Displaying 1 - 36 of 68 results



The Impact of Generative AI on the Creator Economy

Generative AI has rapidly transitioned from a buzzword to an essential tool for creatives, enhancing various stages of the creative process, from ideation through to execution. This shift is particularly evident in the creator economy, where content...

Posted by: Billion Dollar Boy


Should I Work Over the Holidays as a Freelancer? #HolidaysMonth

Christmas is something of a mixed bag for me and has been ever since I made the decision to go freelance almost two decades ago now. On one hand, everyone else if off work so it’s tempting to take the opportunity to cool the jets for a week or...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#CreativeTips - Protecting Your Mental Health #MentalHealthMonth

The creative industries offer some of the most fulfilling yet rewarding careers going. I should know, having worked within them now for nearly 20 years. However, while a creative career can be deeply rewarding, it can come with some unique pressures...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#GettingToKnow Ajalin Zenon, Global Brand Strategist at Goat

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? For me there is no such thing as a typical day, more a typical week. It’s important that we start the week prepared in order to deliver the best work for clients. On a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to better manage “work about work”

Research suggests that creatives only spend around 29% of their day on creative work, and are often preoccupied by administrative processes such as project management, managing review loops, and keeping on top of admin. Office clutter, and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Dogs Trust celebrates "Ground Dog Day" | #BehindTheIdea

“Ground Dog Day” aims to reframe Dogs Trust as a charity that supports owners and their dogs through all stages of life. With the charity receiving an alarming 1,000 calls a week from worried owners who feel like they have no choice but...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#GettingToKnow Daniel Collins and his rocket ship to creative glory

Daniel Collins is an award-winning content with other 7 years of experience in the industry. Currently Strategy Director at Rocket (specialist kids, youth and parent business) and Co-Founder of The Howl Creative (content creation for entertainment...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to choose a digital agency

The number of active internet users has increased every year for the last 20 years. The technological advancements of society have had a staggering effect on marketing. Marketing began as a simple job of posting an ad in your newspaper or buying a 30...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Working From Home: Motivation, Productivity and Mental Health

According to a new survey by Nuffield Health, 80% of Brits feel that working from home has negatively impacted their mental health. Over a third (36%) said that not being in the same physical location as their colleagues has left them feeling unable...

Posted by: Hanover


Can you be forced to take annual leave or to work over Christmas?

As the Christmas period draws near, businesses are starting to plan their work over the holiday period. And while December tends to be a quiet month in the industry, there are still posts to schedule, projects to complete and deadlines to meet. This...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

Job Description: 3D Visualiser

3D visualisation is a synonym for computer-generated imagery, 3D rendering, 3D graphics, etc. All of these terms refer to the digital process of creating some graphical content by using 3D technology - that is the task of a 3D visualiser. This...

Posted by: Creativepool


Should you quit your job and go freelance?

“The freelance revolution”, they’re calling it. People all over the western world (especially in Europe and US) are quitting their longstanding, once granted jobs to pursue new opportunities in the freelance scene. It certainly has...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How much should I charge as a Freelance Retoucher?

A guide to retouching rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry Commercial Retouchers make the beautiful perfect. They are architects of polish, masters of design and how to present a product/campaign under the best...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


What we can learn from the success of the shorter work week in Iceland

We heard a great deal of talks about mental health, work-life balance and authenticity during the past year, and the push to remote work is certain to leave a long-lasting mark in the workforce - creative industry or otherwise. What was once...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to avoid being bullied by your client

You can hear horror stories from all over the industry, and unfortunately any agency leader can tell you that they are far too common. Clients leveraging their influence and the power of their wallets to have agencies submit to abusive behaviour,...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Are you being overworked?

Spoiler: if you’re reading this, you probably are Like most other sectors, the creative industry is one of deadlines. There’s that deadline to deliver the pitch, that other one to complete a project, that copy to write, that award to...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Running a small animation studio through a pandemic - #CompanySpotlight

Young, cosy, born and developed through hardship and great creative passion - animation studio Kino Bino has just the perfect story of what is hopefully set to be a successful animation studio in the United Kingdom. Kino Bino was founded in 2019...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Job Description: Creative Director

Design guru. Master mediator. Highly skilled multitasker and delegator. A good Creative Director is all these things and more. They are the calm head on top of the creative shoulders that bring focus and identity to a company. Job description,...

Posted by: Creativepool


How much should I charge as a Freelance Animator?

A guide to animation rates, with tips and advice from an experienced professional in the industry Animators are extremely fascinating professionals, often with a broad skillset and a full range of incredible ideas. They work with static images to...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How much should I charge as a freelance 3D Artist?

A guide to 3D modelling and illustration rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry 3D artists shape reality to build the products, characters and worlds for all of us to dive into. Be it a commercial artist, a...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Favours for favours?

As part of the design community, the question of working for free often comes up. I think in most genres of the creative industry, there’s almost an expectation that we should be expected to take on projects for free, or under the guise of...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


Designers are not a one-stop-shop

Many designers like to think of a specialty - in fact, that's how things should be. However, way too many employers overestimate the simply human capabilities of a single designer. In other words, it is not uncommon for an employer to hire a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


75% of the industry will keep supporting remote working post-pandemic

Being one of the world’s largest creative communities, Creativepool is in a unique position to understand to what extent the creative industry is recovering from the COVID-19 outbreak. We had the power to make a difference by asking about the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Learning to take constructive feedback with Sinelab

Every work of art is like a child to its author. If you're creating a game, writing a book or spending time on an illustration, it is natural to feel attached to it. But how are you going to learn if you don't stay detached from your works? Digital...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


6 ways to tackle your remote team's mental health challenges

Can you smell the flowers blooming, the trees turning green? Can you feel the gentle touch of a summery breeze grazing your cheeks from a window draught? See the sun, calling you from the green park just around the corner? I’m not doing this...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Working as a mum and a leader through the lockdown

If you are a parent in this global climate of pandemic lockdown and quarantine, perhaps the Coronavirus isn't looking so gloom from inside the house after all. Gayle Carpenter is the CEO and Founder of Sparkloop creative agency and is now faced with...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creative insights: Oliver Lyu on a career in stock music 

Shutterstock isn’t just the internet’s go-to repository of stock images, it’s also home to thousands of stock music tracks that offer a more affordable solution for filmmakers who might not have the funds to licence Taylor Swift...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Small or large business? Where to start your creative career

Starting your career can be one of the most exciting times of your life. Many graduates have their hearts set on making their name in a global company, with Google, Facebook and Apple all ranking in the top companies that young professionals want to...

Posted by: Forward Role Recruitment


How to write a website brief

You’ve decided your business needs a new website. You’ve agreed a budget (that you WILL stick to!) so what do you do now? Well, appointing a website design (and development) agency is your next step. You’ll need to write a...

Posted by: Progression Design


Why the creative industries need to wake up to mental ill health

According to the latest absence figures from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), ‘work-related stress accounts for over half (57%) of all working days lost to ill health’, which is more than all other reasons for absence put together....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The future of the agency model is the hands of the disruptrepreneurs

Eight years ago, Martin Sorrell pointed out how journalists like to pronounce things dead, even when they’re not. Sorrell was talking about the death of the advertising industry in general and the death of the holding company in...

Posted by: London Advertising

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