Displaying 109 - 126 of 126 results



MADE gets physical

The online furniture store MADE has made its most ambitious move yet into the physical realm with a new flagship showroom (its largest yet) based in the centre of London. The new store opened on Saturday in Soho on Charing Cross Road, and fills a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Business Roundup

Wieden+Kennedy Bags Tyrrells Wieden+Kennedy London was recently appointed as the creative agency for Tyrrells, the English crisp and snack makers. The agency, which won the business without a competitive pitch, will be leading all creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Pregnant Man gets a feminist makeover

Saatchi & Saatchi London will be giving the exterior of their private Pregnant Man pub a feminist makeover this week in the form of a huge billboard spelling the phrase “There's a Good Girl” in hundreds and thousands. The piece, by...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Album covers located on Street View

The Guardian have been delving into the amazing world of Google Street View of late, and have been coming up with some clever uses for the world's most detailed map. Last month they placed famous artworks from around the world back in their original...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


How to... Create a portfolio that best suits you.

Your portfolio is one of the most important things that need to be considered when thinking about applying for a new job. Us "old schoolers" have all spent countless hours trudging around Soho with our A2 portoflio in tow, ending the day with a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Kellogg's opens the first 'Tweet Shop'

Kellogg's has opened what it is calling the "World's First Tweet Shop". This fantastic idea by Kellogg's is opening in London today to launch the new range of Special K Cracker Crisps. Wonderfully simple, tweet with the hashtag #TweetShop and get...

Posted by: Creativepool


Kellogg's first Tweet Shop

Kellogg's has opened what it is calling the "World's First Tweet Shop". This fantastic idea by Kellogg's is opening in London today to launch the new range of Special K Cracker Crisps. Wonderfully simple, tweet with the hashtag #TweetShop and get...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Tweeting for crisps.

by Magnus Shaw Special K eternally pitched as a "healthy" food, it's now at the centre of an "eat this and wear smaller jeans" campaign. It must be going well, because a line of Special K snacks has been launched named "Cracker Crisps." It's no...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spraycan copywriting

Here's a true story. Back in the late 70's, right smack in the middle of punk rock, I studied graphic design at Hounslow. Unlike some of the more respectable educational establishments, Hounslow was a bit rough and 'edgy'. The area around the college...

Posted by: Creativepool


Paperback for good.

I've always been a huge admirer of The Big Issue. Not only is it a thumping good read, its purpose is both uplifting and completely unique. It strikes me that handouts, while obviously helpful in the very short term, rarely address the problems which...

Posted by: Creativepool


26 Seconds

London Design Festival 2010 has been something of a triumph for writers collective 26. Not content with dreaming up one of the more unusual LDF events in 26 Treasures, they've also teamed up with IVCA film makers to create a series of 26 second...

Posted by: Creativepool


Who wants to be in Creative Review?

We all do. Let's face it, that's the honest answer. We're all creatives, therefore we're all big, blinking show-offs, therefore we want our work splashed across a ruddy great DPS in the next available issue of CR. And don't say you don't, because you...

Posted by: Creativepool


Who designed punk rock?

For those of you too fresh of face and short of tooth to remember, the punk movement spewed into the mainstream from the basements of Soho and shops of the Kings Road during the feverish summer of 1976. For many, it was the most radical and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Stop me if you've heard this one ...

As a thrusting, upwardly-mobile creative professional, I'm sure you have many an anecdote primed and loaded for those moments when an Islington dinner party conversation sags a bit. After all, good creative work always tells a compelling story...

Posted by: Creativepool


Top 10 Ads of the Week

Saatchi & Saatchi - HomeAway In what is easily my ad of the week, given my love for all things Nick Offerman, the former Parks and Recreation star (and carpenter) urges people to “Get HomeAway from it all” as part of the holiday rental...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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