Displaying 145 - 180 of 1045 results



4 misconceptions about ad fraud costing you money in 2022

Virtually every advertiser and marketer working with online campaigns is affected by ad fraud, in one form or another. And yet, most advertisers will think that ad fraud does not affect them at all. There are a number of dangerous misconceptions...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


3 ways to give your video ads more sparkle this season

High shopper demand has made for an especially competitive Christmas this year, with brands using video as the glitter gun in their festive campaigns to capture optimum audience attention. Despite the rising price of video ads, smart video creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Here's all the best 2021 Christmas ads in one place!

All the 2021 Christmas campaigns in one place As we all know, there’s no Christmas without a heartwarming, tear-duct-shattering series of lovely Christmas campaigns. Brands and agencies line up every year to release a stream of Christmas ads...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to hire a great 3D artist - 5 top tips

3D artists are in high demand these days. We live in a three-dimensional world that demands accurate representation and that’s true whatever corner of the creative industries you find yourself in right now. The need to hire skilled and...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to hire a great graphic designer - 5 useful tips

The best graphic designers inhabit that space between the creative and the business-minded; the tangible and the intangible. It would be quite easy (and reductive) to simply take the phrase literally and describe a graphic designer simply as...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to hire a great Illustrator - 5 top tips

While many of the creative arts have been shaped and moulded by the passage of time and the gentle thrum of technology, illustration is, at its core, still the same art form that it was hundreds of years ago. It’s also an incredibly...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Ads that made history: No. 5 The Film by Chanel

Nicole Kidman and Film Director Baz Luhrmann have always had their own “thing.” By good Baz’s own admittance in an old Vanity Fair interview, him and the movie star have worked together since they were much younger and there has...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to hire a great creative director - 5 top tips

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” That’s the well-worn cliche that continues to hold billions back from greatness every single day but for some, the crown seems to fit pretty naturally. Such is the case with all the best...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Tangents & Trajectories with the Founder & CEO of Brash | #GettingToKnow

Working at the intersection of different timezones, John Brash is a brilliant entrepreneur and the Founder & CEO of Brash agency. But few will know and realise how important his early steps were in the overall development of his career. According to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great copywriter - 5 top tips

The written word is a funny thing. It’s something `almost all of us have a basic understanding of and use every day to reply to emails, forward distracting memes to our co-workers and message our significant others about dinner. But how often...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


It's time for a branding reset

A sudden global pandemic has truly shaken the brandscape we used to know and cherish. Many organisations have panicked and jumped aboard the train of the most technological solutions, sometimes losing bits of themselves in the process. It is...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A simple guide for creating high-converting Facebook Ads

Despite some may say Facebook is declining, it is still the biggest social network worldwide with billions of active monthly users in the second half of 2020. With such huge potential, advertisers all around the world should be experts in crafting...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


From a seaside town to filmmaking in Central London - #MemberSpotlight

If there's one thing you will learn from all of these Member Spotlights of ours, it is that ambition can get you anywhere. No matter where you are coming from, or where you want to go. This was the case of Corry Raymond. Born and raised in a seaside...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


When will the industry recover from the COVID-19 crisis?

Being one of the world’s largest creative communities, Creativepool is in a unique position to understand to what extent the creative industry is recovering from the COVID-19 outbreak. We had the power to make a difference by asking about the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why don't most agencies self-advertise?

”No donkey chases the carrot forever. He catches on. And quits.” If you remember this line, you either love the advertising industry and have read up on its history, or you are part of a very select demographic, lucky enough to have seen...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The relentless passion of Simona De Leo

Despite having to find her way into a competitive industry, Simona kept going. Despite breaking three fingers in her dominant hand, Simona kept going. Despite not having a publisher, Simona kept going and made a successful Kickstarter campaign to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Learning from Failures with Oliver Fuselier

Few people make their way in your heart like Great Guns USA managing director Oliver Fuselier does. Reading him as he tells stories of his remote and recent past is heartwarming and enough to paint a beautiful, comprehensive picture of an ambitious...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Don't leave design to designers: we're all in the design team

We are all designers. This is the sentence you will see at the end of this piece, a consideration that many teams fail to realise. Making creative projects requires going through a process. This process can be more or less specialised across the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Marketing your way through the COVID crisis

It's easy to imagine how hard small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are struggling during this global pandemic situation. Government programmes may have neglected you or you may have fallen through the cracks of a flawed emergency initiative. Either...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to stick to a creative routine during the lockdown

It's not uncommon for us writers to hear advice along the lines of "you should build your daily writing routine" or "make sure to write N amount of words per day". Writing is like a muscle - it needs exercise to stay sharp and fit at all times. The...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why spending money does not buy you friends

This week, Michael Bloomberg called time on his attempt to win the Democratic nomination to run against President Trump. The New York billionaire laid out roughly $550 million in just over three months of campaigning. Bloomberg spent a mind-boggling...

Posted by: JSR Content


The Rise and Rise of Gamification

Just like comic books and the recent rise of nerd culture, long gone are the days where gaming was seen as something for kids or only limited to games consoles. The normalisation of gaming on various platforms has increased so much that it was only a...

Posted by: SMACK Agency


Creative insights: Oliver Lyu on a career in stock music 

Shutterstock isn’t just the internet’s go-to repository of stock images, it’s also home to thousands of stock music tracks that offer a more affordable solution for filmmakers who might not have the funds to licence Taylor Swift...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Colour - It's Personal (using orange in graphic design)

In my professional life, colour has, of course, played a key part in my work, whether it be graphic design (for professional services, education or publishing); photography; or fine art - colour rules. So, if colour is personal - and it is - how can...

Posted by: Alan


Exhibiting: Bucking the Digital Trend

Exhibiting events have been around for over 160 years. Believe it or not, it was London’s very own Hyde Park that housed the very first trade show: The Great Exhibition. The reason for these type of events? To get all of the best products in...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Behind the Idea: The redemption of Gio Compario

GoCompare is a brand that has become synonymous with a certain character that has proven polarising (to say the least) amongst British TV viewers. When Wynne Evans first burst onto the scene towards the end of 2009 as Gio Compario, nobody could...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Consumerism in the regenerative age – 4 brands to lead the way

In a world that needs to rethink consumption, who’s leading the way in innovative design and astute behavioural change? Ethical consumerism isn’t a niche for brands to stay relevant anymore. It’s a driver of mass demand. In my...

Posted by: Proximity London


Give them a word and they'll take a page

Make no mistake: your writing is worth money. But should you ever work for free? As much as it’s a milestone, you probably can’t remember the exact moment you first got a positive response from an application. But rest assured, at some...

Posted by: Ant O'Neill

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