Displaying 73 - 108 of 3727 results



Top 10 Social Media Platforms for Creatives #MediaMonth

Social media has changed the way we live. That might sound like grandstanding for a second, but if you truly take some time to step back and analyse the incestuous way Facebook, Instagram and TikTok have managed to wean their ways into our shared...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The pulp of social fiction

“lurid, exploitative, and sensational subject matter” Nope, not a pithy framing of social media, but the definition of a genre of serialised storytelling from the last Century, known as pulp fiction. Pulp was named after the cheap paper it was...

Posted by: Richard


Krispy Kreme gets social with Hotlight Hour

Krispy Kreme has become the go-to brand for bosses in the UK keen to reward staff with the sweet treat. But the enjoyment doesn't stop there and the doughnut company has now swung onto social media to promote an incentive that goes way beyond the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The UK's first dedicated live social content agency launches in London

New agency Live & Wired is being heralded the UK’s first dedicated live social content agency, delivering creative, production and talent for brands with a specific focus on social media. Founded by Sophie Kostrowski and Sian Hainsworth, both...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Social Media owns Kendall Jenner over controversial Pepsi ad

UPDATE: Since this article was first posted, Pepsi have decided (wisely in my opinion) to pull the ad from YouTube. A Pepsi spokesperson said in a press release: "Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding. Clearly...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Revenues are up at Twitter - so where now for the social network?

Whenever financial commentators comment on the fiscal possibilities of social media, the focus falls of Facebook. Understandable, I suppose. A fifth of the world's population has an account and the whole platform seems permanently balanced between...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Why social media is making us lonely.

In 2010, at a cost of $300 million, 800 miles of fibre-optic cable was laid between the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange to shave three milliseconds off trading times. Yet within this world of instant and absolute...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


easyJet find that social media is making millennials more 'glambitious'

Young adults now spend a staggering 438 hours daydreaming of a more glamorous life and spend more than £3000 a year trying to achieve it according to a recent study commissioned by Europe’s leading airline easyJet. This 'glam-bition' is...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Trump's America: The Design Community Strike Back on Social Media

In the week following the 2016 US Presidential Election, many designers have responded to the news that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States with shock, awe and amusement. We're be examining the latter today (but if you want...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Kellogg’s & Leo Burnett launch 'Because Yum' social media campaign

Leo Burnett London has created a series of 18 short form content films for Kellogg’s to run across social media channels. The agency developed the “Because Yum” idea to encourage people to reappraise cereal as a potential snack,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


MEC launch “Take Off The Tape” social campaign for Mind

Mind, the mental health charity, and media agency MEC have launched an exciting new campaign alongside a raft of celebrities and ambassadors encouraging people to open up about what is making them anxious. The social media driven campaign known as...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to make yourself a billionaire with a failing social network.

How about this for a pitch. A new social network - only you pay for this one. For your money, you are guaranteed the opportunity to interact with celebrities, leading business people, sport stars and top technology people. Essentially, you're buying...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Creating social barriers - Why do it to yourself?

by Andrew Greenhalgh. In an article (Marketing, March 6th 2013) about the latest Andrex campaign which asks whether or not the nation “scrunches or folds” their loo roll, a rather prudsih Nigel Roberts writes, "Who honestly thought that...

Posted by: Creativepool


How social media is helping us reject demographic stereotypes

Life stages and identities are more elastic than ever before. We’re less able to fit into the boxes of old; people are having fewer children, doing it later in life or not at all, living longer and ageing better, changing careers and embracing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Getting to know... We Are Social's Lore Oxford

Socially-led creative agency We Are Social recently appointed Lore Oxford as its first global head of culture and insights. In the newly created role, she will help the agency to more effectively respond to questions around society and culture while...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A quick one on social media marketing

Social Media advertising is still one of the most underpriced and efficient ways to market your brand or business to your customers. Unfortunately, many clients are spending the smallest fraction of ad dollars on it. It's up to us as advertisers to...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


La La Land was robbed at the Oscars according to Social Media

Global media agency Carat analysed consumer sentiment around the Oscars on social media to determine the ‘audience votes’ ahead of the big announcement made on 26th February, when the underdog “Moonlight” walked away with the Best Picture...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Social Media Advertising: Show Them The Money

Don’t you just hate it when they take something pure, and put sponsored ads all over it? Not that Instagram is the purest social media platform; it has been co-opted readily by A-List celebrities who just want to rebel against Anna...

Posted by: Jade French


Survey suggests open-plan offices might be making us more anti-social

The idea behind an open-plan creative office is pretty solid. Whilst locking ourselves away in solitude and “Just cracking on with it” might be a tried and tested working method for those in less naturally collaborative industries, but as...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Number 2.1 - Let’s Not Live-Stream On Social?

As someone who works in innovation and talks about it a lot, I love new technology and trends. With the rise (and quick fall) of live streaming apps like Meerkat, we tend to get caught up in the hype and noise, thinking live streaming Is the...

Posted by: Tom Sharman


Account Wins of the Week

Multiple - Shell Shell Retail and Shell Global Commercial (Lubricants) have appointed eight creative agencies to their best-in-class agency roster and appointed MediaCom to handle global media planning and buying. The successful creative agencies...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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