Displaying 109 - 144 of 9412 results



*&%££!! On copywriting, artichokes and swearing.

I think I've only ever met two people who never swore. One for moral and religious reasons, the other had taught herself not to, because she thought she was doing it too much. I admired them both for their self-control and adhering to something they...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Social Commerce: the new retail avenue for brands

Following the rise of social media during the pandemic, one may be left to wonder about the destiny of retail and how retail sales will be shaped by such surge in social media user bases. It is true that there is an opportunity for brands to take on...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


In The Making: Crystal Glass Blowing

The Giant Mountains of Bohemia in the Czech Republic, are famous for their glass makers. The oldest still working glass factory in Bohemia was established in the eighteenth century and today crystal is still mouth blown using the traditional...

Posted by: ROKOS


#TechTuesday: Candela, Punkt, & Glass iPhones

In a week where drones have been a big feature in the news for all the wrong reasons thanks to a collision at Heathrow and a rogue concert drone at a Muse gig, I've decided to take the weekly Tech feature in a slightly different, more insightful...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Top 5 Ads of the Week

Gravity Road - Mikado Office Workers go WILD With Mikado First off, we have a new TV, VOD and social media campaign that has been created by Gravity Road for Mondelēz International biscuit brand, Mikado, and is the first for the brand to be...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Week In Advertising

Dove (US) - Men Care Other than a common language, if there's one thing that separates the Brits from the Americans, it's advertising. Take this spot for Dove Men Care; you just know it's an American ad before you even hear the first 'Daddy!'. In...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


How to hire a great copywriter - 5 top tips

The written word is a funny thing. It’s something `almost all of us have a basic understanding of and use every day to reply to emails, forward distracting memes to our co-workers and message our significant others about dinner. But how often...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a Clarkson...and let him go?

Last week, Jeremy Clarkson was forced to apologise for having said a bad thing. A very bad thing. It is the only word in the whole English language that I can think of that is 100%, totally and utterly off limits. The word is “n****r”....

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The Finger Spoon that makes food taste better

Design studio Michel/Fabian has created a spoon that claims to improve the flavour of food by recreating the experience of licking your fingers. The Goûte spoon is reportedly the result of years of research by Michel/Fabian co-founder Andreas...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why celebrating success can motivate and disrupt a team

With Boris promising to ‘bung a few bob so that Big Ben can bong’, (which is surely the British entry to the Eurovision Tongue Twister contest), I thought it might be interesting to see how celebrating success can motivate or disrupt a...

Posted by: JSR Content


Ads of the Week: The best of Fathers Day and other stories

Recipe - Birdseye Birds Eye is building on its #Solidaritea campaign, championing parenting and putting an end to “parent shaming.” The new campaign showing solidarity with parents is breaking in the run up to Father’s Day on June...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


10 most popular TED talks of all time

“TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics”. In this article, we have...

Posted by: Mind Doodle


DDB help New Zealanders build their own McDonald's burgers

I've never been a big McDonald's fan (more of a KFC man myself), but the more I see of the brand's overseas executions, the more I'm starting to believe that's because we're being poorly served by Ronald and his cohorts when compared to the rest of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A Week In Tech: The Anti Smartphone

Introducing the “Anti” Smartphone Whilst many of us have become a little too attached to our smart devices in recent years (myself included), there are still those amongst us who long for a simpler time, when our phones were just that;...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Ad land fights back against homophobia

Hatred exists in many shapes and forms, but no form of hatred grinds my gears quite like bigotry. In such a supposedly enlightened age, despising another person simply because their beliefs or lifestyle don't align with yours should be completely...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The BAFTAs: the award goes to...the dinner jacket

So, it looks we have a winner in the Eton versus Harrow battle. Yes, Eddie Redmayne toddled off with the BAFTA for Best Actor last night, leaving Benedict Cumberbatch with a more enigmatic expression of stiff-upper-lippedness than ever. Oh, sure, I...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Get your kit off for a can of pop?

by Ashley Morrison Last week, I was watching some film or other on TV with a few friends. Naturally, we engaged in some pseudo hoity-toity rah-rah intellectual badinage about such-and-such a character’s motivation during the ad breaks. That...

Posted by: Creativepool


File - Print - New jawbone please. How printers are getting smart.

Printers. They are quite often the bane of our lives. With their endless paper-chewing, ink guzzling and baffling flashing lights you could mistake them for being the most inefficient and useless of our office friends. But hold your horses because...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Dave Morris

30 years ago I was a student trying to get into the business and Dave Morris was one of my course lecturers. Today he visits the leading advertising colleges in Milan, Amsterdam and England and has luminaries such as Dave Trott singing his praises....

Posted by: Creativepool


How Luxury Brands Can Stand Out in 2024 #PurposeMonth

The past two years have seen the luxury market expand exponentially, and market predictions suggest that this year will be no different. McKinsey forecasts the luxury goods market to increase by 2-4% in 2024, propelled by digital innovation,...

Posted by: Shoreditch Design Studio


A rough guide to accessibility in UX design 

It’s so important to make sure that all UX design is accessible to any users that try and gain access to it, but how do you make sure that your design is as accessible as it can be? Design is only going to be useful if it’s accessible...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Is Amsterdam’s anti-Brit ad campaign a step too far for Nimbyism?

Brits abroad can be a lot. I’ll be the first to admit it. Indeed, who amongst us hasn’t felt their souls wither a little at the sight of a shirtless drunken brawl instigated by pasty ‘lads’ while enjoying a family holiday on...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Make business green again - Going green without greenwashing

Two-thirds of businesses in the UK have no kind of plan for sustainable operations. This is hardly a surprising statistic - in the current economic climate, enterprises across all industries are looking to reduce their outgoings and avoid any kind of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What are you, autarkic or something?

Am Reading Orlando Figes magnum opus ‘A People's Tragedy’ (our bookshelves are a groaning legacy of leftovers, now the children have all left and left behind piles of stuff they’ve no room for - but it does leave a treasure trove of random...

Posted by: Richard

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