Displaying 37 - 72 of 9447 results



Game, set, match made in heaven – when brand alignment works. Or not.

For those who think Wimbledon wouldn’t be the same without strawberries and cream and a glass of Pimm’s, you’re not alone. Every year, an estimated 191,000 portions are eaten, accompanied by more than 276,000 glasses of the tipple....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


7 reasons NOT to enter awards

Industry awards. Who needs them, right? Shows assembled by organizations who are building a business on the industry and its professionals. And with each one comes a set of doubts, disappointments, and sometimes misconceptions that tend to undermine...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why not working will make you work better

Any working adult will know that not every idea, or every piece of work, is going to cut-through. For those in creative roles, this can be difficult to deal with. Creatives put so much of themselves into their work, as a form of self-expression - of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


7 reasons NOT to enter awards

Industry awards. Who needs them, right? Shows assembled by organisations who are building a business on the industry and its professionals. And with each one comes a set of doubts, disappointments and sometimes misconceptions which tend to undermine...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Choose chaos, not stability - With Strategic Planner Manabu Kudo

"Mistakes have always been my best friend." We've talked at length about how stepping out of your comfort zone is one of the best ways to stimulate creativity. Playing safe isn't always the best option, and it is sometimes necessary to take risks in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Win The Customer - Not The Sale

If your're in "Sales" you've probably been a delegate or participant in scores of presentations where some "guru" gives advice on how to sell something. Goodness knows how many of us have been subjected to these usually boring and ultimately futile...

Posted by: Tagmakers


Business goals and purpose are not incompatible

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen a rise in popularity for brands who are more purpose-driven. The past year has shown us how important it is to have a purpose to which your customers can connect, one key message that can be described in one sentence...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Talking To Women: Communicate With Individuals, Not Stereotypes.

Women are the world’s most powerful consumers. They drive 85% of all consumer purchasing and their impact on the economy is growing every year. So how can brands successfully sell to the world’s greatest emerging market? Learn how to...

Posted by: Nicky Anstice


Creativity: an ode to joy, not a song to drudgery

Imagine if Ludwig van Beethoven were around today. With so many distractions and crazy growing technology, would he be as musically creative as when he was only surrounded by his imagination, piano keys and silence? The truth is… it’s...

Posted by: Andy Bolter


What do you do when you're not feeling creative?

It’s been a heck of a few weeks. Actually, make that a heck of a few months. Why? Because I’ve been revamping my home and it’s taking up every waking hour of my time. It all started off more Kevin McCloud - a la Grand Designs. We...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Whatever happens, I urge you NOT to read this blog post

I'm serious. Quit while you're ahead. Or rather, quit while you're not as far behind as you will be if you keep reading. Apart from its arguable entertainment value, it will not enrich your life, make you cleverer, funnier or wealthier. Or even feel...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


I'm not with stupid. I am stupid.

As many of you will know Topman has recently got itself in a bit of trouble with some new T-shirt designs featuring some rather questionable slogans. But given that the emotional responses these novelty slogan T-shirts usually conjure up range from...

Posted by: Creativepool


Working smarter, not harder: Top tips for freelance creators

Freelancers and independent contractors have a lot to keep track of. Whether you tend to take on lots of fast turnaround jobs or spend months at a time with one single client, it’s likely you have an abundance of files and admin that go along...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


When not choosing us is the biggest risk you can take...

I came across a post from Richard Shotton (it's here) discussing Rory Sutherland's recent piece on how perhaps agencies are missing a trick in the pitch process by selling only the positive and not the negative (and I noted the often fierce reaction...

Posted by: Whistlejacket


Not a 9-to-6 job: How Chief Executive Nicolas Geahchan remains motivated

Chief Executive Nicolas Geahchan is both a creative leader and a business head. Nicolas has always considered advertising one of the most interesting jobs people could make. Creative professionals get paid to think creatively, and there's no way the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why spending money does not buy you friends

This week, Michael Bloomberg called time on his attempt to win the Democratic nomination to run against President Trump. The New York billionaire laid out roughly $550 million in just over three months of campaigning. Bloomberg spent a mind-boggling...

Posted by: JSR Content


Burnout: It's not just for millennials!

While agencies are understandably focusing on the wellbeing of their younger workers, stress affects all of us. When asked to give an insight into how we approach mental health at Southpaw, our CEO Tom Poynter argued that senior industry staff are at...

Posted by: Southpaw


Hotel branding matters – just not the way you think

“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” I’m not sure Jeff Bezos was talking about hospitality brands here. But he should have been. Logos, typefaces, colour palettes, paper stocks, social media...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


To attend or not attend the awards is the question…

As we start to enter the awards season we often find people and businesses are torn as to whether they should enter, attend or do neither. You only have to cast you mind back to early summer when Arthur Sadoun, the new CEO for the Publicis Group...

Posted by:


Robots Will NOT Steal UK Jobs. They Could Create More

Despite ongoing fears and speculation that robots could steal British jobs, new data reveals that the majority of industry professionals (63.3%) have never witnessed job losses as a result of the introduction of robots or automated processes....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The diversity debate should not just be about women

Having read the debate in our industry on gender balance over the past few days, sparked by Kevin Robert's 'leave of absence', I thought it worth looking again at what can be done about equality, not just for women, but increasing diversity...

Posted by: Suki Thompson


New exhibition proves comics are not just for teenage boys

Unfortunately there is still something of a stigma attached to grown men and women reading comic books. Personally I take umbrage with the assumption that all comic books are trite super hero stories as some of my favourite comics are anything but....

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Sanket Avlani thinks it's all about the journey not the destination

Taxis in Mumbai are not only the most convenient form of transport but have also become an iconic aspect of the city’s culture, and whilst a lot of care and attention is lavished on these taxis by their drivers, very little thought is given to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Not a morning person? Get flexi-time

As the mornings grow darker and colder and the winter chills creep in, the desire to stay in bed wrapped in the duvet for an extra hour gets stronger. Most of us would love the opportunity to change our working patterns to suit our lifestyle better...

Posted by:


Raise Your Digital Creative Game - It’s Not A Gamble #FutureMonth

Josh Partridge, VP & Head of EMEA at Yahoo Advertising explains why advertisers must raise their digital creative game if they’re to attract customers. Internet nostalgia is a funny thing. We talk about digital transformation as if it’s...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How not to rebrand: The Twitter / X saga

Rebrands are usually orchestrated very carefully. Months (or sometimes years) of planning reaches a point where an organisation transitions from one brand to another, with every touchpoint and all ramifications carefully considered. And, of course,...

Posted by: Novagram


The age of equality and diversity? Not quite…

By Rachel King, founder and EP, Parkview Creative March often feels like a month of transition. Winter slowly disappears behind us and feelings of hope and optimism are rekindled. There’s a renewed energy for change. March is also the month we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Are you Wired for Sound? If not, then listen up | #PredictionsMonth

If you ask anyone in my family to identify my mum, they’ll refer to the jingle jangle of the mass of gold bracelets on her wrists. That metallic cacophony to me, more than a look or smell, is the truly evocative sound of home, and of love. So...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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