Displaying 1 - 36 of 6601 results



Listen up brands - it’s time to find creative solutions to waste

There has been quite some stirring in the plant-based sector lately for the UK government's AM 171, declaring that brands should stop calling plant-based drinks "milk". Apparently this hurts the dairy lobby. Apparently it is also one of the most...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The most creative campaigns of 2023 #YearInReview

2023 has been a lot of things. It’s been a year that saw great divisions widen and a year that seemed to almost revel in chaos, but it was also a year in which creativity continued to shine, even as it stood on the precipice of potential...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Creative Trends That Will Dominate 2024 #YearInReview

We’ve already looked back at the year that was 2023 and what a year it was. But what kind of magazine would we be if we didn’t also cast our sights on the next 12 months? Of course, there are a few trends you can expect to see pop up...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#MemberSpotlight on Obelisk Agency Creative Director, Silvia Bosoiu

A creative director with over a decade of experience, Silvia is a fascinating individual that loves to experiment with ideas and let her mind run wild. As Co-Founder and CD at the Obelisk Agency, she has worked for everyone from tiny startups to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Devotion to doing a job well with Parkview Creative | #CompanySpotlight

Parkview is a London-based independent creative studio, working with brands to tell stories across film, photography, animation, and podcast production. This week we spoke to Rachel King, Founder and EP, to discuss how they work directly with brands,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Designers can’t work alone - True creative power is collaborative

Most brands accept that creativity is a positive thing when it comes to promoting their business. But, too often, they focus only on visual design when developing their creative assets - and tend to view it as just pretty pictures. That narrow...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a freelance creative director?

Creative directors are amongst the most coveted individuals in the creative industries. They are generally recognised as kings and queens of their respective fields - masters of all trades that can wield relationships as confidently as they wield...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#GettingToKnow the creative conscience of Chrissy Levett

Chrissy Levett trained as an illustrator and print maker before studying design + communications at the Royal Colleg​e of Art, in London. She is an accomplished creative director and founder of Creative Conscience, a global organisation that...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Firing up the creative brains with Božo Kaurić

We'd pay our own weight in gold coins to have Božo Kaurić's brains. Working daily to juggle his busy life with a little baby and an endless love for design, this talented 3D artist and visualiser has little time to waste in the concept phase, and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Side projects are not a waste of time

I’ve heard a lot of talk, especially during the current climate, around whether or not graphic designers should consider creating their own side projects. Opinions tend to vary quite widely on the subject - some designers see them as somehow a...

Posted by: &Something


How to stick to a creative routine during the lockdown

It's not uncommon for us writers to hear advice along the lines of "you should build your daily writing routine" or "make sure to write N amount of words per day". Writing is like a muscle - it needs exercise to stay sharp and fit at all times. The...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Here's 5 of the best creative works made for Earth Day 2020

Here we are, one home, one planet. Caring is no longer enough, as Earth Day’s 2020 halt urges people around the world to think about the planet through art and make active steps for the environment. While fish in the ocean can finally spend...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


World Cleanup Day 2019: Zero waste and plastic-free photography

Can a photo save the world? With World Clean Up Day taking place on the 21 September, explore tips by top Shutterstock photographers on how they empower environmental issues through powerful images. When UK photographer ​Kev Gregory​ made his...

Posted by: Shutterstock


Chervelle Fryer tackles ocean waste with the 'Ocean Plastic Book.'

Chervelle Fryer has illustrated the world's first children's book produced completely from recycled ocean plastic. A kid's book against ocean waste, made from ocean waste. More than 8 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year. By 2050...

Posted by:


Creative Crowdsourcing from Creative Communities

Creativepool's Creative Solutions Director, Heather Deacon, led a session at Advertising Week Europe last month to discuss the what, why, how, and when of sourcing creative from professional communities via crowdsourcing platforms and open ideation...

Posted by: Heather Deacon


Time Management Tips for Creative People

If you work in an industry that involves creativity, you are probably used to working at some pretty strange hours. That sort of just seems to come with the territory. But, this can end up backfiring on you when you find yourself working at all hours...

Posted by: Jane Hurst


To: Creative Industry Job Seeker - Subject: Re Generic Email

Hi, Thanks for your generic email regarding work. Unfortunately there aren’t any positions available at this time. If you’re open to suggestions then please see below for a less generic reply. But if you’re not ready to hear it,...

Posted by: The Big A


No reply. Are contact forms a waste of time and pixels?

Recently, I spotted something of interest on the site of a firm of creative recruitment consultants. Clicking through to their 'contact us' page, I was pleased to notice a statement declaring their belief in common courtesy, backed with a promise to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Is brainstorming a waste of time?

We've all been there. The flip charts at the front of the room. The post-it-notes around the walls. The plate that once detained a packet of custard creams. The incessant doodling. The standing up and the sitting down. The glazed eyes staring into...

Posted by: Creativepool


How one creative found her sobriety through art

In the heart of Camden, a vibrant cultural epicentre known for its eclectic mix of music, art, and subcultures, Lisa Gornick's new play, "Drawing on the Bottle," will be a standout feature in the Camden People’s Theatre 30th Anniversary: Camden...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Harnessing AI for Creative Efficiency #MoneyMonth

“Time is money” is a trite and overused phrase but in so many ways it’s never been more relevant. We’ve always traditionally measured our worth by our bank balances, but time is, in many ways, the great leveller. Because...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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