Displaying 1 - 36 of 4098 results



#GettingToKnow Yvonne O’Brien, Chief Marketing Officer at Zappi

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? My typical day begins with a trot around the neighbourhood with my dog, Daisy, which is ever the priority. Then, I like to make time for expansive reading when I’m not too...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to stop digital marketing spend from going to waste

With budget season upon us, a looming recession, and squeezed budgets, how can marketers plan to improve the effectiveness of digital campaigns on a budget to retail customers? ROI Hunter’s CEO, Karel Schindler, believes he has the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Exploring a revolutionary approach to B2B marketing | #CompanySpotlight

This year, B2B marketing specialist alan. Launched Integrated Intelligence - a new research division aiming to fundamentally change how B2B marketers understand their industries. Led by Research and Intelligence Managers, Josh Cohen and Emilie...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How has influencer marketing changed in the last five years?

Alicia Van der Meer, digital marketing manager of Monumental, explains the evolution of influencer marketing in the last five years, with insight into how brands can get it right. With personal accounts from today’s influencers, Alicia dissects...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The changing world of content marketing

The content marketing landscape is continuously transforming; since the digital revolution, the way we generate and consume content is evolving almost daily. The pandemic has also been a strong influence in recent years, advancing our interactions in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


3 budget mistakes you’re probably making with your marketing

Picture this: you’re launching a new product or service and have the right marketing strategy in place for your website, branding and design, but when it comes to keeping the momentum going once it’s out in the world, you’ve run out...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why great content starts with sales and marketing alignment

In many B2B organisations, the revenue stream is owned by the sales department. This leaves the sales team on the front lines using content the marketing team has created to close deals and engage prospects. However, more often than not, the content...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How less data can mean more success in B2B marketing

For years, the marketing industry has relied on an abundance of data insights to drive marketing strategy and campaigns. As marketers, there was a time when we were spoilt for choice with data opt-in as standard, third party cookies and even...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What does the end of cookies mean for marketing data insights?

Cookies are crucial to understanding customer behaviour online, but in recent years, having to accept or reject cookies has become somewhat of a nuisance for the average online user. Also, one can argue they're not exactly the best for privacy. In a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Exclusive Judges Insight: How to Craft a Perfect Annual 2021 Entry

The Annual 2021 deadline is now little more than a week away. Like every year, entries have been flowing in from all over the industry, and if you are thinking about putting the finishing touches on your entries, you are probably not alone in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Marketing your way through the COVID crisis

It's easy to imagine how hard small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are struggling during this global pandemic situation. Government programmes may have neglected you or you may have fallen through the cracks of a flawed emergency initiative. Either...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


10 digital marketing trends to watch in 2020

Ten years ago, display advertising was in its infancy and Promoted Tweets were yet to make their debut. Times have changed considerably. Intelligent and automated technologies have increasingly super-charged digital marketing efficiency - so much so...

Posted by: Caroline Burgess-Pike


4 need-to-know digital marketing trends for 2020

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, and with the new year bringing many more advancements, you must be aware of the changes we expect to see this year. Here, Marc Swann, Search Director at Glass Digital discusses the top digital marketing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why you should use an inbound marketing agency

You know what inbound marketing is, right? The idea that to attract prospects and convert them to customers, you’ve got to give them something of value first? Which could be that useful blog about the importance of knowing your buyer persona....

Posted by: Woven Agency


A closer look at AI in marketing

Are you ready for the AI take over? Depending on what you read, the robots are either on their way to take our jobs, or they’re already here. Delivery drivers, telemarketers, the Taxman - no one is safe. Apart from content and creativity...

Posted by: Lobster


Launch of Foxtrot Papa marks a new approach to content marketing

Foxtrot Papa, a specialist, 40-strong team of creative, insight-led content marketers, has officially launched this week, providing innovative and engaging content for world-class brands. The launch comes at a time when many traditional agencies are...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How-To: How Businesses Can Use Video Content in Marketing

The popularity of digital video content is undeniable. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, all heavily video-based, are among the top social media platforms. For many young audiences, these platforms, along with a host of streaming services, are...

Posted by: Taker | Maker


Why experiential marketing walks all over product marketing #MoneyMonth

According to Ofcom, we check our phones on average every 12-minutes and are bombarded daily with between 4,000 and 10,000 messages. Separate research shows we tap our phones 2,617 times and scroll through 362 feet of content a day. In many cases, we...

Posted by: Collider


The Power of Content Marketing for Success of Tech Startups

In the dynamic landscape of tech startups, content marketing emerges as a powerful tool for establishing brand presence, attracting customers, and driving growth. This article explores how startups can leverage content marketing strategies...

Posted by: Taker | Maker

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