Displaying 1 - 36 of 559 results



The top brands preparing us for the Royal Wedding

Even those of us purposefully trying to avoid the impending nuptials of Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle this Saturday (May 19) can't deny that it has given marketers an excuse to flex their creative muscles. Whether those muscles are...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Royal Wedding Causes Flurry of New Designs on Everyday Items

You are aware, I'm sure, that Prince William, heir to the throne, is to marry Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey on 29th April 2011. What you may not be aware of, however, that the national celebration has caused an outbreak of organisations to jump...

Posted by: Creativepool


Which Platinum Jubilee ads got the royal seal of approval?

At the start of the bank holiday weekend, the Queen’s Jubilee was predicted to give a £6bn boost to the UK’s retail and hospitality sector as Brits used the four day weekend to spend in restaurants, pubs, hotels and shops. But the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Price of Reality: Why the Royal Photo Manipulation Saga Matters

Generally speaking, the morning after the Oscars means everyone talking about the Oscars, trading opinions on the gaffes, the big musical numbers and the controversial wins. This year, however, I awoke the morning after not to hordes of messages...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Engaging new audiences with a modern royal rebrand

When we speak about the royal family, we don't necessarily think of it as a commercial brand that generates significant annual earnings, but the figures prove otherwise. For example, between 2019 and 2020, ticket revenues from heritage sites reached...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Peperami shakes up a wedding and breaks the internet | #BehindTheIdea

In the first piece of work by Forever Beta for meat snack brand Peperami, the world’s first Peperami wedding took place. A couple from Leeds tied the knot with classic wedding features such as the dress, the cake and the decorations all with...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Transforming Royal Ascot into a high-stakes Netflix drama | #BehindTheIdea

Drama takes the saddle in another heart-racing campaign for Royal Ascot. The ad, created by Isobel's Tom Dyson and Lance Boreham, takes the form of a 60-second film reminiscent of a Bond-esque movie trailer or a high-stakes Netflix drama. Directed...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How Engine boosted recruitment for the Royal Air Force | #BehindTheIdea

The Air and Space Operations division of the Royal Air Force doesn't get much drama on a day-to-day basis; but when they do, it's as high-stakes as you could ever imagine. The Royal Air Force needed to recruit the right people to help protect the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The unique creative culture of Royal Tunbridge Wells

As the agency prepares to turn 50 next year, Southpaw's MD Tom Poynter highlights the creative culture of one of England's best-loved spa towns. Situated in the heart of ‘The Garden of England’, this spa town takes its name from the...

Posted by: Southpaw


Royal Mail puts its stamp on Christmas 2019

British postal service Royal Mail has unveiled its Christmas Special Stamps for 2019 with a new Nativity theme. Created by London studio Charlie Smith Design and paper-cutting artist duo Hari and Deepti, the collection is both contemporary and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


David Bowie Stamps launched into space by Royal Mail

LIDA has partnered with Royal Mail to develop a competition delivered through social media to support the launch of a new collection of special stamps to honour the late David Bowie that went on sale this week. The ten-stamp set features six images...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Tatty Devine brings glorious life to the walls at Royal London Hospital

We've all undoubtedly and unfortunately had to spend some time in hospital at one point or another, and whilst the staff generally do their best to make our stays as palatable as possible, the buildings themselves are often drab and unwelcoming. To...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Royal Mail gets biblical this Christmas

Winter's silver lining is dawning on us once again, and brands are wasting no time getting in on the action, not least Royal Mail, who are arguably as vital a part of the UK Christmas season as lukewarm mulled wine and tangled lights. Every November...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


VCCPme and Royal London combine data and the dentist

Royal London; the UK’s largest mutual life, pensions and investment company, has kicked off a bold and dramatic new TV campaign to promote its “No nonsense” life insurance directly to consumers. The media activity, which has been...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


London's Royal Arts Academy marks 250th anniversary

In 2018 The Royal Academy of Arts in London is to open up its permanent collection with a fresh redesign, which also marks its 250th anniversary. The work is being led by David Chipperfield Architects (DCA), and is backed by a £12.7 million grant...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Villainous bunnies + cartoon violence + Royal Blood

The music industry is in a bit of a state right now. In case you haven't noticed, there appears to be a surfeit of artless dross clogging our radio waves and stadium stages, and artistic integrity and genuine invention are two things that hit the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Natalie Portman escapes wedding by helicopter

Anton Corbijn might be more famous for his band photography and music videos (for seminal acts such as U2 and Depeche Mode), but his recent forays into film, which include the stunning Joy Division biopic “Control,” and last year's “A Most...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Royal Mail step through the looking glass

To celebrate the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll's classic children's story, Royal Mail has launched a set of Alice in Wonderland stamps from designer Jason Godfrey (of Godfrey Design fame) and illustrator Grahame Bakersmith. There are ten stamps...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Royal Mail discover the third dimension

Royal Mail appear to have noticed that 3D printing is quite a big deal at the moment, and have jumped on the bandwagon with a new scheme that will allow customers to order 3D printed items directly from the company's Central London delivery offices...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


VCCP create another historical ad for Royal London

Royal London has unveiled the follow-up spot to their “We're so yesterday” campaign, which was released earlier this month to (according to the mutual life and pensions company) celebrate the fact that “Royal London has stood by its...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


RKCR/Y&R win Royal British Legion account and fight for Virgin Atlantic

It's been announced that Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R, the full service integrated creative agency of choice for the Great Britain tourism board campaign, has won the account of yet another esteemed British institution. The agency won the brief...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Behind the Idea: Faking Royalty with loyalkaspar for CNN

Creative branding agency loyalkaspar recently created a series of live-action spots to promote the new CNN documentary series, “The Windsors: Inside the Royal Dynasty,” which uses archival footage and interviews with insiders and experts...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Getting to Know… Iris Worldwide’s Grant Hunter

Grant Hunter was recently promoted to Global Executive Creative Director for iris Worldwide and has been working for the agency from his base in London for 15 years now. A man with creativity in his bones, Grant is an incredibly insightful...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

A Lobster Love Story

In celebration of #LovingDay, we want to take a look back at a special Lobster moment last week and enjoy a little community love that made us all feel a little special. At the start of the month, we closed our #WeddingBells Photo Challenge which ran...

Posted by: Lobster


Four first date tips for marketers to woo consumer hearts

For many, the royal wedding between Harry and Meghan brings inspiration for those looking to find their perfect partner - filling consumers with a lot of love and joy. Brands, publications and consumers alike have all been speculating about the...

Posted by: Oath


Time for new Apple products. But is all the fuss justified?

Of all the things Apple do well, creating a hullabaloo is one of the best. Despite ongoing wars and Scotland's bid for independence, the launch of a new product still performed well in the news agenda on Tuesday. Live from Cupertino, the world's...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


CP Loves... Philip Treacy and his miscellaneous millinery.

by Jessica Hazel. As London Fashion Week SS2013 reaches its climax, the last few glasses of free champagne will be downed and fashion's most committed followers will have to pack away their outrageous outfits for another six months. Fashion Week is...

Posted by: Creativepool


Next-Gen Brand Builders You Should Know

If you spend a bit too much time sitting in back-to-back meetings, planning rollout dates, looking at demographics and campaign performance analytics you can sometimes be in danger of forgetting what ‘it’ feels like. What is it exactly?...

Posted by: Crush

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