Displaying 109 - 144 of 361 results



Legends of Design: Jonathan Ive

Sir Jonathan Paul Ive is one of those figures who will always be remembered for leaving an everlasting mark in the history of design, technology and creativity. Save for the late Steve Jobs, there is no one who had more relevance in the history of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to hire a great Illustrator - 5 top tips

While many of the creative arts have been shaped and moulded by the passage of time and the gentle thrum of technology, illustration is, at its core, still the same art form that it was hundreds of years ago. It’s also an incredibly...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to hire a great creative director - 5 top tips

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” That’s the well-worn cliche that continues to hold billions back from greatness every single day but for some, the crown seems to fit pretty naturally. Such is the case with all the best...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The art of pitching in a pandemic

A year of remote working has forced many to re-channel their resources to the online environment - including the pitching progress. As pitching moved out of meeting rooms and into a virtual screen, agencies have found ways to perfect their approach...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to master the virtual pitch in a hybrid working world

As we move towards a new normal of hybrid workforce and increasingly virtual environments, pitches also move to the virtual scene and agencies will soon be required to up their game in a yet fiercer and more competitive environment. When you look at...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great copywriter - 5 top tips

The written word is a funny thing. It’s something `almost all of us have a basic understanding of and use every day to reply to emails, forward distracting memes to our co-workers and message our significant others about dinner. But how often...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Social Commerce: the new retail avenue for brands

Following the rise of social media during the pandemic, one may be left to wonder about the destiny of retail and how retail sales will be shaped by such surge in social media user bases. It is true that there is an opportunity for brands to take on...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Ambitions in Silk - #CompanySpotlight

Nobody likes change. Somehow, it is how we as humans are coded from the onset. Change freightens us, making us defensive and sometimes even aggressive, in the attempt to preserve a status quo. For that reason, it is fascinating to see how the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Job Description: Branding Designer

A branding designer shapes a brand and how it’s presented to the public. In order to breathe life into a brand and give it a tangible identity, a branding designer must express their thinking via words and imagery that cut through the noise and...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Cobra Effect: What could possibly go wrong?

I’ve always been fascinated by the Cobra Effect. As a marketeer who works with clients to change perceptions around brands or products, understanding human behaviour is essential. But people are unpredictable and often things that should...

Posted by: The 10 Group


The warm, earthy tone of a graphic illustrator - #MemberSpotlight

One can confidently say that the flexibility and spirit of adaptation of Gizane Vive have few equals in the industry. After a decade spent leading a nomadic life across the world, Gizane founded her own brand and started taking projects as a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Finding your Tune - With the Wunderman Thompson LatAm CCO

"I’ve lived all my life in Argentina, a place in which we are used to going through economic and political crises again and again." This is the sentence with which Dany Minaker opens his answer to one of our questions below. A sentence which...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How the events industry is adapting to the new normal

With a good portion of the world working from home or in lockdown, one can guess the events industry isn't doing too well right now. But you would be wrong to assume that the industry hasn't been working behind the scenes to envision new solutions,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Consumer Trends that will define 2021

How’s the new year treating you? Feel any different yet? Well, according to some reports, consumer habits have changed quite a bit in the last year and you could arguably speculate that a global pandemic may have helped with that. With people...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Finding a new energy: The story of Tag's Chief Creative Officer

Admittedly, Tag Collective Arts had their work cut out for themselves back in August. Reuniting all the companies under the Tag umbrella into Tag Collective Arts was no mean feat, especially in the middle of a global outbreak. The business needed to...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Do Schools Kill Creativity? In celebration of the late Sir Ken Robinson

In the short weeks between my interview with Creativepool and its subsequent publication, a man I’d often described as a hero passed away. The death of Sir Ken Robinson, eminent educationalist and academic, was slow to be picked up on by the...

Posted by: Heather Golding


Talking life and contrast with film director Brendan Beachman

Few professionals know the value of contrast like film director Brendan Beachman - and it's not just a simple word play. Brendan started as a production assistant right after graduating in film studies, then moved to be an office PA at a reality TV...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Global creative calendar: November 2020

Anyone who commits to lifelong learning can expect many prolific returns. Expanding one's knowledge presents opportunities to better understand the world and our fellow humans while advancing our skills. In a constantly changing world, innovation...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Craft vs Collaboration - Balancing creative life in the new normal 

You wouldn't have been too optimistic at the beginning of the pandemic, but it looks like productivity while working from home has actually increased. The workforce has found its own balance. We do know, however, that creativity often thrives in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Global creative calendar: October 2020

Each year, the Cannes Lions score the global branded communications and marketing industry on Reach, Communication, Craft, Experience, Innovation, Impact, Good, Health and Entertainment. The latest edition of our creative calendar is designed to...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


How to boost your chance of employment in the current events industry

September 2020 marks two important dates in the mustard calendar - my 25th birthday and, slightly less importantly, the end of our financial year. Naturally, that makes this a good time for us to reflect on the year that has passed. From September...

Posted by: mustard xp


Adrian Penu's quest for purpose

Inevitably, you have to try your hand at different things before you find your true vocation. It was the case of artist Adrian Penu, who spent some time with photography, film and various crafts before landing in fine art and painting. Since then,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Finding your way into the design industry during the COVID crisis

Finding a job - particularly your first, permanent one in your desired field - is an intimidating task at the best of times, especially for aspiring design graduates in an already competitive job market. And now, the economic effect of the pandemic...

Posted by: Jess Patel


Designing Creatures: Tips and Tricks

When it comes to designing creatures, there are many different ways to approach the task. Everyone I’ve spoken to does it slightly differently and prioritises different aspects, leading to a sense of uniqueness even with two designs which have...

Posted by: Luke Luckhurst


Why is Primark denying digital?

There is no overstating the impact of the pandemic on the retail industry. We've seen stores close down, other retail giants move to digital only for a bit, and some others (such as Cath Kidston) make a permanent shift to digital - which was a smart...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


LGBTQ+ representation deserves more than a yearly nudge

Stonewall’s legacy lives on today. Peaceful marches of Gay Pride movements all around the world, from Europe to the US and beyond, echo the days of riots and violence which erupted at the dawn of the Seventies. The LGBTQ+ community has come a...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to design with empathy and inclusion

Inclusive design. We double-dare you to find a more relevant term or concept today. With a globalised world and countless opportunities to reach all kinds of niches and communities around the planet, designing for your own needs is just another...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Learning Creativity with Muneebah Waheed

You could get lost in the sheer amount of skills Muneebah Waheed has cultivated over time. Starting with nothing but the dream of becoming a creative, Muneebah set out on a journey of constant learning and fascination, from graphic design to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Will the pandemic mark the end of retail?

I'm yet to find someone who hasn't worked in retail at least once. Which means we all know the issues and problems of retail experiences, especially in the most recent of times. Retail is an old industry. We can arguably all agree with that. Stuck...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why we should get ready to embrace change after the lockdown

If anything, COVID-19 will leave us with plenty to learn. In the past few weeks, the creative industry has worked hard to prove its non-stoppable resilience. From spots shot entirely from home to beautiful art made in isolation, creatives all around...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

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