Displaying 1 - 36 of 8521 results



New Year's Resolutions from Six of our Favourite Creatives

With the fuzzy head that lingers after a little too much mulled wine, I found myself facing the first week of January 2016 from an existential hollow, just off the coast of the Sea of Despair. You see, I quit my full time job of 7 years back in...

Posted by: Michelle Collier


The New Year's list to end all lists

I don’t know about you but my inbox seems to be full to bursting with messages from every Tom, Dick and Hubert offering me advice about how to kick-start my super-productive 2016. It’s only 4th January and I’m bored of it all...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Jack Morton brought in the London New Year with a charitable bang!

Say what you want about Boris Johnson, but the bumbling buffoon/Mayor of London really knows how to put on one hell of a show! His New Year’s Eve fireworks, delivered in partnership with Unicef, saw in 2016 with a truly breathtaking show...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Fashion's New Year's honours

The 2013 New Year's honours list has been drawn up and announced. This year it consists of a female-heavy list of special mentions and an ominous absence of big names such as Andy Murray and David Beckham whom were both expected to receive...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Fellow creatives, here are five ways to start the year right

We’re three weeks into 2024, which means you have probably settled nicely into the new year and are making good progress with creative endeavours. Whether you’re busy with client work or broadening your horizons with personal projects, It’s...

Posted by: Novagram

A year of OOH with Primesight

In 2017, Primesight continued to expand in the world of OOH with the introduction of InLinkUK, winning more airport media contracts and enabling more creative solutions than ever before Here's a round-up of another incredible year: The Wish: 99...

Posted by: Primesight


Your chance to flip the coin at this year’s Rugby World Cup

Whilst I won’t pretend to be a rugby fan (my dad’s always called it “Posh blokes chasing an egg” and in part I’m inclined to agree), I do understand the value of the sport as an advertising commodity, so it’s...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Get royally minted this year

To celebrate the dawning of a new year, the Royal Mint has unveiled three brand new coin designs. The new designs are for the £2 and 50p coins, and commemorate the First and Second World Wars and the signing of the Magna Carta, which took place...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


It's a wrap. Introducing this year's best Christmas campaign.

Understandably there's been quite some fuss about the John Lewis 'Hare and Bear' Yuletide spot. Not only is it high profile and eye-catching, but the cartoon alone cost somewhere in the region of £7m. With that sort of investment, you 'd hope it...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


#Annual2024 – What the Judges want to see this year

After months spent sifting through some of the most creative work of the last year, Creativepool’s expert panel of judges are finally ready to pick the cream of the crop. This year’s expertly curated panel stands as our most diverse yet....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What does it take to refresh a 64-year-old heritage brand? #BehindTheBrand

IMG is a global company heralded with founding sports marketing as we know it - founded by pioneering marketer and agent Mark McCormack, it all began with a handshake in 1960 and the world of sports changed forever. Last month, the company unveiled...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Colours You'll Be Seeing Everywhere This Year #PredictionsMonth

Colour is a subjective thing. For one thing, we have no earthly way of knowing if what I perceive as red looks anything like what you perceive as red (not really, anyway) and then there’s the emotions we inexorably tie to certain colours; green...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Pink vs Grey: Barbieheimer is the marketing stunt of the year

In 2023, a meme could quite literally make or break a campaign. Whether or not that’s exciting or profoundly depressing will depend on many things (including, of course, your age) but it can’t be denied the memes generated in the wake of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


WRG launches second annual Year ONE internship programme

LONDON. February 21, 2023: Global experience agency WRG, the events and experiential division of The Creative Engagement Group, today announced the launch of the second year of its 12-month paid internship scheme ‘Year ONE’. The internship gives...

Posted by: The Creative Engagement Group


Valentine’s Day 2023 – The ads we’ve fallen in love with this year

How you feel about February 14th is going to depend on a few important factors, including your relationship status and general levels of cynicism. For advertisers, however, it represents the second holy grail of the month (the first being The Super...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Celebrating Celebrations 365 days a year | #BehindTheBrand

Brand expression agency Taxi Studio has collaborated with Mars Wrigley’s much-loved confectionery brand Celebrations to deliver one of the most significant rebrands in its 25-year history. The revitalised identity works to cement Celebrations...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


1 year on: What have we learnt since the birth of Meta?

Following the one year anniversary of Facebook's rebrand to Meta, Thomas Walters, Founder and CEO of leading global creative influencer marketing agency, Billion Dollar Boy, reflects on the year past. Thomas explores how the metaverse has evolved,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Annual 2022- Who will see your work this year?

Will my work gets seen by the "right" people is a key question when deciding on whether or not to enter any award. As a part of our commitment to making The Annual the "Most" Award, we make sure that your entries are delivered to and downloaded by,...

Posted by: Creativepool


WHAT’S UP 2022? Three media experts predict the year’s big trends

Long form, short form, educator content, social media and inclusivity - a trio of industry leaders predict what they expect to be big this year, whilst examining where they come from in the first place. Simon Binns, editor of LAD Bible, Matt...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Could 2022 be the year of the 4-day work week?

There have been many talks about implementing a 4-day work week over the past few years, with no reduction in salaries. It's a tactic that studies have shown could lead to happier and more productive employees and with the world shifting gradually to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


See Annual 2021's best Agencies, Brands, Talent and Leaders of the Year!

The Creativepool Annual is all about championing excellence in the creative industries. Now that our stellar lineup of winners for Annual 2021 has been announced, it is time to take a closer look at those companies and professionals who defined...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How AKQA became our 2020 Agency of the Year - #AnnualSpotlight

It is not every day that you get to become Creativepool's top ranked digital agency. The folks at AKQA are all incredibly talented and work hard to make sure their unique voice is heard in the industry, and no one year passes without them sharing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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