJC


A quick guide to getting mental health right in your ad campaigns

In the UK, mental health problems affect approximately 25% of the population every year. That is nearly 17 million people every single year. If it is true that advertising can be a driver for positive change, like all things creativity, it is our...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How Dynamic Advertising can help fight ad fatigue

Context, context, context. As the cookieless future approaches, we will hear more about context and contextual advertising, be it location-based or else. In an ever-shifting brandscape triggered by the pandemic, the need for increased...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


We are the only ones to blame for the advertising/audience divide

Ever heard of the Pretentious-O-Meter? Neither did I, until earlier today. There is a known reality in the film industry that sees film critics as being constantly disconnected from the end audience. Ratings from critics are often unforgiving and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why freelancing is the future of work

The crest of the Covid redundancies wave may well be a thing of the past, but there is no denying that the impact of a pandemic on such a vast scale will be felt in the job market for years to come. With furloughs and lay-offs spreading across the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Hybrid partnerships are the only answer to 'broken' agency models

If we are to change the 'broken' agency model, hybrid partnerships may be a great place to start. A hybrid partnership brings down any and every wall between client and agency, by fostering a collaboration between the brand and the agency's team....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Travel and sustainability: Transforming for the future

The year 2021 represents an interesting juncture for the travel and tourism industry and one that is full of tension. After the upheaval of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, people are desperate to travel again - to explore beyond their domestic...

Posted by: Imagination


Churning through lockdowns with UKTV and Peter Allinson - #AnnualSpotlight

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going." It is with these immortal words by Billy Ocean that Head of Design at UKTV Peter Allinson recounts his own experience with the past year of lockdowns and restrictions, moments of doubt and anxiety for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Exclusive Judges Insight: How to Craft a Perfect Annual 2021 Entry

The Annual 2021 deadline is now little more than a week away. Like every year, entries have been flowing in from all over the industry, and if you are thinking about putting the finishing touches on your entries, you are probably not alone in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Looking back on Annual 2020

Shiny covers have started to flood our social channels, as the trophies for last year’s Annual 2020 reach our winners this week. Looking back on the year that’s just been, it’s hard to say this wasn’t somewhat of an...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How a pandemic changes brand perceptions

There's no denying that the pandemic has changed consumer behaviour worldwide, forcing the whole creative industry to find new ways to adapt to a new normal. What was perfectly reasonable and effective in a world dominated by reason and logic, such...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why big brands need design systems

It is now yesterday's news that the consumer experience has almost entirely shifted online as a result of a global pandemic. With such sudden change in behaviour, consumers have honed their taste in regards to interactive experiences, and they are...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to make your reduced marketing budget work harder

As the coronavirus crisis continues to hit cash flows, force redundancies and cause disruption to normal business operations, thousands of companies across the UK are currently operating on reduced marketing budgets. Though putting marketing...

Posted by: Creativepool


Amplification through simplification - A guide to going in-house 

The rise of digital encouraged many brands to reconsider who implements each part of their marketing. The need for more content as part of a digital transformation has created an increased demand for in-house resources. But going in-house isn’t...

Posted by: Creativepool


How brands can engage consumers online

It was clear quite early on that 2020 would become the year when socials took the centre stage. With most of the world in lockdowns or respecting social distancing rules, there were few outlets for entertainment and creativity outside of our beloved...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The top qualities of a successful marketing leader

We’ve seen all sorts of scenarios and an abundance of different situations in the past year. In all of these cases, the best brands in the eyes of the public were the ones showing compassion, empathy and care. In short, the most human. You...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

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