Displaying 1 - 36 of 1641 results



Lucozade Sport is strictly for the home nations

In this morning's second piece of rugby related news (see our piece on Jack Whitehall's rugby school experience with BBH for Samsung HERE) Grey London has hooked into our love of the game (and our national pride) with a new campaign for Lucozade...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Oscars 2019: Who will win big at Sunday's Academy Awards?

Every year, Digital Cinema Media (DCM) launches a Fantasy Film League for the media and advertising industry, asking for predictions on who will win big at the Oscars which will be held this Sunday (24 February) in 2019. As the deadline to enter is...

Posted by: Zoe Jones


Out-of-home set to score highly during World Cup fever

Summer’s most high-profile sporting event is the perfect opportunity for brands to get outdoors With the UK’s most anticipated sporting event of 2018, the FIFA World Cup Russia, now well underway, and England emphatically qualifying for...

Posted by: Posterscope


The latest from VCCP

Harry Westlake Wears the Rose Little Harry Westlake; the six-year-old who rose to national fame after belting out the national anthem before the recent Six Nations rugby game that saw England triumph over Italy, has been given his own chat show by...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Agency of the Week: VCCP!

Win Hiscox account VCCP was chosen as a creative European partner for Hiscox earlier this week. The agency has been tasked with creating a fresh multimedia campaign to promote the insurance provider's online subscription platform, which is dedicated...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How will 2023 be remembered by creatives? #YearInReview

2023 will hardly be remembered as a banner year for may of us as the cost-of-living crisis started digging deeper and the political spectrum on both sides of the atlantic started to devolve into a cynical and hateful mess. For creatives from all...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The text message saving Ukrainian lives | #BehindTheIdea

Recognising the crisis unfolding at the border where traffickers have been waiting for Ukrainian refugees to arrive, BBD Perfect Strom and Unseen have come together to ensure their safe arrival. They have worked together to lobby the biggest telco...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial



The average brand spends millions of dollars on marketing every year. For the big global brands, it's billions. "Half my advertising spend is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half" - US retail magnate John Wanamaker (1838-1922). These...

Posted by: Matt Batten


#GettingToKnow RCA masters graduate Paul Wearing

Paul Wearing is an RCA graduate based in London. A born traveller, he has worked extensively throughout the US and Far East with fashion, interior design and advertising houses. The influence of his design background is evident in much of his...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Keeping curiosity healthy with illustrator Patrick Hruby | #MemberSpotlight

Los Angeles-based illustrator Patrick Hruby grew up in a log cabin within an Idaho forest. As a young boy he dreamt of running away to join the circus and become a trapeze artist. Eventually, however, he grew up to pursue a career as an illustrator....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A conversation about IceCream, Hobbies & WH Smith...

Where do you get inspiration from? The typical answer here is to say ‘from everywhere’ but that’s really flipping unhelpful to those reading thinking, I really need some inspiration, where do I look. I was once in a meeting with...

Posted by: Simon Manchipp


The classy artistry of a talented photographer | #MemberSpotlight

Intimate, natural, meticulous on lighting. So does photographer Yigit Gunel describe his style, albeit gladly and much humbly admitting he still has things to learn. Whether that be true or not, there is something in the artistry of Yigit which...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Travel and sustainability: Transforming for the future

The year 2021 represents an interesting juncture for the travel and tourism industry and one that is full of tension. After the upheaval of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, people are desperate to travel again - to explore beyond their domestic...

Posted by: Imagination


Why better digital branding means a better 2021

2020. Well, that was crap. So look, we know it was a rubbish year, and we know you heard another 1,278 times that it was a rubbish year before that rubbish year was done. So instead of listing out a myriad of reasons why 2020 was a dumpster fire of...

Posted by: Woven Agency


Should you leave your job during the pandemic?

You keep looking at the clock waiting for your day to end. The thought of Monday mornings just won’t let you enjoy your weekends. You can’t wait for the next day off - even if you just spent an entire week on leave. We’ve all been...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why the industry needs more diverse voices – With Sachini Imbuldeniya

"No one makes a difference in the world by playing it safe." Sachini Imbuldeniya didn't exactly have an easy or calm childhood. Growing up in one of the "roughest" council estates in London, she learned to look after herself quite quickly, with her...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What is Gamification in marketing and why you should be using it

Gamification in marketing is a marketing strategy that has yielded great results for some of the biggest brands in the world, as well as smaller businesses and newcomers across various sectors. Whether you’re new to this concept or looking to...

Posted by: SMACK Agency


Is it a bird? Is it a plane?... Or is it a talking recyclable carton?

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Or is it a creative use of animation, with a serious message behind it? The innovative, animated series ‘The Carton Campaigners’ has hit the mark when it comes to explaining why sustainable packaging is key to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brands, it's time to address the UK's widening inequality gap

The UK's inequality gap is widening. With COVID-19 bringing upon us one of the worst financial crises in centuries, a country which already had a problematic inequality gap was only able to get worse. It is just normal that, in these circumstances,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


AKQA urges companies to adopt nature Code of Conscience

AKQA has invited the top 10 construction equipment companies of the world to adopt its new open source software to protect nature reserves from destruction. Despite their protective status, one third of the areas are under threat from human...

Posted by: AKQA


Two’s a party – why collaboration can help you avoid privacy pitfalls

More than a year after coming into effect, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has transformed the data landscape and its effects look set to extend into the future, as nations worldwide adopt similar laws. Furthermore, big tech companies...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Reviewing Cannes Lions 2019: Who won what and why?

Each year, after the Cannes Lions festival, thenetworkone takes a few days to reflect on the events and look for the key themes and patterns which emerge. Here is our take on Cannes 2019. At its heart, Cannes is an awards festival. A little like the...

Posted by: Julian Boulding


Cannes Lions 2019: Film, Titanium, Glass, Sustainable Development winners

Friday night saw the final awards show of Cannes Lions 2019 take place with the Communication and Good Track winners announced as well as special awards, celebrating the industry's best performing companies across the five-day event, as well as...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Cannes Lions 2019: Essential party guide

The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2019 is less than a month away and while that may seem like plenty of time to get your calendar in order, it’ll be here before you know it. Planning your rosé sessions in the sun can...

Posted by: Creativepool


Top 10 innovations from Dutch Design Week 2018

Dutch Design Week is renowned for future thinking and concept-driven projects, making it one of the top design events of the year. This year’s exhibit revolved around something that’s top of the agenda for everyone from governments to...

Posted by: Pearlfisher


Sneak preview of my intro to Connect: London 2018

The turmoil of 2018 is close to being over. Only for a whole new era of uncertainty to seemingly be on the horizon. The internet that was supposed to broaden our worlds and bring us closer together seems to have divided nations and neighbours....

Posted by: Michael Tomes


International Day of Peace: five Lion-winning campaigns for good

Today marks International Peace Day 2018, an event sanctioned by the United Nations and observed annually around the world on 21 September. To mark the occasion, James Cooper, head of digital content at Cannes Lions, offers five Lion-winning...

Posted by: Creativepool

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