Displaying 4033 - 4066 of 4066 results



How much should I charge as a freelance illustrator?

A guide to freelance illustration rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry Illustrators are the makers of dreams. By combining art, design and creative skills, illustrators work to produce original images for a wide...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The Unstoppable Creative Drive of Sheryl Ellis

Sometimes ambition can only take you so far. It is with passion that you truly shine. Freelance design consultant and director Sheryl Ellis has plenty of passion to spare. Having worked with brands in the likes of MTV and HMV, her stories resonate...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


5-step guide to creating a realistic 3D display model

We, humans, are visual creatures and tend to be attracted to "nice things". That is a well known fact and can be noticed in almost every part of our lives, no matter if it is cars, furniture or even a nice bottle of wine. We react to nice design and...

Posted by: Božo Kaurić


Why it pays to play the long game in the build-up to Black Friday

Black Friday has fast become the standout date in the UK ecommerce calendar. It may well be yet another transatlantic import to the UK retail scene, but it’s a date that consumers are looking out for and a date that ecommerce brands have very...

Posted by: Stickyeyes


Will virtual reality change how we use social media?

Opinion by Sol Rogers, CEO & Founder of REWIND A common criticism of VR is that it is isolating. While VR will always separate you from the real world, it can and will bring people together to communicate, experience, and play in a truly memorable...

Posted by: Magnopus

Alexa on Trial

It’s in our nature to rebel. As teenagers, or in retirement, we don’t really like to be told what to do. And we enjoy a good bit of mischief! It’s part of what makes us human. In today’s brave new world of artificial intelligence (AI) our...

Posted by: VCCP


7,000,000 jars of Nutella designed by an algorithm

An algorithm has usurped the traditional role of a designer to generate millions of unique, special edition packaging designs for Nutella, the legendary hazelnut chocolate spread brand. The custom algorithm pulls from a database of dozens of patterns...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Are politicians targeting you on social media?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and presume that at least 75% of the people reading this piece have an active Facebook account. Such is the all-encompassing ubiquity of the great social media titan, that it's not unrealistic of me to make this...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The mobile game that literally fights cancer

War on Cancer is a free-to-play fundraising mobile game, where money can actively be donated to a real-life cancer patient whilst the player enjoys a high intensity shoot-em-up game. The game has been created by Saatchi & Saatchi Interactive...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Inside The Mind of Chris Turner, Sound Designer at Jungle Studios

What does it take to be a Founder of the next best tech company? Or the Director at a top agency? A sensational appetite for learning is definitely one of them. Inside the Mind is a new series of interviews where we jump into the heads of leaders &...

Posted by: Alexandra Schott


Ikea Museum set to open in Sweden

Ikea is a lot of things to a lot of people. To some of us, it's essentially hell on earth; a gigantic shrine to consumerism with added meatballs, which pushes products you'd need a masters in engineering to assemble with any genuine level of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Building A Team: Prototyping at W12 Studios

W12 Studios is a young digital product design agency based in London. We’ve been designing digital interfaces, primarily for the TV, for almost 4 years. During that time the studio has grown close to 40 designers, cemented itself in the TV...

Posted by: W12 Studios


Finding The Best Creative Work: The Annual Shortlist Goes Live!

Buckle up! The shortlist for 2016's Creativepool Annual has just been announced. There's been eight times as many projects entered compared to last year’s Annual, which is staggering. In this year's shortlist we're shown an amazing reflection...

Posted by: Creativepool


Holocaust survivors memories immortalised in stunning new exhibition

Even seventy years later, the Holocaust is still a sensitive subject for many people, especially those that lived through it. That doesn't mean however, that it doesn't deserve to be remembered. As the old saying goes (though I might very well be...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


3D-printed Palmyra Arch coming to London and New York in 2016

The ruins of the Temple of Bel in Syria were among the best preserved at Palmyra until they were destroyed by the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria last August. The only remaining monument of the over 2,000 year old UNESCO World Heritage Site...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


MediaCom scoops agency of the year at M&M Awards

MediaCom have been named Global Agency of the Year at the 2015 M&M Global Awards, picking up six prizes, the highest number of any agency. The title was awarded at a ceremony at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London last Thursday night (September 3)...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Awards Roundup: Sans Cannes

Whilst the sights of ad land were set squarely on the south of France last week, that's not to say the Cannes Lions was the only awards show of note to offer up some notable news. International Music + Sound Awards Founded in 2011, the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Looks: engaging a post-human existence

The new ICA show Looks is a group exhibition presenting work by the likes of Wu Tsang, Stewart Uoo, Juliette Bonneviot and Morag Keil opening 22nd April until 21st June. It’s an investigation into our contemporary relationship with technology,...

Posted by: Jade French


TH_NK Selected to Design the Bank of the Future.

We're proud to be partnering with Atom, the Durham-based firm applying to be the first bank designed for digital. Atom ran a detailed competitive process to find a partner capable of merging functional innovation and personal security with an...

Posted by: TH_NK

How to spot a bad recruiter

Recruiters aren't all bad. There is an unfortunate stigma that has stuck the recruitment industry which have developed from agencies that are poorly run who bombard candidates and clients with irrelevant jobs and pointless calls. There are however...

Posted by:


'Mythbusting' what you know about work health and safety

Later today, a campaign will be launched in London at the House of Commons to attempt to cull the number of deaths related to occupational cancer. The campaign, organised by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (the IOSH), which is the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Happiness holds the key to success

Afiat Sukmaraga's positivity; in his personality and his illustrations is infectious. Not only will his interview, as part of our 'Unstock' series, make you smile from ear to ear but so will his witty, artistic creations. We spoke to him to find out...

Posted by: Fotolia


Content isn’t king – timing is everything

This weekend, I learned a valuable lesson. Content isn’t king. Or at least, to be more accurate, content isn’t always king. Copy does have to be top-notch to have an impact and to inspire people to buy, sell, share, offer, sign up,...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison



Hashtags are a funny old thing which seem to have sprouted up from nowhere and now run people's jobs, businesses and even lives. I have been pondering this phenomenon on two occasions in the past week - once when my mother asked me what a hashtag was...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Michelle Coomber - Medina Films

Michelle Coomber Director Medina Films medinafilms.com "Medina Films is a London-based production company creating high calibre documentaries, commercials and promos in the UK and internationally. We are global storytellers in a digital world."...

Posted by: Creativepool


From Up North

As a designer I spent heaps of time on the Internet, searching for inspiration for whichever project I was involved in. I created a folder structure on my harddrive where I stored the most inspiring pieces in various categories. Day by day the image...

Posted by: Creativepool

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