Displaying 181 - 216 of 9387 results



CP Spotlight Komson Yamshuen

- View Komson's Creativepool profile here Facebook: facebook.com/komson.yamshuen Twitter: @komsonba "Komson Yamshuen is a former awards winning art director who worked with leading advertising agencies in Thailand such as Young & Rubicam, Monday and...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Mark Anderson - Creative Director at We Love

"We Love... A fresh new take on what a digital creative agency can be... Progressive and flexible, driven and creative, we offer an alternative way forward in terms of design, strategy, attitude and ultimately deliverables. Our strength lies in our...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - We Three Club

- View We Three Club's Creativepool profile ‘Combining both our styles we offer a really broad range of options and concepts' How long have you been a Freelancer for? Chris and I have both been freelancing for around 6 years now. Pretty much...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... James Temple - R/GA

Tell us what you do for a living and who you work for? I'm the Executive Creative Director at R/GA in London. With the team, I create digital experiences. What does that involve? Leading, Learning, Understanding, Inspiring and Executing. I'm...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Google's amazing new HQ

by Ashley Morrison OK, let's pretend that you haven't read the title of this blog (or looked at the first picture) and see if you can guess what sort of building this describes: "It's all about human beings and that's it! Think sunken snugs,...

Posted by: Creativepool


3D and animation

From our October Newsletter comes a grest selection of Creativepool freelancers. Steve Jenkinson 3d animations, illustration, and video "I produce 3d animations, illustration, and video for a wide variety of clients. I am Mac based and use...

Posted by: Creativepool


Whatever happened to Creative Independents?

Back in the 1990's we had a big recession in the UK. It was bad times. Lots of agencies were hit and many people lost their jobs. As usual with this industry, quite a few talented creative folk found themselves out of work. But out of adversity...

Posted by: Creativepool


Things to think on as a design graduate

Starting a career in design can be both exciting and daunting. In truth, even those of us who have been here for a long time find it tough going sometimes—things are always evolving, and new trends and tech mean that we always have to stay ahead of...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


Freelance Financial Management Tips for Creatives #MoneyMonth

I've never been good with money. Since becoming a fulltime freelance creative, however, it's a skill I've been forced to acquire because accountants are expensive and "getting creative" when balancing the books means something else entirely. What...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#GettingToKnow Sibling Rivalry’s Bo Bishop

This week, we’re thrilled to sit down with Bo Bishop, Executive Director of Creative Strategy at Sibling Rivalry, whose approach to blending strategy with storytelling has made waves in the branding world. With a background in narrative fiction...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Tesco explain why it pays to be connected #BehindTheIdea

Tesco Mobile recently released the second film of the It Pays to be Connected campaign with BBH, Parent Posse. In the second film of three, Mum Flora describes what it’s like to be on a group chat with other parents, which she joined 8 years...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Magic in the Air

I’ve always loved magic, things that seemingly disappear into thin air and come back again. As a kid watching Saturday night TV, I would be dazzled by the likes of David Nixon, Paul Daniels and Ali Bongo. They sparked my imagination and belief...

Posted by: Chris Turner


Big Has and mates whip up fusion frenzy for Inch’s cider #BehindTheIdea

Heineken’s apple cider Inch’s, and food and drink social media publication Twisted by Jungle Creations recently launched Local Gems, a tasty new campaign seeing leading UK foodie creators Big Has, Alfie Cooks & Hey Renu and chefs from the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A modular rebrand for a bold gaming platform #BehindTheBrand

This week, I spoke to Nikola Jellačić, Chief Marketing Officer at online casino brand Casumo, about their recent rebranding by SNASK. What was the brief for the rebrand? The initial brief was a brand refresh rather than a full rebrand. But we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Importance of Brand Consistency

I can’t tell you how many businesses I’ve spoken to who believe that branding is getting a new logo and slapping it on all of their marketing. But there’s much more to brand consistency than that, and I wanted to share with you how getting...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


Why Creative Labour Isn't Always Seen as "Real Work" #PurposeMonth

Aside from my “day job” as a copywriter/journalist/mercenary, I’ve also worked on and off as a semi professional musician for the last 20 years. At one point around 2008, it seemed as if that career might actually blossom into...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why almost half of adland is wary of working on sustainable campaigns

As sustainability has become a global business imperative, brands are trying to avoid falling prey to greenwashing. In the rush to prove their environmental credentials, brands and businesses are making exaggerated claims, false assertions, and vague...

Posted by: WMH&I


#Annual2024 – What the Judges want to see this year

After months spent sifting through some of the most creative work of the last year, Creativepool’s expert panel of judges are finally ready to pick the cream of the crop. This year’s expertly curated panel stands as our most diverse yet....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Are female board members more guilty of greenwashing?

With 72% of brands stating that one of their biggest fears is to be accused of greenwashing, Bec Peel looks at its impact on brands and how they can communicate sustainability issues with clarity. I’ve read a few reports recently on the...

Posted by: Continuous


The Need for Conscious Creative on Social Media #SustainabilityMonth

Social media holds a mirror up to our society, reflecting both our best intentions - and our worst habits. TikTok, Instagram, X, and Pinterest aren’t just platforms for sharing; they’re powerful tools for driving cultural and behavioural...

Posted by: Social Chain


#MemberSpotlight on product designer Rajeev Karemane

How did you first get into the industry? I was born in small village in western ghats of Karnataka India. When I was 10 years old, I used to create collages by cutting out people's photos from newspapers and magazines, mixing and matching them in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on Illustrator Athanasia-Danae

How did you get into the industry? My MA degree was the catalyst to fall in love with art and design. My project was about a fashion app and I had to do all the designs from branding to UX and UI. After my graduation I wanted to combine Marketing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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