Displaying 757 - 789 of 789 results



Spotlight... Rob Pratt, Senior Designer & Art Director

Company Brand & Deliver Job title Design Director Social media Creativepool.com/robpratt Twitter: @prattrob Website: robprattdesign.co.uk Tell us a bit about what it is that you do I’ve worked across iOS apps, websites and digital...

Posted by: Creativepool


Fresh Awards introduce a free category for in-house design teams

What do Apple, Starbucks, Facebook and Innocent Drinks have in common? They all have an in-house design team that has been an integral part of their business success. This NEW award category is an opportunity to show design agencies that the design...

Posted by: Hands Down™


Rufus Leonard picks up Depression Alliance brief

Depression Alliance, the UK’s leading charity for people living with depression, has appointed creative engagement agency, Rufus Leonard, to lead the design and development of its peer-to-peer community platform ‘Friends in Need’....

Posted by: Rufus Leonard


Why faked shabby chic does my head in.

Converse have just launched a new line which they have labelled as their 'Well Worn Collection'. Before you start conjuring images of cheesy smells and athletes foot contagions please bear in mind that these trainers have been artificially worn in...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to Beat Bullying at Work

According to a 2010 TUC survey, one third of safety representatives reported bullying at work as a problem. In addition, the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development reports that bullying, harassment and victimisation are ongoing issues in UK...

Posted by: Source


Technology makes me boring

By Ashley Morrison Considering that words and the effective use of them takes up pretty much my whole working life, I don’t read enough of them. No, cancel that - I do read enough of them, just not the right ones. Last night, I found a largely...

Posted by: Creativepool

2013 Designs Of The Year

Today sees the opening of the 6th annual Designs Of The Year exhibition and awards at London's Design Museum. Following in the footsteps of previous winners such as Barber Oserby's Olympic Torch and Shepard Fairie's Obama painting, 90 nominees have...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with...David Dalley, Creative Director and Fine Artist

by John Fountain. Following a successful career as an award winning creative director, David is now a successful fine artist. Here he talks about his career, his travels and how things have changed over the years. So how would you describe your day...

Posted by: Creativepool


Over promise, under deliver. How lazy clients kill campaigns.

by Magnus Shaw. A couple of years ago an ailing roadside restaurant chain called in a radical TV chef to boost their menu and therefore their revenues. They refurbished some tired looking outlets, hired new people and ran a fairly hefty marketing...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why creative jobs aren't always a bowl of cherries.

by Magnus Shaw. I work as a copywriter and blogger. I also do something I call consultancy - advising people on their writing, marketing or branding, really. Sometimes, I produce or present radio programmes too. These are all very enjoyable and...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... What we saw at the London Design Festival (2012)

by Jessica Hazel Last Thursday we wandered around the Brompton district of London Design Festival 2012, sampling beers, cheese and pretzels and an array of up and coming and established designers newest ideas. Here are a few of our...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight: Ben&Brian

"We genuinely love what we do - as long as we can inject some good creative thinking, we're happy." Creativepool meets Ben Stainlay and Brian Jefferson - better known as wonderful wordsmiths Ben&Brian - to talk cross-platform creativity,...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to...Don't just stand there, make your own Olympic Torch

by John Fountain Now that the Olympic flame is finally arriving on these shores and they've tracked down a mutton handed individual in Cornwall to keep the frigging thing alight, our thoughts turn to the proud British torchbearers and wonder how we,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Can creativity be taught or is it something we are born with?

Creativity has got to be one of the most important skills in the world today. Take a look at any recruitment ad in the corporate world and you’ll see how much the skill is in demand. Right now all kinds of companies are looking for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Go big. 10 awesomely epic ads.

From the moment the brief lands on the table and the creative team cast their eyes over the words 'TV Script' the salivating begins. Will this be the one? The one with the inexhaustible budget. The one that shouts 'GO BIG'. The one that doesn't...

Posted by: Creativepool


Room 101 - ten things to hate about TV advertising

If you look to the left, you'll notice this is the one hundred and first column I've written for Creativepool. I must admit I let my century pass by unnoticed, which is rather typical of my lack of attention. But it does allow me the opportunity to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Design for Living: a Room for London

As installations go, A Room for London is about as unique an example as you'll ever find. A one-bedroom apartment in the shape of a boat, it's perched high on the roof of the Queen Elizabeth Hall on London's South Bank. Chosen from over 500 entries...

Posted by: Creativepool


Vivienne Westwood at London Fashion Week September 2011

Last Saturday night I lost my catwalk show virginity to the most eligible designer out there, our very own national yellow-haired treasure, Vivienne Westwood. We hot-footed it down to the most unlikely of venues, Smithfields meat market, to cast our...

Posted by: Creativepool


I'm not with stupid. I am stupid.

As many of you will know Topman has recently got itself in a bit of trouble with some new T-shirt designs featuring some rather questionable slogans. But given that the emotional responses these novelty slogan T-shirts usually conjure up range from...

Posted by: Creativepool


Social Media and Recruitment

Social Media Week took place in London during February. For those who don’t know, Social Media Week is an annual event which is run all over the world. There are live streams to view and hashtags to follow, so you can keep up with the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Fulfilment failure - the best way to waste a budget.

What's the best way to waste an advertising budget? Perhaps hiring Wayne Rooney would do the trick. Maybe booking loads of space in the breaks in '72 Degrees North' would squander that cash pretty effectively. How about a 48 sheet poster campaign at...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ryanair - the floating marketplace

Last week a couple of friends and I went to Berlin for a short break on the cheap. Unfortunately for us our tight budgets and last minute booking meant we had to fly with Ryanair, in the past this hasn't been much of a problem but we were unprepared...

Posted by: Creativepool


Motionless pictures - are graphic novels the new movies?

When we were kids (assuming everyone is over 40, because it makes me feel better) we read the comics and grown ups went to the pictures. Sure, we queued for Star Wars and Jaws, but flat images of impossibly ripped blokes and pneumatic ladies in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Richard Selbourne

Richard has won awards at D&AD, Creative Circle, British Television, Campaign Press, the Clios, Australian Award, the Aerials, UK Radio and Cannes. Today he is Head of Creative at HPS Group in Marlow, Bucks. Hi Richard, for an out of town agency...

Posted by: Creativepool


What is the last taboo in advertising?

Pedro Simko, General Manager of Saatchi & Saatchi in Switzerland says: ‘I compare the advertising message to a conversation between friends. Everything that is said between friends can, in my opinion, be said in advertising.'

 It's a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Shouldn't banks just stop advertising?

When you're as reviled as the Black Death, figuring out a productive advertising strategy is quite a challenge. Indeed, some might suggest shutting your fat gob and staying well off the radar might be a good call. But when you're a megalomaniacal...

Posted by: Creativepool


Inspiration - where are you?

Getting paid to be creative is for the most part, brilliant. You get to run down the deepest rabbit holes of your imagination, retrieve the most far fetched and wildest ideas and then present them to the wider world. There are other perks such as not...

Posted by: Creativepool


Graffiti wars

There is a grand tradition of animosity and grudge amongst any era's foremost artists. Just think of the squabbles between Picasso and Matisse or even Michelangelo and Leonardo. But these cultural showdowns rarely take place on the towpath of the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Not so simples

As with so many wonderful things, the Meerkat was first introduced to us by Sir David Attenborough. In the 1980s documentary Meerkats United' we discovered they are not cats, they reach sexual maturity aged one and they speak' to each other. It...

Posted by: Creativepool

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