Displaying 1 - 36 of 2872 results



How to write effective job adverts

Writing an effective job advert to attract the best candidates to your jobs is a very important part of using any job site. A simple rule as you are going through the process is to think about your target audience - ie. think what would you like to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Inside 5 of 2024’s most controversial banned adverts #PurposeMonth

Controversy can be a double-edged sword, particularly in an age where there’s so much content and so few original ways left to break through the noise. Poking the bear is all well and good though, but if you poke too hard, you’ll...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


That’s not writing, that’s typing

For someone who’s supposed to draw for a living, I seem to spend a lot of time typing. Of course some people who type for a living make amazing things. Lines of code are amazing, I wish I could fathom it. And what some call typing others...

Posted by: Richard


How writing can help you grow your business and shape your world

Every brand needs a strategy. Without one, you have no clear path from where you are to where you want to be. It’s easy to waste time, and hard to make decisions, because everyone has a slightly different idea of what success looks like....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How Much Creativity You Should Put Into Your Writing Job

Not everyone is born with a natural knack for writing and those who know they have what it takes often find themselves at odds with what they are able to produce, versus what their employer wants. In many cases, the writer’s creative mind...

Posted by:


Can you guess the iconic movie hotels from these adverts by WCRS?

The best films create a world that far outlives their running time. Places so real, you could almost visit them. It was this thought that led WCRS Senior Creatives David Dearlove and Richard Nott, and award-winning photographer Garry Simpson, to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


10 Writing Tools And Apps That Will Make Designing Easier

Graphic design is a complex and ever evolving industry. That means that as a designer, you're always looking to keep up with what's happening. Internet technology has made finding tools that will actually help you stay ahead of the curve easier, too....

Posted by: Mary Walton


Brand Case Studies: Smart writing with Moleskine

Moving with analogue into the digital age is a problem facing many brands who work within a well established craft. As productivity takes precedence over the traditional, many find themselves outwitted and outdated by technology that offers quick,...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Zoo Digital start subtitling the adverts

Subtitles are a wonderful thing. A lingual bridge that means content ceases to be limited to its country of origin. Also, just think of all the wonderfully ponderous European dramas we'd have missed out on without them? Subtitles can be found in all...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Creative Writing Tips from the experts

They say there’s a novel in all of us… so far I’ve found a dozen short stories and a handful of poems, but I’m working on it. With that in mind, I took a trip to my old haunt Manchester Metropolitan University for the...

Posted by: Michelle Collier


Funny business. British comedy writing is in crisis, but why?

Last week, I wrote about the key differences between copywriting and 'writing'. And while I attempted to make the challenges inherent in copywriting clear, I wouldn't say the profession is in crisis. Unlike the art of writing comedy. Quite when the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Six ways in which 'copywriting' differs from 'writing'.

When people ask what I do for a living, I tend to get in a terrible flap. This is largely because I do a variety of things. I pen pieces about music, I blog about advertising and the creative industry (obviously), I present podcasts and radio...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Biggest Adverts of the Super Bowl 2013

Another Budweiser ad has taken the top spot again in this year's Super Bowl. Also up for the top spot were Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz. The winning ad in this year's battle of the Bowl has already been shared over 450,000 times and has been viewed...

Posted by: Creativepool


Biggest Adverts of the Super Bowl 2013

Another Budweiser ad has taken the top spot again in this year's Super Bowl. Also up for the top spot were Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz. The winning ad in this year's battle of the Bowl has already been shared over 450,000 times and has been viewed...

Posted by: Creativepool


CV Writing: Checklist

Once your CV is complete, ask yourself: Will an employer want to read it? Is the layout professional? Is it easy to read? Have I used a clear typeface and appropriate font size? If an employer 'glanced' over it, do the key points stand out? Is...

Posted by: Creativepool


Can copy-writing be taught?

by Magnus Shaw. In the distant past, I trained to be a croupier. A roulette dealer, to be accurate. Roulette is fairly complicated and the dealer must be aware of every aspect of the game in progress - monitoring when the bets go down, who has won,...

Posted by: Creativepool


My favourite adverts are currently...

by Ashley Morrison. ..by Volkswagen. I've always been a fan of their ad campaigns and many of them rank pretty highly on my personal "I wish I'd thought of that" list. They work because they seem so 'of the moment'“ and yet, looking back to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Banned Adverts they've got it all wrong.

Today it has been announced that a Paddy Power advert depicting a team of blind footballers who mistake a cat for a ball during a match, has been banned. This can't come as any surprise to the bookmaking giants who are no strangers to controversy as...

Posted by: Creativepool


The taboo-busting plastic-free period pants | #BehindTheIdea

Sky Media recently revealed WUKA’s advertising campaign as one of the five winners of the Sky Zero Footprint Fund initiative. The taboo-busting ad encourages women to ditch plastic-riddled disposable pads and tampons in favour of its...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a product designer

A product designer's role is to create products that are both eye-catching and easy to use. To do this, they must work with developers, engineers, marketing managers and other parties involved in the project to determine the desired outcomes. They...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great multimedia designer

Whereas graphic designers operate solely with stationary media and animators literally like to keep things moving, multimedia designers need to effectively be masters of both trades. Multimedia designing combines different media formats to send...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great 3D visualiser

Regardless of what type of business you run, there has never been a greater need for top 3D artists. 3D models and renders are vital to an incredibly wide range of different business areas and without a 3D visualiser to lay the foundations for the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great UX designer

Making our products and services as easy and natural to use as possible is often easier said than done. In many cases there are hundreds of moving parts and wheels within wheels to negotiate and condense into a cohesive and organic user experience....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great web designer

Creating a website is a big deal - it’s putting a piece of yourself or your business online, in the hope of growing your audience. We all want to be sure that our sites create the best first impression possible - especially since data has shown...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great packaging designer

When browsing the shelves at a local supermarket, what’s the first thing you generally notice about a product? Maybe the colourful box it comes in or the informative plastic wrapping? The right packaging can boost any product’s appeal and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to hire a great motion graphics designer

The profession of motion graphics design is relatively new on the design front. Technology-enabled design professions are growing. And there are so many different types of designers out there, it’s tricky to keep them all straight! There are...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Lost and found - Rediscovering the sound of smiling

I’m a bit OCD, so I have specific pockets for everything: keys, wallet, phone, gloves, notes, tissues. And I think losing things is a bad omen. Which is why the last time I lost my keys I refused to go on holiday the next day. My wife,...

Posted by: Chris Turner


How to hire a great content manager

Content is king. This is an adage we’re probably all sick of by now, but it still rings true in many ways. What is the internet without content, after all? This is why content managers remain one of the most important individuals for many...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How generative AI will transform our approach to marketing | #TechMonth

Up till now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the world of marketing has largely been centred around using algorithms to make decisions or analyse data. Now, however, we are seeing real breakthroughs in AI successfully performing jobs that humans...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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