Displaying 1 - 36 of 615 results



Google lets users design their own phones

Internet kingpins Google recently unveiled a new prototype for their modular smartphone, which will allow users to swap out components and essentially design their own phones. The phone will work in a similar manner to a desktop gaming PC, only it...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Latest Highlights & Trends in Tech

Nextbit launches the gorgeous, crowd-funded Robin phone Kicking off a rather phone-heavy week in tech news, Nextbit has launched a new crowd-funded Android phone, which uses integrated cloud storage. The Robin was designed by Scott Croyle, former...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Shaping the Landscape: Technology Trends in 2016

In a supplemental piece to my weekly tech roundup from yesterday, I'll be looking forward and examining the trends that look set to take the tech world by storm this year. In many ways, whilst it was a fine year indeed, 2015 didn’t see many...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Microsoft Windows 10 Devices Event Roundup

Microsoft beat their Californian tech giant rivals at their own game yesterday by holding a decidedly Applesque live event in which they unveiled a veritable cornucopia of new devices, each of which they seem to be using to push Windows 10 as the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


James Corden channels his inner hipster

I'll be honest here, I never got Gavin and Stacey, and furthermore, I never got James Corden. Granted he comes across as an affable enough bloke in interviews, and as a stockier gentleman myself, it's nice to see a man with a little more junk in the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Nokia 3310 set to make dramatic comeback at MWC 2017

Anyone over the age of 30 will remember the original 'mobile' phones. It's ridiculous to think of it now, but back in the 80's, when the concept of mobile phones was first hitting the marketplace, the idea of carrying a lunchbox sized charger and a...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


TMW Unlimited ask if technology is ruining holiday sex

To test the theory that an addiction to technology (smartphones particularly) is the reason sex on holidays often does't live up to the expectations of modern couples, Durex has launched a social experiment, devised by TMW Unlimited, which tears...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Mobile World Congress 2017: The Top Stories

The mobile tech community have descended in their compact droves on Barcelona this week for the 2017 Mobile World Congress, which appears to be expanded every year as the mobile market does likewise. This year, with smartphones reaching their peak of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Google enter the smartphone race in a big way with Pixel

It was only a matter of time. Google have been dipping their increasingly gigantic toes into the ever-widening smartphone pool for years now, but it's only now, when the market is arguably at its peak, that the tech giants have finally decided to...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Former Apple CEO makes an iPhone for the developing world

Whilst there are now more Android smartphones on the market than there are iPhones, Apple's handset is still arguably the definitive smart device, despite its exorbitant cost. It's this cost, however, that has irked the tech giant's former CEO John...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Week in Tech

Google's Modular Phone is unstable Though in theory it's possibly the most exciting thing to happen to smart phones since the introduction of the iPhone, Google's ambitious modular phone; Project Ara, was never going to have an easy birth. The...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


MWC 15: Samsung vs. HTC

This weekend at the Mobile World Congress trade show in Barcelona, 2000 exhibitors and more than 86,000 visitors gathered to revel in everything portable and electronic. Traditionally the annual show (which continues throughout the week) is all about...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Not 4U? How seventeen people put Channel 4 in OFCOM's bad books.

Channel 4 is in trouble with Ofcom. Not for a programme or an advertisement, but the juxtaposition of the two. The broadcasting regulator says the station broke their code on 26th December 2012 when they ran a commercial which gave the impression it...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Consumerism in the regenerative age – 4 brands to lead the way

In a world that needs to rethink consumption, who’s leading the way in innovative design and astute behavioural change? Ethical consumerism isn’t a niche for brands to stay relevant anymore. It’s a driver of mass demand. In my...

Posted by: Proximity London


Accessible VR from Google’s Daydream View VR headset

Yesterday at the much anticipated Made by Google event, via a live stream Google finally announced Daydream View, their new $79 VR headset. This forms part of Google’s new hardware positioning, Made by Google, which offers phones, virtual reality...

Posted by: Visualise


Top 5 Ads of the Week

McCann – Chevrolet From Like to Love Facebook has now become such an integral part of our lives that even a relatively minor new feature becomes a major news story. Jumping on the bandwagon of Facebook's new “Reaction” buttons, which allow...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Latest Highlights & Trends in Tech

Microsoft use the Super Bowl to show off their Hololens Imagining the future for NFL fans Whilst it seems we can't go a week without hearing about similar projects from Sony and Valve, there’s still very little solid information available to the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Latest Highlights & Trends in Tech

The burglar alarm finally steps into the smartphone age Dan Conlon, the founder of the tech firm that bears his name, have created a new home alarm overhauled for the internet age. Next year the Cocoon by Conlon will be launched for £299. A...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The September 2015 Apple Event Highlights

Whilst it might seem a little superfluous to harp on about announcements that have been rumoured to the point of presumed authenticity for months now, any Apple event is big news in the tech community, because there really is no other company like...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Week in Tech

Amazon is going underground Many of you might have been surprised this last week by a sneaky new app Amazon stealthily dropped onto Android devices (I know I was). What made this particular app so surprising, however, is that you couldn’t download...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A Week In Tech: The Anti Smartphone

Introducing the “Anti” Smartphone Whilst many of us have become a little too attached to our smart devices in recent years (myself included), there are still those amongst us who long for a simpler time, when our phones were just that;...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Google and the "Mobilegeddon"

As part of an effort to chime with the progressively mobile times, Google made a significant change to their ranking system this week by giving web pages that haven't been optimised for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices a lower ranking on...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why experiential marketing walks all over product marketing #MoneyMonth

According to Ofcom, we check our phones on average every 12-minutes and are bombarded daily with between 4,000 and 10,000 messages. Separate research shows we tap our phones 2,617 times and scroll through 362 feet of content a day. In many cases, we...

Posted by: Collider


Inside 5 of 2024’s most controversial banned adverts #PurposeMonth

Controversy can be a double-edged sword, particularly in an age where there’s so much content and so few original ways left to break through the noise. Poking the bear is all well and good though, but if you poke too hard, you’ll...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#GettingToKnow iconoclastic director and advertising legend Thierry Albert

Thierry Albert is a French Director and Creative Director based in Amsterdam who writes and directs music promos, advertising campaigns and documentaries for the likes of The Pet Shop Boys, Dazed, Instagram, Duke Dumont, Format B and Uber. A fan of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Make what makes you smile - #MemberSpotlight

Richard Hill defines himself as a down-to-earth Creative Director, and we can definitely see where that sentiment comes from. As an extremely passionate creative professional, Richard can find inspiration wherever he goes, but makes it his own...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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