Displaying 4177 - 4212 of 4324 results



Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a Clarkson...and let him go?

Last week, Jeremy Clarkson was forced to apologise for having said a bad thing. A very bad thing. It is the only word in the whole English language that I can think of that is 100%, totally and utterly off limits. The word is “n****r”....

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Wieden + Kennedy take Weight Watchers account from McCann Erickson

Though world renowned weight loss brand Weight Watchers have been with McCann Erickson New York for seven years now, it was announced late last week that their advertising business will now be covered by Widen + Kennedy, the independently owned,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


AOL announce new Ad Platform and transform their advertising business

AOL announced at a technology conference in California on Wednesday that their advertising business was to get a major overhaul in the shape of 'One by AOL'; an ad platform which unites all ad campaigns (including video, desktop and mobile) under one...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


L'Wren Scott and the battle for creative identity.

This week we all heard the sad news that fashion designer L'Wren Scott was found hanged in an apparent suicide in her New York apartment on Monday. Although a successful fashion designer in her own right and professional model before this, Scott's...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


What do apostrophes make? Prizes! The day John Lewis bagged my loyalty

Contrary to popular urban myth, I am not a member of the Apostrophe Protection Society. Yes, I did write a blog about Waterstone’s and the decision from their powers that be to get rid of the apostrophe in 2012. My blog did, incidentally,...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Does the Pancreatic Cancer Action campaign go too far?

UK cancer statistics are frightful and frightening. For every three people who read this article, one will acquire some sort of cancer in their lifetime. The disease doesn't discriminate, striking the very young and the very old, the rich, the poor...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Are You Being Served ?

Earlier this week, I wrote about the exaggerated claims made by the hotel in Egypt in which I'm staying, on the website Trip Advisor. Somehow, the management was able to promote the establishment with four stars, when in fact its true status is...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Teenage Cancer Trust: Say hello to our new interns

In 2013 we did some work with the Teenage Cancer Trust, running marathons, wearing silly outfits and raising funds where we could; but this year we’re taking on two new remote interns, Matt and Pete. Matt and Pete are currently undergoing...

Posted by: Bray Leino


2014 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship call for entries

The 2014 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship has launched and is inviting applications from schools of architecture around the world. A £6,000 grant will be awarded to one student by a panel of judges which includes Lord Foster and the...

Posted by: Foster + Partners


Home is where the heart is. And the work. And everything else.

If I started a blog by telling you that I was thinking about buying a treadmill, you may well click away in anticipated boredom. But the fact remains, I’m seriously considering buying a treadmill. There, I said it. So what? Well, quite. Of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The Nike+ FuelBand and your guilt ridden-January self.

Today we are half way through the worst month of the year - hooray! And how are we doing, people? How's your Dry January going? And your new fitness routine? How about those New Year Resolutions? If the doom and gloom, incessant rain and the next...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


"That ad campaign cost too much." No **** Sherlock.

When I blogged about the John Lewis Christmas ad a few weeks ago - the one featuring the hare and the bear…and the despair of the rather wet Lily Allen cover of Keane’s ‘Somewhere Only We Know’ - a lot of people balked at the...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Window wars. Who is winning the Christmas battle of Oxford Street?

Christmas is rather a competitive activity, isn't it? From those rather ghastly households attempting to out-decorate their neighbours by festooning their brickwork with flashing reindeer, to the restaurants fighting to see who can charge the most...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Panic stations: leaving London and moving to t’sticks

As I sit down to write my blog today, I’m a bit anxious. You see, we moved on Saturday. But this was no ordinary move. I’ve left the creative centre of the country (and some would argue of the world) and gone to live in a place where...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Internships. A great idea gone bad.

Had it not been for an internship, I wouldn't be a copywriter. Once I'd completed my training, my tutor arranged for a series of placements at various agencies. It was called 'work experience' then, and each placement lasted a few days. It was a...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Ultimate Selfie by Ryan Burke

I love a selfie, I am actually a shocker when it comes to taking a selfie, but this is on a whole other level! New York-based photographer Ryan Burke spends three to eight hours creating a stunning look for himself and then uploads these selfies to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Hey, sugar. Is John Lewis' Christmas ad too treacly?

Could they have been the most expensive two minutes in advertising history? Well, if they weren’t, they certainly weren’t far off. Last Saturday during X Factor - and therefore requiring the sign-off from pop mogul Simon Cowell himself -...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Back to advertising.

I'm always impressed by people who plan their career. Or rather people who plan their career and realise those plans. Planning stuff is easy, making it happen is something else - particularly in this business. Let's say, on your first day in the ad...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Facing facts. Are Tesco's ad screens really as sinister as we fear?

Say what you like about Tesco, but they know how to create a fuss. A couple of days ago, the digital, broadcast and print media fell on a story about the retail giant and its latest advertising wheeze. As a plethora of reports rushed to tell us,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


40 of the most epic Halloween costumes of all time!

Happy Halloween everyone! This year sees many Miley Cyrus look alikes and too many children banging on your door wanting as much candy as they can get their hands on. We spend too much money on costumes, candy and alochol only to have it over and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Amazing Pumpkin Art

Happy Halloween everyone! This year sees many Miley Cyrus look alikes and too many children banging on your door wanting as much candy as they can get their hands on. We spend too much money on costumes, candy and alochol only to have it over and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Privatised health care? Advertising opportunities galore!

Whether you consider it a good idea or not, thanks to the coalition government, it seems the increased involvement of private companies in the NHS is a racing certainty. And what could possibly go wrong? Just look how affordable and reliable the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Writer's "I quit" video goes viral

We’ve all had fantasies about various ways of quitting our jobs. In fact, some of you out there may even have turned freelance because you just couldn’t take the permanent life any more - either because of your boss or the work itself....

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Sou Fujimoto's 2013 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion

You have just under two weeks to get down to the Serpentine Gallery in London’s Kensington Gardens to see this year’s Pavilion, designed by multi award-winning Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto. Over the years, the Serpentine Gallery has...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Dear Photograph. Pictures From The Past Into The Present

The concept is simple: take a picture of a picture, from the past, in the present. Over the past year, the website received thousands of submissions. In fact, enough for a book, also called Dear Photograph, which was released last year. Taylor...

Posted by: Creativepool


One small mistake, one giant gaff

You must be used to my moaning by now. All those tortuously bad ads that drive me potty - from Brad Pitt waxing poetical in the agonising Chanel 'inevitable' campaign, to Spotify waffling on about what music does to us (which has nothing to do with...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


McCann Manchester's new Haunt (the prize that goes bump in the night)

As prizes go, having your own pub built is quite a nice thing to win. But so it was when McCann Manchester was voted global agency of the year across all of McCann Worldgroup. Having won the award this year, the Manchester-based communications...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Get happy. Is Arianna talking total Huff?

First, a bit of background. The Huffington Post is an online newspaper and it's rather successful. Actually it calls itself a 'news aggregator and blog' - but considering that is less clear than 'online newspaper', we'll stick with the latter. It was...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


New Monopoly: for those with a short attention sp...

by Ashley Morrison It's a wet Sunday afternoon (no, not in summer 2013, obviously; that would be a sweltering Sunday afternoon), and there isn't much to keep the family occupied. Well, apart from the 200-odd TV channels now available. Or a DVD. Or...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison

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