Displaying 1585 - 1620 of 1749 results



Focal Point: Eric Yahnker's Pop Culture Pencilling

Eric Yahnker is all about intricate pencil work, pop culture puns and a serious approach to his work. He doesn’t make it easy to dismiss his work as pastiche, mainly because his finger is superbly on the pulse of contemporary society. Whether...

Posted by: Jade French


The Week in Tech

Amazon is going underground Many of you might have been surprised this last week by a sneaky new app Amazon stealthily dropped onto Android devices (I know I was). What made this particular app so surprising, however, is that you couldn’t download...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Germany creates the first 3D printed sweets

In the last few years, 3D printing has evolved from a niche concern into a thriving industry, with many previous naysayers in the design community now happily jumping on board the bandwagon with both feet. Not only is it a surprisingly affordable and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Discover a little something in your next Uber

In partnership with our friends at Uber and SUITCASE Magazine, we are launching #BackseatArt across six UK cities to showcase local artists. This week, cars in London, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham and Newcastle will contain limited...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Evolution of Google

Google is a company with surprisingly humble origins (it began life back in 1996 as a simple research project) that has evolved in just under 20 years into a global behemoth worth more than $100 billion. Indeed, the word “Google” has...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Week in Tech

Buddy is the robot you always wanted Buddy is a crowd-sourced robot that you shouldn't let your kids research, because they'll want one and it's NOT cheap. The Johnny 5/Wall-E hybrid is a family friendly robot helper that has aspirations beyond...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Live activity at designjunction 2015

From 24-27 September, designjunction will bring The College and Victoria House B1 to life with a host of inspiring installations, live activities and flash factories - which will highlight the intricate making process of product design. Expect to...

Posted by: designjunction

Job Description: Copy Editor

A copy editor makes sure that a text is readable, accurate and ready for publication. View People View Companies View Jobs Job Description, Salaries and Benefits A copy editor makes sure that a text is readable, accurate and ready for...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Week in Tech

This man grew an ear on his arm An Australian performance artist who simply goes by the name “Stelarc” (like “Madonna” or “Adele,” but with zero mainstream appeal) has grown an artificial ear on his arm. He...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Barbican pushes the boundaries of Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is being heralded as this year's “IN THING,” so it was only a matter of time before the art world got involved in a more cerebral manner. Ever the forward-thinking London institution, The Barbican Centre is preparing a new...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

Job Description: Animator

Animators produce images that appear to come to life on screen. Animation features in all kinds of media, from feature films to commercials, pop videos, video games and websites. Job Description, Salaries and Benefits Animators produce images that...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description: Game Designer

Game designers devise new video games and define the way the game is played, as well as the 'game experience'. Video games are a major part of the UK's media industry. People spend more money on buying games than they do on going to the cinema. Job...

Posted by: Creativepool


See the first person riding the Lexus Hoverboard

After months of teasing, the Lexus Hoverboard which the company has been working on alongside creative agency CHI&Partners as part of their “Amazing in Motion” campaign, has finally been unveiled to the public, and it looks unbelievable....

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Explore the exciting frontiers of future technologies

Our friends over at Decoded have opened up a special session for Digital Leadership - with an open enrolment on 24th August. Explore the exciting frontiers of future technologies, through the lens of code, data and hardware to help transform your...

Posted by: Decoded


The Deceit Algorithm says women are more deceitful than men

Whilst we’ve all probably been guilty of exaggeration or telling the odd white lie at one point or another over social media, whether it’s to make ourselves look better or feel better, a new study has found that women (in Australia at least) are...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Ads of the Week

Isobar re-connect families in Japan Isobar have really hit for the heartstrings with their latest campaign for MetLife Insurance in Japan. Based on the idea that “Insurance deepens family bonds,” the “My Dearest Dad and Mom”...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Harvey Nichols redefine luxury with the help of Virgile+Partners

Harvey Nichols unveiled the new look of its stores across the globe this week with a new outlet in Birmingham designed by Virgile+Partners. The consultancy has worked on the design of the store for six months, looking to redefine luxury with a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top Ads of the Week

Foster’s make a Good Call on Brad and Dan’s replacement Having officially sent the popular Australian agony aunts Brad and Dan packing in their last campaign, Foster’s finally introduced its new brand campaign by Adam&EveDDB...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Social Media Recruitment: Getting It Right

How to get social media recruitment right and the hazards to watch out for. It’s widely known that in 2015 the majority of job seekers find their jobs through a social network. And I’m guessing that the vast majority of recruiters either...

Posted by:

Job Description: Copywriter

Creative copywriters are employed by agencies both permanently and on a freelance basis to develop advertising concepts. They mainly deliver the words and verbal content that accompanies the visual elements. Agency copywriters usually work in close...

Posted by: Creativepool


We chat with the man behind Supermundane: Rob Lowe

Rob Lowe, who sometimes goes by alias Supermundane, is an industry veteran who has worked with everyone from *Wallpaper to Sleazenation, and even designed book covers for Penguin. His distinctive use of colour and line make him a go-to guy for...

Posted by: Jade French


Top Ads of the Week

Coca-Cola get into the spirit of the Rugby World Cup Coca-Cola Great Britain has launched its Rugby World Cup 2015 campaign, which looks to excite the nation ahead of the Tournament later this year. As official soft drink, water and sport drinks...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Week in Tech

A fresh face on the iPod Apple has officially revealed a brand new iPod Touch, and has also announced a gaggle of new colour options for the entire iPod line. We reported a few weeks back that the latest iTunes update leaked this information ahead...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Week in Tech

It is. Officially. ON! Suidobashi - The Response Last week I reported about a proposed round of bonafide, giant robot on giant robot combat between the US and Japan. I can now happily report that the fight is very much on, after Japanese robotics...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Week in Advertising

Grey London attach a jet pack to a squirrel Yes, you read that right, and no, there were no actual squirrels harmed in the making of this spot. As far as I'm aware at least. The spot by Grey London celebrates the launch of McVitie's new Breakfast...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Chiaro reboots the Pelvic Floor exerciser in a sleek new wearable

Pelvic floor/kegel exercises have had known benefits for women for decades, especially post-child birth, for strengthening bladder muscles, reducing the risk of pelvic prolapse and improving sex. It’s the same core strength promise of popular...

Posted by: Chiaro Technology Ltd


D&AD Awards New Blood

The winners of the 2015 D&AD New Blood awards were announced this week. The awards are given to design students, graduates of the last two years, and those under 23, with the aim of celebrating up-and-coming designers. This year, there were 288...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Week in Tech

Apple iPhone 6S images leaked? Days after Apple accidentally leaked images of their new iPods, images of the tech giant's next iPhone (the iPhone 6s) have hit the internet. The photos cite a “Proven” Apple source, and show that the new...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


DNA brought to life in London

A trail of 7 foot tall DNA-shaped sculptures is being scattered across London over the Summer to raise awareness and money for a new Cancer Research UK research centre. The campaign has been spearheaded by design consultancy SomeOne, who designed and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Lion Kings: Who dominated Cannes this year?

Ogilvy & Mather own Cannes. Again On the final evening of the Cannes Lions 2015 last week, Ogilvy & Mather was crowned as Network of the Year for the fourth year in a row. Highlights of Ogilvy & Mather's Cannes Lions 2016 included 1 Titanium Lion -...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Amazing In Motion: The new Lexus Hoverboard

Back to the Future 2 promised much of 2015. It promised us self-tying shoelaces, flying cars, 19 Jaws films, and hoverboards, neither of which have materialised in the public realm at the time of writing. This could all be set to change though,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Meet the robot that gets smarter when it changes shape.

War is hell, they say. So perhaps it's not surprising the stuff of nightmares is funded by the military. The US military to be precise. Yes, the American Army is putting cash dollars into into a robotic cockroach. What's more, it's an intelligent,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


It's hip to be old: How to be a graffiti grandma

We're looking at the OAP amazing, those creative types who live life to the very fullest. First up, it's Internet sensation Baddiewinkle ("Stealing your man since 1928"). She's followed by the likes of Rihanna, vocally supports legalising weed and...

Posted by: Jade French


Top 5 London exhibitions to inspire graphic design: June 2015

London is over-stuffed with gallery choices, one of the many great things about the city. But where to go when you want a dash of visual inspiration or a calligraphy calm down? We've scoured around for the best design-led exhibitions on in London...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


McCann Mexico & Leonardo Di Caprio create a real tearjerker

Women really like to be emotional. Oh women. However, we’ll let L’Oreal have a little free pass for this marketing stunt, because the film they showed to provoke the crying-fest (162 minutes of tears, no less) was Titanic. Obviously the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The NHS lose letters to gain blood

The more observant amongst you might have noticed letters going missing from UK streets these last few days. I know what you're thinking, but no, we haven't been struck by a wave of vowel hating miscreants (though wouldn't that be something). The...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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