Displaying 145 - 180 of 7325 results



10 most popular TED talks of all time

“TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics”. In this article, we have...

Posted by: Mind Doodle


The five most creative magazine covers of all time

Considering the magazine industry is in a pretty wobbly state, it's surprising how tame modern cover designs tend to be. Usually smothered in teaser lines over a bland Photoshop creation, it's increasingly difficult to tell one title from another. It...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Long Versus Short Term: It's Time To Call A Draw

The short term versus long term argument rumbles on. 2021 is the year where marketers should chase a smart balance of the two for the best outcomes. David Ogilvy famously said, “If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.” But in...

Posted by: Southpaw


Behind the Idea: That time Kylie Minogue starred in a ROXi ad

As the world's most favourite Australian export, Kylie Minogue is quite clearly beloved on a global level and a personality any brand would want associated with its products. So when the folks at London Advertising got in touch with a ROXi TV ad...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Tesco continues time-travelling theme in Christmas campaign

British supermarket Tesco has continued the trend of taking viewers back to past times with its Christmas ad for 2019, while continuing to celebrate its 100-year anniversary. In the ad, created by BBH London and Stink, one of the retailer's delivery...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


UK's top 10 TV ads of all time revealed

The UK’s favourite TV ad of all time has been revealed by a new study from independent creative agency, Impero. The Rebranding Advertising research saw 1,500 consumers asked for their most iconic spots ever with brands such as Cadbury, John...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Time to unleash the latent Creative Superpowers in your teams

We are about to enter an Age of Creativity; successful Leadership will be about creating cultures that encourage creativity and help employees unlock the four creative superpowers of Maker, Hacker, Teacher and Thief. As technology continues to...

Posted by: Daniele Fiandaca


Converagency: The device of our time

In times full of powerful stimuli that come from a multiplicity of channels, there is a need to think, to be, to live and to create outside the box in order to communicate honestly. A 360° perspective is no longer enough. It might seem...

Posted by: Pancho González


Tech Tampons: Revolutionising the time of the month

Since ancient times, women have been using the same old products and techniques to manage mother nature’s monthly visit. We may be living in the noughties, but up until now our approach to female menstruation has been very firmly rooted in the...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Carsten Höller Time Lapse, when art meets architecture

Everyone is talking about Carsten Höller’s new Southbank Centre survey show, as part of his exhibition with the Hayward Gallery. And with good reason.He’s installed a giant slide, a flash of silver curves over that famous Brutalist...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Not a morning person? Get flexi-time

As the mornings grow darker and colder and the winter chills creep in, the desire to stay in bed wrapped in the duvet for an extra hour gets stronger. Most of us would love the opportunity to change our working patterns to suit our lifestyle better...

Posted by:


Isn't it high time we got serious with the social media trolls?

We can't really go on like this. The alarming evolution of 'trolling' from pestering people online to the loss of life, has been eye-watering in its speed. The last week has seen a situation develop whereby a family whose daughter is missing, was...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Amazing Photos Taken At The Right Time

An image is brilliant at capturing a specific moment in time. By Internet standards, a perfectly timed photo occurs when the timing, angle or place are achieved. Sometimes it's hard to pick what's real and what has been photoshopped. There are...

Posted by: Creativepool


Have Obama supporters created the most insulting ad of all time?

by John Fountain. Reading the comments, it seems that quite a few people think the Obama ad that repeats the line 'Wake the Fuck Up' is pretty funny. Many are saying that for the first time someone has made a political ad that they get, and like,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Is brainstorming a waste of time?

We've all been there. The flip charts at the front of the room. The post-it-notes around the walls. The plate that once detained a packet of custard creams. The incessant doodling. The standing up and the sitting down. The glazed eyes staring into...

Posted by: Creativepool


40 of the most epic Halloween costumes of all time!

Happy Halloween everyone! This year sees many Miley Cyrus look alikes and too many children banging on your door wanting as much candy as they can get their hands on. We spend too much money on costumes, candy and alochol only to have it over and...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 10 Best Fictional Brands of All Time #MediaMonth

While brand partnerships and sponsored product placements have been a major part of the entertainment game for decades now, sometimes, it’s counter intuitive or simply too costly to use a ‘genuine’ brand in a film or TV show. But...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


It’s time for boys to get periods

Uniform call on the nation’s boys to help support the effort in menstrual education. 72% of boys have never had a lesson about periods. So, is it any wonder that 1 in 5 women have felt period shame due to comments from a male friend? 21% of...

Posted by: Uniform


In Time Swept Ruins, All That Stands Are The Strong Foundations

You know us; we toe the line of optimism and realism every day. In the integrated marketing industry, and just as people who operate in the world from a brand strategy perspective, we’ve gotten pretty good at keeping things real, unfiltered,...

Posted by: Rock Candy Media


The Humane League calls time on McDonald's 'party'

The Humane League has renewed its focus on McDonald’s’ unacceptable treatment of chickens with a new brand-jacking campaign calling for the fast food chain to review its animal welfare policies. Despite being one of the biggest...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


There’s More Time to Enter The Lovies!

Missed the Final Entry Deadline for the 7th Annual Lovie Awards? Not to worry: By popular demand, the deadline has been extended to Friday, 28 July. You’re proud of the work you’ve created this year, so give it the chance to be...

Posted by: The Lovie Awards


It's time to VOTE in The People's Lovie Awards

The wait is finally over! We are so thrilled to share The 5th Annual Lovie Awards Finalists representing the very best of the European Internet. With 400+ expert Academy members across Europe, nearly 1,500 works were judged and thousands of reviews...

Posted by: The Lovie Awards


Publicis acquires yet another digital agency, this time in Italy

The Publicis Groupe recently announced they had acquired another digital agency, following hot on the heels of their acquisitions in Germany (Zweimaleins), South Africa (Synergize), Poland (Interactive Solutions) and the UK (Outside Line). As with...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Time for new Apple products. But is all the fuss justified?

Of all the things Apple do well, creating a hullabaloo is one of the best. Despite ongoing wars and Scotland's bid for independence, the launch of a new product still performed well in the news agenda on Tuesday. Live from Cupertino, the world's...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


No entry. Isn't it time for an alternative to passwords?

That which was designed to save us, is spoiling our lives. Which is a fancy way of saying that passwords have become a terrible pain in the elbow. About fifteen years ago, when most of us began our connection to the sprawling internet beast, we only...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


No reply. Are contact forms a waste of time and pixels?

Recently, I spotted something of interest on the site of a firm of creative recruitment consultants. Clicking through to their 'contact us' page, I was pleased to notice a statement declaring their belief in common courtesy, backed with a promise to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

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