Displaying 109 - 144 of 6562 results



#GettingToKnow Anna Abdelnoor, CEO & Founder at isla

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? Not at all. isla is quite a one-of-a-kind organisation and we don’t have a blueprint to follow, so the team and I are on a steep, but exciting learning curve as the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on conceptual creative and speechwriter Doug Crossley

How did you get into the industry? I started out as a writer performer. Then when I began writing TV treatments I hustled my way into the creative industries on charm and by cutting my teeth on some tough briefs with some sharp words and very steep...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Zero to virtual production hero in 14 steps

Virtual production has arrived with a bang. Big name producers - most famously for The Mandalorian - are filming with huge state-of-the-art LED walls as virtual backdrops, instead of going out on location. But you don't have to be Disney to create...

Posted by: We Are Tilt


Why you *should* be spending more time on Instagram | #MemberSpotlight

Matt Rota has been an illustrator for over 15 years now, and his crude (in the most positive sense possible), visionary imagery is something you will not forget in a hurry. Matt admits to spending "lots of time" on Instagram to get inspired, which...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The 5 secrets to a killer brand community that you can learn today

People love coming together for a number of reasons, and more than anything else. It is one of the many things that this global crisis has taught us - and a positive lesson, for once. There is nothing like a worldwide illness to make people feel...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


5 healthy freelance habits to keep even after the pandemic

Freelancers had an interesting year. Alongside events and production, the freelance industry was the most hit and the one that took some of the hardest blows - especially when certain governments started to ignore their needs. With the wave of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Classy Creativity: a Chat with Cheddar Creative

It takes guts to find the courage to start from scratch. It can go either way. Too many have fallen under the weight of poor planning, but those who have succeeded give us hope that we can do the same. Cheddar Creative is a prime example of that. In...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


All creatives are plagiarists

If we strictly look at the meaning of the word, plagiarism means taking someone else's work and claiming it is your own. It is not just stealing; it is more vicious and twisted. Like admitting you have no ideas for yourself. Yet most creatives are...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

The Creative Ambition of Alpaca Communications

We wouldn't expect a PR agency called Alpaca Communications to be boring, nor devoid of countless stories to tell. The team led by Peter Elms in East London is one that doesn't enjoy being stiff and serious all the time, and their admirable sense of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Learning Creativity with Muneebah Waheed

You could get lost in the sheer amount of skills Muneebah Waheed has cultivated over time. Starting with nothing but the dream of becoming a creative, Muneebah set out on a journey of constant learning and fascination, from graphic design to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Overcoming Creative Constraints

There’s not enough time. We don’t have enough budget. There’s no way I’d be able to do that. If you’re a creative person then you’ll know that limitations are everywhere. Sometimes the boundaries are illusory...

Posted by: Richard Holman


Burnout: It's not just for millennials!

While agencies are understandably focusing on the wellbeing of their younger workers, stress affects all of us. When asked to give an insight into how we approach mental health at Southpaw, our CEO Tom Poynter argued that senior industry staff are at...

Posted by: Southpaw


Creativepool Annual 2020 Spotlight: Simon Waloszek on next-gen creativity

Simon Waloszek is something of a Creativepool legend. In the 6 years since he first joined the site, his work has been nominated for the Annual four times and last year, he received two silver People’s Choice awards for his insanely colourful...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Industry Influencers: Adam Kerj

Adam Kerj is chief creative officer and MD at Accenture Interactive, Nordics. Having had a long and successful career at global agency level, he's experienced the ups and downs of doing day-to-day client work and believes it's currently the most...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to Write a Winning Award Entry

There’s no doubt about it that creative agencies love to win awards. If you have the budget and the resources, entering and winning awards should form part of your overall new business process,. It’s a great way to raise the profile of...

Posted by: Lucy Snell


Creative Opinions: Sir Martin Sorrell and the end of an era

This week, Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO and Founder of the world's largest advertising agency network, WPP, resigned from his post amidst circling 'personal misconduct' allegations that remain (at the time of writing) unresolved, much to the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

The Unsustainable Nature of Crunch Culture

You’ve forgotten what your family looks like. It’s been months of overtime. Leaving the house before they’ve woken up, coming home after they’ve gone to bed. You tell them that ‘it’s expected, and everyone else is doing it’, well aware...

Posted by: Magnopus


Building Culture: 8 things to look out for

Barely a day goes by without the word 'culture' featuring heavily in my conversations. It’s become a sort of catch-all phrase and having a ‘great’ one is something lots of agencies can be fiercely proud and protective of - and rightly so. It's...

Posted by: Character Creative


The Most Important Soft Skills Freelancers Need to Develop

You’re an expert in your respective field and you’re confident that a stellar freelance career lies ahead of you. I know the feeling because I’ve been there. Freelancing gives you a lot of freedom and hope in the very beginning. While this is...

Posted by: Laura Buckler


Designing for women in the 21st century

Once there was a girl, and the girl liked pink very much. Everything she owned was pink. Pink and small, and that’s the way she liked it. But gradually the girl (we’ll call her Emily) grew into a sophisticated woman. Sure, she still liked...

Posted by: House 337


From Freelancer to Business Owner: How do you get there?

We’ve advised and helped many candidates make the switch from a permanent position to freelance when the right thing has come along and vice versa. We’ve previously shared some first hand advice for both, the switch from freelance to...

Posted by: ADLIB


Despark presents: A smart talking interview with Hive by British Gas

Tom Guy is Commercial & Product Director at Hive, a British Gas innovation. Despark, an International digital specialist, spoke to him to find out what it takes to create a cutting-edge, offshoot as part of a 200-year-old legacy company and to hear...

Posted by: Despark


Doodling Mr Vukotič

Illustrator Jaka Vukotič spent much of his time doing different drawings, illustrations, and cartoons, whilst growing up in a land transforming from socialist Yugoslavia to capitalist Slovenia. The radical socio-political shift from egalitarianism...

Posted by: Fotolia


Interview with duet #4 TEN Collection Photographer, Christophe Huet

We recently spoke to Christope Huet, the digital artist behind the fourth PSD, in series 3, of the TEN Collection (a collaboration project with 5 photographers, and 5 designers, from 10 different countries). Fotolia: Christophe, we’ve been...

Posted by: Fotolia


Yes we Cannes! What's happening at the festival today?

Have you ever been to Cannes? Not on a cycling holiday, but the festival? No, not the movie festival - the creativity festival, The Lions? Ever been to that? Me neither - but I do find myself reading about it every year; largely because the industry...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Spotlight - Iain Cox - Illustrator

I don't feel quite right when I haven't got a pen in my hand, my life feels strangely absent of any purpose. Describe your work in one sentence. My Illustrations are multi-coloured, squiggly scribbles shaped into recognisable objects on a piece of...

Posted by: Creativepool

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