Displaying 1 - 36 of 205 results



M&C Saatchi help East Midlands Trains connect with their passengers

M&C Saatchi has created an emotionally charged new integrated campaign to drive the relaunch of East Midlands Trains, establishing a stronger identity for the brand. With East Midlands Trains having reached a key milestone in successfully negotiating...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


AKQA show off state-of-the-art trains in Eurostar campaign

Eurostar, the high-speed rail service linking the UK and mainland Europe, is launching a new above the line campaign designed to showcase Eurostar’s service benefits and features of the new state-of-the-art fleet, which started service in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


TFL and Barber & Osgerby unveil final Crossrail designs

The interior designs for London’s new Crossrail trains from design duo Barber & Osgerby, have been unveiled by the Mayor of London and Transport for London. Barber & Osgerby have acted as design consultants for the interiors, working alongside...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How one global photography competition found the beauty in concrete

The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) has today announced the winners of its ‘Concrete in Life 2021’ global photography competition, which celebrates the beauty, importance, and sustainability of concrete - the most widely...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Servers? Who needs ‘em?

The one constant over the past 30 years when creating, hosting and managing web services has been the not so humble and often temperamental server. Whether you’re running a website, email or web app you’ve always needed somewhere to store...

Posted by: Blutui


Foster + Partners make electric car refuelling look cool

Nissan has teamed up with famed London-based architectural firm Foster + Partners to develop a new, more refined design for electric vehicle charging stations, which will take into account the rise in popularity on electric cars in the UK and beyond....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


HS2 shoots ahead with Design Visions

Former Design Council chief executive David Kester has been working with top designers such as Thomas Heatherwick, Paul Priestman, Simon Sankarayya and Sophie Thomas to create a complete “Design Vision” for the planned £42.6 billion...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Vodafone take on Virgin in broadband and TV wars

Vodafone is set to take on Virgin and Sky, using its business fibre network and BT Openreach infrastructure. The announcement follows a period of significant growth for the telecoms company, who nudged up their full-year core earnings forecast to...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Ogilvy & Mather to help Diu & Daman sell itself as a tourism destination

Diu & Daman is looking to promote itself as a viable tourist destination with the help of Ogilvy & Mather, who will be leading the branding blitz for the Indian Union territory, which is located near Gujaret's coastline. Diu is an island situated a...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Top 10 Hires of the Week

Ogilvy & Mather Ogilvy & Mather has appointed Gerald Lewis to the role of Worldwide Executive Creative Director for the Dove account. He will join Ogilvy immediately and report to Ogilvy’s Worldwide ECD for Unilever, Andre Laurentino. Lewis...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Dumb Ways To Die Down Under

by Jessica Hazel. Aussies are well known for their cheery dispositions and sunny outlooks on life and this has never been more true since Melbourne Metro's new Public Service Announcement came to light earlier this week. 'Dumb Ways To Die' is a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Landor & Fitch make the Channel Tunnel more Gen Z friendly #BehindTheBrand

This week we spoke to Landor & Fitch Executive Director, Strategy and Innovation, EMEA James Withey and Executive Creative Director Graham Sykes about their transformative rebrand of the Eurotunnel (Channel Tunnel). Having been involved in designing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Bjarke Ingels Group unveils Dubai Hyperloop designs

Bjarke Ingels Group has finally unveiled its designs for the world's first Hyperloop high-speed transportation system in Dubai. The design reveals a fleet of cubic pods, which will transport passengers to Hyperloop's main transport hub before being...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Barber & Osgerby take 2015 London Design Medal

Every year, the London Design Festival descends upon the capital and brings the design community to life. For the last 9 years, the festival has also brought with it the London Design Medal, an accolade that has become remarkably important when...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Are we failing all this technology?

When the dreadful story of the mysterious disappearance of Flight MH370 dawned on the world, it was notable how many people pontificated ‘Surely all those satellites and things can track a plane anywhere.’ Some hotheads even went as far...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


QR Codes: Your Pocket Portal in Education

Imagine a world where learning isn't confined to the four walls of a classroom or the pages of a textbook. Where boundless knowledge awaits, just a simple scan away. In today's dynamic educational landscape, QR codes are transforming this vision into...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


The text message saving Ukrainian lives | #BehindTheIdea

Recognising the crisis unfolding at the border where traffickers have been waiting for Ukrainian refugees to arrive, BBD Perfect Strom and Unseen have come together to ensure their safe arrival. They have worked together to lobby the biggest telco...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to Brand a City: The Secrets of Successful City Branding

When it comes to branding, there can be few tasks as daunting (besides perhaps being asked to brand a whole country) as being asked to brand a city. Branding a city is no longer limited to creating logos and slogans; it has evolved into a strategic...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Initials CX paves the way to firmly put Veezu on the map | #BehindTheBrand

Veezu, the leading private hire technology platform in the UK, recently announced its new rebrand delivered by Customer Experience Agency Initials CX. Initials CX was tasked with creating a whole new brand identity, including a new brand platform,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Make to Treasure - A Conversation with ex-Timberland Steve Salt

Make to Treasure is an attitude. Simply put, the idea any brand-related promotional tool we produce should add value, so we need to make it last. Promotional materials that belong in a brand’s ID should add texture, weight (metaphorically and...

Posted by: Heather Golding


Travel and sustainability: Transforming for the future

The year 2021 represents an interesting juncture for the travel and tourism industry and one that is full of tension. After the upheaval of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, people are desperate to travel again - to explore beyond their domestic...

Posted by: Imagination


Listen up brands - it’s time to find creative solutions to waste

There has been quite some stirring in the plant-based sector lately for the UK government's AM 171, declaring that brands should stop calling plant-based drinks "milk". Apparently this hurts the dairy lobby. Apparently it is also one of the most...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why the future of content production is in cloud storage

The streaming services market is flourishing, with many established entertainment brands now rushing to create their own platforms, such as HBO Max and NBC’s Peacock. Having failed to capitalise on a sector that’s been dominated by...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


CES 2020: the symbiosis of human and machine

“Humans are the reproductive organs of technology.” ― Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants If CES 2020 was anything to go by, humans across the globe have been hard at it, before giving birth to some extraordinary tech (as featured) in...

Posted by: Posterscope


The future of retail: lessons from China

A market of extreme competition While America’s top 100 retailers account for approximately 40% of its retail market, China’s equivalent enjoy just 6.4% of total sales of consumer goods. What this means in practice is a market of...

Posted by: AKQA

Smart cities: Just how well understood are they?

Despite the relative maturity of the concept of smart cities - a term for which definitions have existed for around 10 years - new research has revealed that only 23% of people have heard of them. Posterscope’s OOH consumer survey the Smart in...

Posted by: Posterscope

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