Displaying 2125 - 2150 of 2150 results



Spotlight - Tom Hughes - Illustrator

Work just as hard on promoting yourself as you do drawing pictures. If no one knows you exist, no one can commission you. Describe your work in one sentence. Bright, humorous character illustration What's the most important thing you've learnt in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - Henry Stuart - Photographer

I have never received even one hour of training in photography, web design or programming and I make my living out of putting the three together. Creativepool caught up with Henry at Tower Bridge to talk about a lack of training, dodgy ankles and,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - Chris Jarvis - Graphic Designer

Chris Jarvis, founder of Jarvdesign, (and one of the contributors at our first Pimm's and Portfolios evening), grabs a coffee with Creativepool to talk aesthetics, iMacs and dream re-brands. Describe the work you do in one sentence. An accessible...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - Gerard Whelan - Designer and Art Director

--- "I'm attracted by the challenge to create." Creativepool pulls up a comfy chair with Gerard Whelan, Designer and Art Director for brandcentral, to discuss excellence, identity and wall-crawling super powers. How long have you been an Designer...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - Vince Fraser - Designer and Art Director

--- "Be one step of everyone else: constantly reinvent yourself." Creativepool pulls up a comfy chair with Vince Fraser, Designer and Art Director for brandcentral, to discuss excellence, identity and wall-crawling super powers. Describe your work...

Posted by: Creativepool


Design Portfolio Tips for Designers

Here's some industry advice on how to best showcase your creative potential in your design portfolio. Whether you're aiming at a creative role as a Graphic Designer with an advertising agency, or an Art working job for a blue chip client, we have...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with...David Dalley, Creative Director and Fine Artist

by John Fountain. Following a successful career as an award winning creative director, David is now a successful fine artist. Here he talks about his career, his travels and how things have changed over the years. So how would you describe your day...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ella Universe

I was looking not only for a blog name but for a brand name for my vision. I wanted to embrace all what I love in this alter persona, immerse myself in its world, and invite others to join if they liked. I created this muse, Ella, the timeless alter...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why creative jobs aren't always a bowl of cherries.

by Magnus Shaw. I work as a copywriter and blogger. I also do something I call consultancy - advising people on their writing, marketing or branding, really. Sometimes, I produce or present radio programmes too. These are all very enjoyable and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Training is an investment, not an unnecessary cost.

by Mark Young, Academy Class. In difficult economic times employers can be forgiven for looking at their expenditure and deciding that some things are easier to do without than others. While utility bills and direct employment costs are unavoidable,...

Posted by: Creativepool


New Designers 2012

New Designers is the UK's most important graduate design exhibition. Over 3,500 of the brightest and most creative talents from Britain’s leading design courses will come together for the 27th edition of New Designers. New Designers is an...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - The specialist versus the generalist

by John Fountain Not so long ago creative folk were employed to work across all areas of business communications. It was said that if you were any good you'd be able to turn your hand to almost anything. And if you had any weak spots or showed any...

Posted by: Creativepool



Colette Alexandratos Illustrator and Vector Artist "I am a self motivated, open minded, creative and hardworking individual who can adapt to a variety of styles, from hand drawn illustrations, to vector based artwork by working as an individual and...

Posted by: Creativepool


When busking meets big business

In the eighties and nineties I lived in London and throughout that time, London Underground put buskers on a par with the small, grey, dusty mice running between the rails. That is, vermin ripe for extermination. Okay, maybe not extermination, but...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why has British TV advertising lost its sense of humour?

Last year, Nick Gill, executive creative director at BBH, was writing about the 2011 Arrows Awards. He made some interesting points about TV and how we seem to be watching more of it these days, rather than less. He said that we Brits are now...

Posted by: Creativepool


What a [lovely] load of rubbish

Question: if a piece of art can literally be mistaken for rubbish, does that make it rubbish? No, not necessarily '“ but it does raise an interesting and valid question about whether art can ever be called 'bad' (or 'good') and whether it...

Posted by: Creativepool


The art of the comic book

Comics have been a large part of popular culture for generations. Today, this genre continuously churns out amazing artwork from some extremely talented artists. Of course, comic books are close to many designers' hearts because often they are their...

Posted by: Creativepool

5 Minutes with... Rosie Arnold - BBH

Tell us what you do for a living and who you work for? I work for Bartle Bogle Hegarty as the deputy executive Creative Director and I am also deputy president of D&AD. I am creative director for the global and European OMO business, and I am...

Posted by: Creativepool


Failure to launch: why some brands don't make it.

Perhaps it's the money. Large budgets are often greeted by marketing teams in the same way Keith Richards welcomes a stiff drink. But the fact remains that endless resources are not always guaranteed to produce branding success. Far from it. The...

Posted by: Creativepool


Are you special?

I was very pleased to receive a big response to my recent piece on becoming a copywriter but one question really caught my attention. The correspondent asked me to suggest a 'type' of copywriting in which to specialise. This rather threw me, but it...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet James Watt

BrewDog, a brewery with a difference, is the brainchild of 25-year old James Watt and his business partner and best mate Martin Dickie. Today it is Scotland's largest independently owned brewery producing about 120,000 bottles per month. But that...

Posted by: Creativepool


Who wants to be in Creative Review?

We all do. Let's face it, that's the honest answer. We're all creatives, therefore we're all big, blinking show-offs, therefore we want our work splashed across a ruddy great DPS in the next available issue of CR. And don't say you don't, because you...

Posted by: Creativepool


Whatever happened to Creative Independents?

Back in the 1990's we had a big recession in the UK. It was bad times. Lots of agencies were hit and many people lost their jobs. As usual with this industry, quite a few talented creative folk found themselves out of work. But out of adversity...

Posted by: Creativepool


Japan: Censoring The Arts.

Creatives in Japan are currently up in arms about a new form of censorship legislation which is in the process of being approved by the authorities. The Federal Province of Tokyo has made it illegal for creative companies to portray any female...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet James Norrington

James Norrington is Creative Director of the brand engagement agency Avvio. Multi-talented, he's a digital designer, graphic designer, 3d designer and a dab hand at video editing. He's also a pretty impressive wind-surfer and skier. James, you...

Posted by: Creativepool

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